1. #1

    Zooming in troubles

    Is there an addon or a script that would make zooming in and out faster, preferrably instantaneous? I am playing very zoomed out, using the maxrange script but sometimes need to zoom in, problem is it takes forever.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Uuuh nifty addon - cant wait to try it later!

  4. #4
    There also is FasterCamera, which has less features than CameraPlus though

  5. #5
    Using faster camera now, works great, even tho I would like it to be even faster, but definately a big imrpovement. Thanks!

  6. #6
    You can save specific view points using /run SaveView(x), and restore them with /run SetView(x), x=1-5; there are keybinding options for these in the keybinding menu as well.

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