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    [Megathread] Firefall

    Updated info by Speaknoevil:

    I typed this up as a general overview of the game to try to get my WoW guildmates interested - reposting here because I think it turned out quite nicely and there doesn't appear to currently be a discussion going on firefall. This is basically an "initial impressions" as I've only been playing the game for a couple days, and represents just about all I know at this time. If others have questions, comments or complaints I'll address them as best I'm able - and I'm sure others will know much more than I do.

    Without further ado:

    The Game

    Firefall is an MMOFPS. Put simply, that means its a shooter in a persistent online world. The FPS component of the game is very solid. As a shooter its pvp is very solid, and its observer mode is outstanding. However, this review is more concerned with the systems and 'MMO' portion of the experience.


    With everything cranked up to ultra (which actually still plays decently on my laptop nevermind my PC) the game is fucking incredible looking. At night if the moon isn't out its nearly pitch-black and you have to run around with a flashlight. The bloom from the fire of your jumpjets is so bright in the darkness that its almost even harder to see.

    Customization (class/combat)

    To give you an idea of how the customization works - once you've unlocked a "license" for a given part for your tier 2 battleframe (battleframe is basically your class, tier 1 has some customization but you dont actually create your own parts until tier 2) you can then craft your own versions of that part. So, you unlock t2, you unlock a boot upgrade that gives you +10% run speed. That then gives you the "plans" to create your own boot upgrades that can have different stats based on the materials you use on it. The crafting materials in the game are basically isotopes with varying degrees of six different qualities (density, malleability, etc) so certain types of different characteristics, and then rarer isotopes have 'better' stats. So - you go to make your own boot upgrade, and you can make it out of one material that gives you +11% run speed OR you can use a different material that will give it increased jump height instead of speed. That's a simplification but hopefully you get the idea. This extends to all the different parts of your suit including your jumpjets, guns/ammo, various utility abilities, armor plating etc. So that its not about "grind until you have the best possible stuff then everyone's the same" (which is an issue with some sandbox games) Each battleframe has a max load and CPU strength that will eventually limit what upgrades you can use. This forces you to decide at some point what playstyle you want to go for, as all the upgrades to all your parts will be more than your suit can hold.

    If you look at the full-size pic you can see what crafting some new jumpjets looks like. That ferrite isotope has great conductivity which is a factor in thrust and recharge, although it has low reactivity so its energy cost won't be that good. The amount of materials it takes is somewhat significant, so deciding on a particular item and material represents an investment - I mention this because I really appreciate when games make it feel like your decisions matter. Similarly with the battleframes, yes you can play them all, but getting the XP and materials to upgrade it is a huge investment, so your decision really does matter.

    PvE Content

    In a sense, there is a strong pve (and group-oriented) element to the game, as all of the 'best' materials are found out in the melding which means you have to have the materials to power the machines that allow you to get there, then have a decent group to defend the resource-gathering machines (thumpers) that pull minerals out of the ground for you. These "meld thump groups" are also a good source of exp, which you need in order to unlock the aforementioned parts and battleframe licenses to progress your character.

    Chosen are a big part of the story and a very present force that you need to combat. They'll try to stop you pretty much no matter where they find you, including while you're thumping. They also will come down in drop pods and assault various things, including the towns, which they can take over. I've been killed a couple times by being afk in a building and the chosen took over and blasted me to pieces. They have the potential to play a large role in the "endgame" pve content as they can be quite hard to kill. In the above screenshot I'm at half health from fighting a couple of them, and then I come across their drop pod where there's a party waiting.


    For those of you who care about story and atmosphere, Orson Scott Card (the writer of Ender's Game) had a big hand in the story, and his influence is clearly apparent. I don't know the story well enough to describe it well, but its quite good from what I've seen. The story also provides the framework for the physical territory available which is something I appreciate - there are no random zone walls or barriers. The available territory consists of a "safe zone" around a downed space ship whose warp drives are holding back the melding. You can then use generators to push back the melding further, but theres only so much you can do - even these small incursions are very time-limited. In the future, I expect the safe area to expand as we learn more about what the melding is, what's inside it, and how to combat it.

    As a side note, water kills you almost instantly (I believe the story reason is that it fucks up your suit and kills you) but I believe they've mentioned that at a future date you'll be able to upgrade your suit to function in the water. Currently, once you leave the shallows, the water is deadly, and empty.

    You can find out more about the story here.

    World Size & Travel

    The world is fairly large (~6 square kilometers by my estimation) and there are no flight paths or teleports. There are vehicles - essentially motorcycles - but I don't know how to get one yet. It doesnt feel TOO bad going from place to place, but it can be quite a trek. If where you're going is downhill from where you are, you can use a glider! There are gliders in each town and SIN tower, and for some red beans (real money) you can get the ability to drop down a glider point on a few minute cooldown. You can also craft usable glider points if you don't have/want to buy red beans. In all honesty using the glider isnt THAT much faster than running unless you can go significantly downhill (glider physics are somewhat realistic, you can glide long-distance but its slow, or plummet like a fucking eagle)

    Here's a glider point I dropped up on a rock, which got me maybe 2-300 meters of gliding since it's not very high up.

    Vanity Upgrayedds

    Their business model, as far as I can tell, is completely cosmetic purchases, with a few quality of life items like the glider drops. At the "new you" stations you can change any aspect of your character. Here you can find hairstyles that weren't available at character creation as well as a variety of vanity items, generally masks and eyewear. I imagine there will be a lot more here in the future, though what is currently in is well done. There's even a "tech reindeer antlers" item that puts holographic antlers on you.

    I already have the goggles, the mask looks sweet with them huh?

    The Bad (if you can call it that)

    - The PvE content is still being tested
    - No guarantee of a pve raid-style "endgame"
    - Open world PvP isnt in yet
    - Menus and systems aren't super-intuitive

    This is a beta and the game will be released when its done, but its really outstanding so far. I haven't experienced a bug yet, unless you count mammoth-monsters getting stuck on something that's too small for them to be standing on.

    How to Get In

    There are two ways to get beta access:

    - register and hope (hint: you won't get in- too many people want it)
    - pay $20 ($15 for the holidays) for founder's access which grants you an immediate invite into the beta.

    Go here to see a bit more about the game. The link for the founder's pack is in the top right of the page, or click here if I've already convinced you.

    All props to HBpapa for putting together all this info.

    What is Firefall?
    Firefall is an upcoming free-to-play TPS/FPS MMO from Red5 Studios featuring open world PvE and competitive PvP.

    The story so far...(abridged)
    In 2177 a large asteroid is caught in the moon's gravity well and broken apart, sending the fractured asteroid into Earth's orbit before raining down on the planet. Smaller pieces hitting Earth take out towns and cities while larger pieces take out entire countries and cause giant tsunamis that ravage coastlines. The devastation caused by the asteroid would come to be known as Firefall.

    A new mineral, called Crystite, is discovered in the asteroid fragments. The mineral is safe and non-toxic all the while having enormous potential energy output. Crystite is soon put into use in powering everything from power plants all the way down to personal electronics. Because Crystite is a finite resource, the asteroid’s travel through space is retraced and its origin is found near Alpha Centauri along with a near endless supply of the mineral.

    Humans build ships capable of traveling to Alpha Centauri to mine Crystite. As a result, the first interstellar colony is established on a planet called Alpha Prime and quickly grows in population, power, and influence.

    The CMS Arclight, as much battleship as transport, was commissioned and born out of the fear that Alpha Prime would declare sovereignty and create restrictions on the transport of Crystite to Earth. It is the first faster-than-light ship and capable of making the trip to Alpha Prime in just eight days instead of taking several several years.

    On the Arclight’s maiden voyage in 2232 something goes horribly wrong. The jump fails and the Arclight crashes into the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. For reasons unknown, the crash of the Archlight opens a rift that consumes most of the Earth in a cloud known as the ‘Melding’. The only thing protecting Fortaleza from the Melding is the still functioning force field from the crashed Arclight.
    Not much is known about the Melding but the cloud wipes out humans and mutates certain species of animal overtaken by the mysterious cloud. From the Melding emerges beings who call themselves the ‘Chosen’. Although their motivations are largely unknown, they are hell-bent on eradicating the last of humanity from the planet with only the Accord and mercenary groups holding back the advancement.

    Battleframes, Player Progression, and Gameplay:

    (note: loot no longer drops from mobs and is instead gained from certifications)

    Players in Firefall, known as 'operators', can own multiple battleframes and can switch them out at any battleframe station. These stations are located throughout the world (at watchtowers) and at the spawn location of each PvP map. Players select their first battleframe at the start of Firefall but can purchase two additional battleframes for 1,000 Crystite each. Additional battleframes can be purchased through the in-game cash shop.

    Players start with an Accord (Tier 1) battleframe and use XP to purchase certifications that unlock different weapons, abilities, and upgrades to suit their preferred playstyle. As these are unlocked it progresses the character toward the ability to purchase (with Crystite) Tier 2 battleframes which are more powerful and specialized than their Tier 1 counterparts. There are five basic battleframes and within each of these are multiple abilities and weapons that can be unlocked allowing a player to choose a play style that best suits them. Tier 2 battleframes expand on Tier 1 allowing players more specialized game play. Additional tiers (Tier 3 and beyond) will be added to the game but the date of implementation is not yet known. Current battleframes include:

    Defense and close range damage.
    Biotech- Healing and AoE/DoT effects.
    Engineer- Damage, control, and deployables.
    Recon- High damage at long range.
    Assault- Medium range sustained damage.


    The video below gives a great introduction into the finer points of gathering and even crafting for Tier 1:
    Tier 2 crafting makes use of nanoprints which enable players to alter the stats of a crafted weapon or component by building it with different combinations and qualities of Crystite hybrids.

    Armies (Guilds):
    Red5 is currently working on implementing the ‘Army Tech Tree’ which is similar to battleframe tech trees and allows players to contribute to unlocking special abilities and craftable items. Red5 Studios has hinted that the larger Thumpers as well as vehicles will be unlocked through the Army Tech Tree.

    Questing/Dynamic Events:

    Firefall features both static questing as well as dynamic events in an open world PvE environment. Static quests in Firefall are similar to other MMOs and serve as an introduction to the game, the story, and how to use various skills and abilities.

    Dynamic events range in size and difficulty and can be broken down into global or local dynamic events. The war with the Chosen is a large scale global dynamic event. Chosen will lay down ‘drop pods’ and enemy soldiers will emerge. If left uncontested these soldiers can form patrols that may take out friendly locations and remove the availability for players to access battleframe stations/garages, respawn points, health/ammo resupplies, crafting stations, and locations available for Thumping. Incursions are similar to the drop pods, but are larger in scale and a decent size group is needed to breech the Chosen’s fortifications and take down their ship. The world available to players also changes depending on player activity as the Melding is pushed back or surges forward to reclaim areas. Participation in local/global dynamic events push the Melding back and in turn makes more areas of the map playable. Players choosing to avoid the Chosen’s advancement in human territory can cause the Melding to reclaim portions of the map.

    According to Clancy Powell, a designer for Red5 Studios:
    ...The Chosen will rarely try to employ the same battle strategy twice, with each war plan varying in its execution. Each war plan the Chosen implements requires different needs, and incorporates different strategies and tactics – not unlike choosing a build order in a RTS to progress on an overarching strategy that you would want to use against your enemy.
    ...Players who confront the Chosen by destroying enemy thumpers or eliminating a patrol of Chosen soldiers actually weaken the Chosen by depleting their manpower and weakening their economy, which in turn hinders their ability to build up their forces. If a player or a group of players are able to take back a watchtower from Chosen control, the Accord grows stronger while players both remove a Chosen spawn area and unlock access to a new spawn area of their own.
    Localized dynamic events are player driven and happen when players call down Thumpers or when a player comes across a crashed Thumper and chooses to activate it.

    There are currently four team-based PvP maps and Red5 Studios has stated intentions to make PvP an e-sport. Three of the maps are 5v5 with another supporting 15v15 game play. PvP matches feature dynamic objectives and players are awarded XP and resources for competing.

    Since many people have differing opinions as to what actually qualifies as pay-to-win I have decided to give a list of items available in the cash shop so that individuals can make informed decisions in that regard. As of right now, the cash shop includes:

    20% XP bonuses.
    These are available for different durations depending on how much you spend.
    Cosmetic gear. (no stats)
    Armor dyes.
    Extra battleframe slots.
    Extra manufacturing slots. Not in beta yet.

    Beta keys:
    There are a few ways to go about getting a beta key. The first and most obvious method is to sign up for beta at the official site. Another method is to sign up with the key exchange. People with extra keys can submit them to the website which are then distributed on a fist come, first serve basis to anyone requesting them. Lastly, there is the option of buying a Founder's Pack. All of the different packages give a permanent XP boost (different percentage depending on the package), cosmetic items, and immediate access to beta. The purchase also gives in-game currency for use in the cash shop.

    Final Thoughts:
    Firefall is in beta...a true beta...not a long-term demo of the game before release. For those of you who are able to obtain beta keys please go out of your way to submit bugs you find so the game can continue to improve. If you have an idea you think should be implemented in the game please submit it on the official forums as the devs do listen and respond to the players.
    Last edited by Sj; 2012-12-27 at 12:19 AM.
    Mannoroth nodded. "The warrior shows much promise... I would see more of his kind, learn their potential..." WoTA

    gee thx Brox...

  2. #2
    Looking forward to this one along with Planetside 2. I just wish that there was more information on it! =(

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Achaman's Avatar
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    pfft as if you care..
    hmmm im sure the "team" aspect will go to hell with all the people that dont know what to do or just refuse to listen
    think of it as raiding with a bunch of just dinged 85's

    oh and seeing as its f2p im sure itll have a cashshop which unbalances it even if they say it wont

  4. #4
    that seems a highly negative assessment i thought it looked quite good

    it is a second generation f2p game built specifically. that fact alone maybe gives it a better chance at getting things right than the majority of what we have now which are mostly failed games adapted for f2p and desperate for cash to stay afloat.

    as for the "team" problem can be solved through guilds or clans just like raiding can...sometimes
    Last edited by sleekit; 2011-11-11 at 05:14 AM.
    Mannoroth nodded. "The warrior shows much promise... I would see more of his kind, learn their potential..." WoTA

    gee thx Brox...

  5. #5
    Epic! Skelly's Avatar
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    An fps MMO from ex-Blizz devs. This couldn't possibly go wrong... #Hellgate: London

    This actually looks good though.
    Last edited by Skelly; 2011-11-11 at 05:05 AM.
    i7 930 @ 4.0Ghz | Sapphire HD5970 w/ Accelero Xtreme | ASUS P6X58D Premium | 32GB Kingston DDR3-1600
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Skelly View Post
    An fps MMO from ex-Blizz devs. This couldn't possibly go wrong... #Hellgate: London
    For the sake of reiteration.

  7. #7
    Herald of the Titans Irisel's Avatar
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    So, it's Halo?

    Rule of Thumb: If the healer's HPS is higher than your DPS, you're doing it wrong.

  8. #8
    Ex-Blizzard devs? Alert the media because according Blizzard everyone ever still works for them. HAHAHAHAHA.

    On Topic: It looks interesting and hopefully fun.

  9. #9
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    The Blizz devs worked and Vanilla WoW (and possible TBC), and they don't like "new" Blizzard at all. Firefall has been on the horizon for some time and looks promising. The devs are very passionate about their game and very insightful about the current state of MMOs in general. They are well seasoned and know their stuff.

    ---------- Post added 2011-11-11 at 12:20 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Achaman View Post
    hmmm im sure the "team" aspect will go to hell with all the people that dont know what to do or just refuse to listen
    think of it as raiding with a bunch of just dinged 85's

    oh and seeing as its f2p im sure itll have a cashshop which unbalances it even if they say it wont
    You've played too much WoW. Players outside of WoW have no problem working in teams except a few bad eggs. The F2P model is fine, see LoL.
    Last edited by PACOX; 2011-11-11 at 05:21 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    The Blizz devs worked and Vanilla WoW (and possible TBC), and they don't like "new" Blizzard at all. Firefall has been on the horizon for some time and looks promising. The devs are very passionate about their game and very insightful about the current state of MMOs in general. They are well seasoned and know their stuff.

    ---------- Post added 2011-11-11 at 12:20 AM ----------

    You've played too much WoW. Players outside of WoW have no problem working in teams except a few bad eggs. The F2P model is fine, see LoL.
    LoL is actually a great example of people NOT working fine in teams when forced to.

    ---------- Post added 2011-11-11 at 12:34 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Kolo View Post
    Ex-Blizzard devs? Alert the media because according Blizzard everyone ever still works for them. HAHAHAHAHA.

    On Topic: It looks interesting and hopefully fun.
    I've never heard anything like this from Blizzard. Pretty sure everyone is aware they shuttered Blizzard North.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Corjha View Post
    For the sake of reiteration.
    Hellgate london in itself had the making for an amazing game, Being rushed out to early and little support due to the company going backrupt killed it. If that game had been given more time and more money it would have been amazing.

    All in all this game looks awsome except how they hold the damn guns, they need to have them less pointing at the middle of the screen and angled more to the right.

  12. #12
    Deadmau5 jetpacks!

  13. #13
    Brewmaster jibbyjackjoe's Avatar
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    Uh oh Titan. Watch out...

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Achaman View Post
    hmmm im sure the "team" aspect will go to hell with all the people that dont know what to do or just refuse to listen
    think of it as raiding with a bunch of just dinged 85's

    oh and seeing as its f2p im sure itll have a cashshop which unbalances it even if they say it wont
    The team issue is indeed just as prevelant in wow or any mmo/cooperative game for that matter.
    So far the paid bonuses are stated as aesthetic or convenience such as an xp bonus.
    If team fortress can get away with selling hats then why can't Firefall with skins.

    Glad to see this game getting more coverage.
    Been something I have been watching for quite a while now, and being one of several F2P that I am quite looking forward to.
    End of Nations, Carrier Command being two others.

  15. #15
    Titan PizzaSHARK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pacox View Post
    The F2P model is fine, see LoL.
    Damn dude, that's a good one. Wait. You were serious? Oh, wow.

    Gonna give this one a pass. Shooter action looks incredibly bland and generic and I have no interest in the art direction. If I want a shooter I'll play a proper shooter like UT2k4 or Tribes 2. If I want an MMO, I'll play WoW. If I want a boring mix of the two, I'll play Borderlands, which at least has a great sense of humor and awesome art direction going for it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Cailan Ebonheart View Post
    I also do landscaping on weekends with some mexican kid that I "hired". He's real good because he's 100% obedient to me and does everything I say while never complaining. He knows that I am the man in the relationship and is completely submissive towards me as he should be.
    Quote Originally Posted by SUH View Post
    Crissi the goddess of MMO, if i may. ./bow

  16. #16
    Herald of the Titans zcks's Avatar
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    Ya between them & all the people at there are not many designers left at blizzard who were employes who worked on WOW when it originally was in design up to TBC.

    (for those who don't know is made up almost exclusively of designers who quit working at blizzard because they wanted all classes & specs to be viable when GC didn't then got fed up with his sh!t when he hired his old everquest buddies to be lead management).

    Anyway I never had much hope for their Titan project since it's design is headed up by Tiggole AKA Jeff caplan. For those who don't know he was one of the hires of GC back in vanilla & was responsible for much of the collection style quest design & was heavily involved in rogue design. He was also the main supporter their being able to stun lock people to death.

    Between the fact that he had a horrible repetition of collection quests & a horrible track record on class balance I wont put much hope in Titan having very interesting quests or much class balance unless he has had dramatic changes of heart.
    The way balancing for WOW PVP works is allot like American politics.
    1: Be lazy & ignore problems till the yelling is so loud your cant concentrate.
    2: Refuse to do the things you have Said need to be done, then make up reasons why they cannot be done.
    3: Lay the blame for problems on someone else even when it's your fault because you did all of the above.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeta333 View Post
    Hellgate london in itself had the making for an amazing game, Being rushed out to early and little support due to the company going backrupt killed it. If that game had been given more time and more money it would have been amazing.

    All in all this game looks awsome except how they hold the damn guns, they need to have them less pointing at the middle of the screen and angled more to the right.
    The ingame moderators were also perfect. I mean, really. They couldn't do everything, but they were online at all times and gave feedback directly. Best Moderator experience I've ever had in an online game.

  18. #18
    I am Murloc! DaGhostDS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zcks View Post
    (for those who don't know is made up almost exclusively of designers who quit working at blizzard because they wanted all classes & specs to be viable when GC didn't then got fed up with his sh!t when he hired his old everquest buddies to be lead management).
    Ghostcrawler? You know he only came in employment in the first 6 months of tbc and was working behind the curtain on Wotlk.
    You think of Ron Pardo who called his old buddy Kalgan (Tom Chilton) and Valnoth (Alex Afrasiabi) both in a conflict of interest with their class being buffed to hell, warrior and rogue. They didnt bring balance to paladin since they were angry of the one in Everquest being better than everything else, so they made them sub-par to everything.. We still have consequence of that after what? 7 years.

    I dont know what Tigole did to balance or what he played in everquest.

    Here you go found the original story, hidden far in the interweb:
    What Blizzard did is a little more complicated than what you might think.

    I should preface this post by stating that I have absolutely no insider information of any kind about their corporate workings...only an eye for the obvious.

    When Vivendi bought Blizzard, much of Blizzard's developing talent left. Some of these were Diablo and Starcraft developers. They went to various other projects, including Hellgate: London and Arenanet. It's unclear whether they were fired, or merely quit.

    Now let's look at Blizzard's remaining talent pool. To call this leftover talent pool "shallow as a kiddie wader" wouldn't be an understatement. I'll focus on their most notorious developers: Rob Pardo ("Enoyis"), Jeff Kaplan ("Tigole Bitties"), and Alex Afrasiabi ("Furor Planedefiler"). These guys were hardcore Everquest guild leaders, the sort of people who thought 24 hour raids should be the next olympic sport. Between them is zero prior MMORPG design experience.

    Furor and Tigole hated hybrid classes. Their anti-hybrid stance was notorious in Everquest. Furor was an obnoxious baby who organized server crash protests because Paladins out-tanked him in the EQ Planes of Power expansion. He was a loudmouthed brat who didn't care a lick about taking all the fun out of the game for other people.

    Tigole was his best friend.

    With several of the original WoW developers gone, these two geniuses were suddenly in positions of influence, in a game with three hybrid classes. Two guys who crashed servers because, for whatever petty and childish reason, they saw red whenever someone with a mana bar out-tanked Furor's pwecious warrior.

    Talk about a perfect storm.

    Then the class nerfs began.

    Paladins suffered from nerf after nerf, beginning with a complete gutting of the class one week before the end of open beta. This culminated in a class review wherein the class was outright lied to by CMs, their forum trolls were praised, and almost none of their major concerns were addressed. They became a pure support class, almost identical to the Everquest Cleric. Big surprise, nobody wants to play them, either. Seen how many endgame WoW Paladins remain?

    Shamans fell behind as other classes saw buffs. They were no longer PVP gods, and their PVE abilities were already behind. When their class review came around, they received very little feedback from CMs, their concerns were ignored, and they basically turned into this mishmash of burst damage and poor support, which no one really wanted.

    Druids were treated better. Then again, they have several tame CMs. As a result, they enjoyed a great class review. Too bad it didn't last: Like the other hybrids, itemization and talents still pigeonhole them into pure support roles.

    Now combine this with World of Warcraft's total, 100% raiding endgame focus (I mentioned they were EQ raid guild leaders?), and you have a situation where one-third of character classes are being forced to do something they didn't sign up for, from the moment they hit level 60 until they either reroll or move on.
    this is why wow never had any balance anywhere and why and a few other company were created.

    P.s. this game is not an FPS (first person shooter) but a TPS/3rdPS (3rd person shooter)
    Last edited by DaGhostDS; 2011-11-11 at 10:30 AM.

  19. #19
    eh there is quite a lot of FPS footage in the videos Nienniora including "iron sights". looks like its either way really.

    in terms of the who left when thing what i heard was that the "original" designers last work was basically the whole of Blackrock Mountain and most of Naxx then they left and the new team made AQ and finished off Naxx later releasing that after AQ....this is supposedly why AQ is generally shitty in terms of design in a whole load of ways (Go Go Power Rangers) compared to those other two.
    Last edited by sleekit; 2011-11-11 at 11:24 AM.
    Mannoroth nodded. "The warrior shows much promise... I would see more of his kind, learn their potential..." WoTA

    gee thx Brox...

  20. #20
    Titan PizzaSHARK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nienniora View Post
    Ghostcrawler? You know he only came in employment in the first 6 months of tbc and was working behind the curtain on Wotlk.
    You think of Ron Pardo who called his old buddy Kalgan (Tom Chilton) and Valnoth (Alex Afrasiabi) both in a conflict of interest with their class being buffed to hell, warrior and rogue. They didnt bring balance to paladin since they were angry of the one in Everquest being better than everything else, so they made them sub-par to everything.. We still have consequence of that after what? 7 years.

    I dont know what Tigole did to balance or what he played in everquest.

    Here you go found the original story, hidden far in the interweb:

    this is why wow never had any balance anywhere and why and a few other company were created.

    P.s. this game is not an FPS (first person shooter) but a TPS/3rdPS (3rd person shooter)
    The dude seriously named his toon "Planedefiler"? Really? Shit, sounds like Penny Arcade's joke character Grimm Shado.

    There's a lot of bias present in that post/blog/whatever. I get a little twitchy whenever I see people refer to an entire class as if it's some kind of hive-mind or colonial intelligence. This is where the "vocal minority" thing kicks in.

    Someone should write a "looking back" article on that one. Where were the people crying about Paladin nerfs when they were running around dominating anything and everything except DKs in season five?
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Cailan Ebonheart View Post
    I also do landscaping on weekends with some mexican kid that I "hired". He's real good because he's 100% obedient to me and does everything I say while never complaining. He knows that I am the man in the relationship and is completely submissive towards me as he should be.
    Quote Originally Posted by SUH View Post
    Crissi the goddess of MMO, if i may. ./bow

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