1. #1

    So I guess I suck at DPS...

    And I am not too sure what to do.

    http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...ocaster/simple Armory

    http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/w7erxh3dr6sg2pae/ Ultraxion logs (The kill was the next day but i forgot to log it so no kill dps )

    Basically I am reforged for affliction right now, not demonology. When I reforge for demo i go hit cap, i put my haste at 1618(for an extra immo tick, and then during bloodlust this gives me an extra corruption tick) then dump everything else into mastery. MWC, potion, and meta to start a fight. Potion, meta, MWC, demon soul, and doomguard during bloodlust.

    Simcraft, when set to player level "good" and world lag "medium" it says i should do 40.3k DPS. I do 28.5 on a good attempt :S

    This may sound like handholding and maybe it is, but I have poured over my character, simcraft, EJ, etc and I cannot find what is wrong

  2. #2
    Last edited by gakpad; 2011-12-03 at 03:35 AM.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Results from simcraft should be for comparative reasons between other simc results; more often then not they are unreasonable figures. A better idea would be to search for a good world of logs parse and go from there. Try and avoid the top ones though, they generally involve stacking buffs on one person.

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