1. #1

    Raid Location Markers

    I read in 4.3 notes that I think they added a different way to macro the raid location markers. Does anyone know for sure?

    Current my macros for the 5 world markers are:

    /click CompactRaidFrameManagerDisplayFrameLeaderOptionsRaidWorldMarkerButton
    /click DropDownList1Button1

    Which is long and complicated when trying to share the macro with people. Did they make something less ridiculous or are there more efficient ways now?

  2. #2
    Not having tested, but it would appear to be /worldmarker x or /wm x where x is a number representing the symbol.

    Marker to add or clear on your current target:

    1 - Yellow Star
    2 - Orange Circle
    3 - Purple Diamond
    4 - Green Triangle
    5 - Pale Blue Moon
    6 - Blue Square
    7 - Red Cross
    8 - White Skull
    Any number outside the range 1-8 clear the marker on the target.
    It would appear also that the "lucky charms" symbols have had their command simplified also to /targetmarker x or /tm x with the same usage as above.

    Information from http://www.wowpedia.org/Target_Marker

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