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  1. #41
    Tell your hunter to check his haste. Make sure he has 1235 haste and tell him it doesn't matter that the item has mastery as long as he hits the breakpoint of 1235.
    I'm not that good at reading WoL but as far as I can see he is playing without an aspect? If so, that is really bad. Enchant on hands should be +22 agi but thats only minor.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Nosonia View Post
    A very good tip, and this can seriously help with your DPS is to make sure that everyone is waiting till the last last second to hit the button.

    As soon as hour of twilight is cast, you are taken back into the twilight realm, so, you can literally time it to be 0.5-1 seconds of down time.

    HOWEVER, if a player is hitting it with 4 seconds left, they are stuck doing 0 dps for 4 seconds times however many phases you go through... this adds up, ALOT.
    I'd recommend against doing that. There's a lot of Fading Lights and a single fuck up will cause a death so I'd say better safe than sorry. That doesn't mean hitting the button at 4-5 seconds, but maybe at like 2-3 just to be on the safe side. Any DPS that aren't good enough to pull 25k DPS in ~388 gear won't be good enough to consistently hit the button at 0.5 seconds. Sorry if that sounds harsh but it's more or less true.

  3. #43
    What server and guild are you under in WoL?

  4. #44
    eu crush - alpha draconis

  5. #45
    The Lightbringer vian's Avatar
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    Also, your protpaladins enchants and gemming makes wanna go "Y U NO" : P
    Quote Originally Posted by bizzy View Post
    yeh but lava is just very hot water

  6. #46
    Here's our groups latest log of Ultraxion:
    Im the lock I should be doing better than this

    I was destro at the time with 390 gear no legendary I got the legendary this week after we did this. Your destro lock(Anjan) seems to know what hes doing except he should try to get his haste closer to the 2681 haste plateau for extra immo tick, but maybe cause of only 384 equipped not sure its possible. If your gonna run 2 locks at least have one learn/go demo for 10% spellpower buff, will help heals and all casters. The enhance, lock, and boomkin need to be doing 20k+ minimum but I'm sure you know this. Also might want to find a mage who can swap between fire and arcane this fight you could arcane 3% dmg buff and FM on the lock would increase damage greatly instead of making your hunter go BM for the buff. Obviously your making it to the enrage so its not mechanics anymore its just everyone pushing out more dps. Make sure everyone is pre potting and potting again during bloodlust and using bloodlust after a twilight. Hope this helps.

  7. #47
    The Lightbringer MrHappy's Avatar
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    you can two heal it i guess if people don't die to stupid shit then its possible...also ....point sub 30k dps people in 390 ilvl to various forums on tips on how to fukign play thier want tips...get better need 24-25k with two heals to BARELY make the advice get better dps

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by n3kr0s View Post
    Tnx for the help, i know that our MT (also our kid GM) is the main problem of the raid/guild. But he's also a jerk that doesn't listen to any advice ...he never uses any CDs either...and you know that in many situation like Zon'ozz psychic drain+melee a CD it's a tank lifesafer...and I can't count how many times he died with that combo oneshotted with no cd used

    BTW any advice is usefull and i'll try to face him this afternoon (when he comes back from school ^____^) ...
    Sounds horrible. Seems like the best advice is to get out of that guild.

  9. #49
    When dps can't deliver on a stand-still fight with just 2 elements to look out for, you are in for trouble OP, sorry but those dps won't improve.

  10. #50
    Here's armory links for everyone:

    Prot pally:
    Marks Hunter:
    Destro lock:
    Blood DK:
    Balance Druid:
    Enh shaman:
    Destro lock2 (not in guild?):
    Resto Shammy:
    Holy priest:
    Holy pally:

    Garet, your prot pally (and your guild master)....does not have a clue. He doesn't know how to gem, has reforged nothing, has made some very strange talent choices, and has zero glyphs. I am utterly baffled as to how he has made it this far, and why you haven't brought it up with him already. At ilvl 393 he has 32% block, which is roughly what my paladin had when I started doing the 4.0 heroics when I dinged back in feb. He must be a nightmare to heal.

    Your DK Mombasa has logged out in his dps gear, but that gear has some odd gem choices. I can't comment on spec as I don't know dk's though.

    Most of the other character's gear looks okay at a glance, so they just need to up their game. Research the class and push out more dps. But your tank...I would not raid with him.

  11. #51

    Kramtor: talents kinda ok (for ultrax), 4 unenchanted items, Missing Ebonsteel Belt Buckle; 28 chimera in 342s (could have been 34), no professions
    Giuliettè: talents are totaly crap, 2 unenchanted items, sockets haste and hit (wtf?), has too much hitrating, 26 chimerashots, no engineering stuff, haste enchant on gloves
    Valentined: talents are crap - no sic'em, a bit too much (or too less depending what you want) haste, 18 (!!!) chimera shots

    Beside they have not that much knowledge of how to play hunters - and that they should play survival on ultrax, I think another problem is, that people spend too much time in the other realm - push the button at 1sec left, thats still enough.
    I suggest searching for another guild.

    EDIT: What is the verb for putting sockets in gear - socketing?
    Last edited by Draeblin; 2012-01-17 at 04:42 PM.

  12. #52
    Why do u need 3 healers?
    I solo heal that encounter with my 390 rdruid, it's really easy, but enjoyable

  13. #53
    Quote Originally Posted by n3kr0s View Post
    ehi , tnx for the reply (expecially Elyanna's suggestion)..i can't understand this statement btw...we never had any deaths caused by healing in this fight, only fading light ones which are dps faults
    Quote Originally Posted by MerinPally View Post
    Sure about that? 2 deaths this attempt to lack of healing. 8 seconds without a heal for that second death and 10 for the first. 1 death to lack of healing. You let your tank go for 6 seconds without a heal and I'll be honest, your tank has no idea what he's doing. Tank goes 10 seconds without a heal and dies and it then takes you 4 seconds before you even decide to res the tank, in the meantime your other tank didn't taunt and the melee died. The 3rd death was due to 6 seconsd without a heal once you have all 3 crytsals up.

    I just cherrypicked the longest logs, I'm sure I'd see the same in others.
    MerinPally pointed my words in an excellent way, ty.

    I see various deaths to AoE and not fading light, especially on Elyanna in the oldest log.

    Quote Originally Posted by n3kr0s View Post
    Sorry when I said that I was referring to yesterday fight when I think most of the time wasn't healing problem. Can't recall about two nights ago since it was our first attempt at it but we had an awful third healer for the most of the time ^^
    Drop that healer and get another dps, even pulling 20k will be better than an idiot skiping healz on people who are actually dying.

    This guy is ABSOLUTELY missing, he dont know what to do and how to do that. He drops ALL the talents on Prot tree, dont have EVEN ONE glyph, he's missing enchants, gems, reforges, dont have even ONE GOOD GEM!!! Is by far the worst char i ever seen. You have two options in this critical case, 1st is to tell him to READ a thousand times and UNDERSTAND the pally prot guide from the mmo champ pally subforum (Here is it), and make almost the 95% of that guide states, or else you will drop him from the raid, he's just lacking a lot, but when i say a lot i mean a LOT.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slummish View Post
    I don't get it. I've gone AFK a million times to blow my bf so he'd get off my back and let me raid. What's the problem here? People have sex...
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    And when you see them you'll be all like :O and we'll be all like and then people on the forums will still be all like(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  14. #54

    Lightbulb Jump ship

    You might not wanna hear this, but I'm sure you know it in the back of your head. The majority are bad... it will likely take them the rest of the exp to become decent enough to get blackhorn down after the nerfs. 60 stam and 40 parry/dodge gems are just eye sores... This whole exp has been mitigation and he is still in Wrath mode. The pally needs to be stacking mastery heavy. With his Ilvl he should be anywhere within 3-8% of ctc.
    Your hunter... he should go Survival instead of Marks if hes pulling low dps with that ilvl. If you REALLY know marks you can pull ahead of survival, but the average player can play survival better than marks, it also has a more interesting rotation than marks instead of just CS, SS SS, AS, SS SS, CS, SS SS, OMFGAIMSHOT. But let him play whatever he wants to play, but he will see better results as survival, 3-4k with his ilvl.
    The bad thing is, you can take all this info everyone is giving you and give them advice, and they will either A: get pissed and rage or B: tell you they have a life and don't have time to study 10 mins for a game. Ditch them bro, go get your DW kill. Raid an alt with them if they are friends, but you will not kill blackhorn if your having troubles with Ultraxion. He is the hardest fight in there, and he requires all the coordination that blizz missed with the first 5 bosses and just stuff it into that fight. I've been with 4 guilds that have people like that since DS came out, they all get stuck on Ultraxion, and they still haven't gone past it. Its just the truth, if you are happy with eventually getting Ultraxion down, then stay there... if not, don't get your hopes up on them getting any better, because they are the "casuals" that get decent casuals blamed for ruining this game, because easy fights are still too hard for them, and learning is just out of the question.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Troldi View Post
    Why do u need 3 healers?
    I solo heal that encounter with my 390 rdruid, it's really easy, but enjoyable
    Any tool can solo heal Ultraxion with 2 decent tanks and 7 competent DPS, but clearly OPs raid has non of those things.

    To OP: The fact that you've even come here for advice puts you way above the rest of your raid members in terms of wanting to improve. You might want to consider a new guild

  16. #56
    Tell your balance druid to keep the dots up, the uptime is really bad

  17. #57
    even if it's a social guild i thin they should be gemming and enchanting, i assume Gm is the tank he misses like everything so how much extra heals isnt that..

    i thing youre doing DS like unbuffed or something
    if you wanna raid there are better social raiding guild out there mate.. but GL

  18. #58
    Herald of the Titans Maruka's Avatar
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    It really is a pity the prot pally is your GM, pretty tough to replace him.

    Why not have him read this thread, maybe he will realize he is doing things wrong.

  19. #59
    Your Prot Pally is using a NIGHTMARE TEAR. I laughed out loud and looked like an idiot at that. He's also completely missing a gem in his relic. Pretty much no enchants at all. With his gear he could get very close to CTC cap. He's at about 75 (should be 102.4).

    Honestly, your Prot Pally is probably by far one of the worst tanks I have ever seen. The dude clearly has no idea how to use cd's, no idea how to gear, no idea how to generate threat. ANYONE doing their normal dps correctly could pull threat off of this guy. It's really mind-numbingly incredible.

    That said, I'm pretty sure anyone remotely skilled could have pulled higher dps than some of your players in Wrath. Really, anything below 25k is just absolutely embarrassing.
    Last edited by Hottie4Hire; 2012-01-17 at 07:03 PM.

  20. #60
    I'm sorry OP but this thread has brightened up my day a little.

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