I'm not massively into Twitter, but I do find these funny. Trion set up Twitter accounts for some of the more well known characters and bosses in RIFT, and their comments and conversations gave me a few chuckles. Apparently you can tweet them, and they might reply...

Here are a few of them, there are a few others to find that I haven't listed:

Hi everyone! I'm Akylios, I dwell in the 'Knell! It's so fun to suck your minds through your ears with my horrific proboscis.

I am Alsbeth the Discordant, you are my minions.


Lord Greenscale
Bringing flower power back in the most evil way possible.

The Destructor, the Dragon of Extinction, the Devouring Snake, Lord of the Blood Storm. I'm kind of a big deal.

Oracle Aleria
Hi my name is Oracle Aleria and I have set us up the bomb.

All you have will belong to me some day.