1. #1

    Bartender Keybinds to open/make actionbar visible

    Heloo im am looking for a way to make Bartender Actionbars (2-8 if possible) visible via Keybind. They should be hiden from visibility meniu-> always hide enabled. So they just apear/ are visible when i press a certain key.

    If anyone has any idea plss heeelp. Ty

  2. #2
    /run BT4BarX:SetAlpha(1-BT4BarX:GetAlpha())
    Replace the two Xes. It uses SetAlpha instead of the actual toggle so it still works in combat - but it'll still leave the bars interactable. I can try to make a macro that uses the actual toggle if it's needed.

  3. #3
    works perfectly ; can make it clicktrough to not ocasionaly click on it when its invizible. TY<3

  4. #4
    After using this macro for a while i realized that now i prefer to completly hide those bars. If they are not vizible via BT4 function it means i can still click them. So for example if the actionbar is not vizible but i click on the area where it is the spell i click on will activate. I kinda wana get rid of that so new qtion:

    How can i hide a Bartender Actionbar (2-8 if possible) via Macro or keybind??
    Also id prefer them to not apear after every relog/reload UI. So just when i press a specific button actionbar x apears


  5. #5
    Noone has any macro to hide a BartenderBar?? (hide not make invizible)

  6. #6
    See this post. Won't work in combat, though.

  7. #7
    If you're going to perma hide the bars, why bother with them at all? Regardless of opacity setting, buttons are still drawn and updated and using cpu time.
    Just bind spells/macros you don't want to look at directly to keys and forget about dragging them to actionbar. Bindpad is good for this though you can do it without an addon.

  8. #8
    I do have certain bars with food/flasks etc which i want to see when i click certain button. Problem is that if i make them with vizibility/opacity by mistake i may click on them w/o knowing. For ex.
    I know i has to eat so i pres a button and the foodbar apears.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Deemaxm View Post
    I do have certain bars with food/flasks etc which i want to see when i click certain button. Problem is that if i make them with vizibility/opacity by mistake i may click on them w/o knowing. For ex.
    I know i has to eat so i pres a button and the foodbar apears.
    Hmm well if you want them visible while holding the button down, try this:

    Just keep in mind showing/hiding of a bar won't work mid-combat so I wouldn't put your potions and elixirs or anything else you might need during the fight on there.

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