1. #1

    Ember Shadowspirit Diamond

    Since I've become 'one of those' that has mostly healer alts, I've become aware that the burning shadowspirit diamond is just downright better for some other classes. Especially healing classes that get a LOT of healing ticks that can crit (druid, paladin) and also especially healing classes that have very limited active mana return (IE, probably not disc). The druid forum especially has it laid out in plain arithmetic that for druids the burning shadowspirit is approximately a 1.5% increase in total healing, whereas even on a very long fight the ember is only worth about 0.5% (from extra rejuvs cast off regen and higher starting mana). Guides on the priest forum haven't explored this fully, at best they mention it as a possibility.

    A couple things could tip this one way or the other for holy priests:
    - We have more sources of active mana return, but less total active mana return. (should make crit meta more valuable)
    - Our important spammable fill (PoH) is more mana efficient than rejuv. (should make crit meta less valuable)
    - Holy priests have pretty low crit rates, and no talents that amplify crits or improve crit rates for certain spells. (less valuable)
    - Almost all druid throughput is HoT based, that makes crit throughput much more reliable than for us hpriests. (less reliable)

    I wonder what the detailed analysis would say for us. Holy gets active manareturn from:
    - HoH, and it's impossible to predict how much mana we'll get back from HoH. At best HoH improves one shadowfiend and we can expect 1-2 ticks per song (in 25 anyway).
    - SF
    - Replen

    Has anyone taken a really good look at this, to see how much of a total HPS boost the crit meta would give us, versus how much healing we get from the extra mana on ember? If so I'd be very interested in knowing your results. Otherwise I'll probably get around to it eventually.
    Last edited by zakaluka; 2012-02-05 at 12:11 AM.

  2. #2
    I'll just assume 150k raid buffed, then 2% extra is 3k mana.

    So in total over an 8 minute fight you'd be getting:

    the 3k mana headstart (.02*150000)
    an extra 1.8k if you shadowfiend twice (2*3000*.3)
    an extra 1440 from replenishment (.01*3000*48)
    an extra 276 from 4 HoH ticks (.02*3000+.02*3000*1.2*3)

    so total 6516 mana over an 8 minute fight if you fiend twice or 3% stronger crits.

    I don't know how good the crit meta is HPS wise, but it'd have to be pretty terrible to not use it over an extra PoH on an 8 minute fight
    Last edited by Dorfie; 2012-02-05 at 12:11 AM.

  3. #3
    While it doesn't give you any definite HPS figures on Burning Shadow Spirit Diamond, this article may be of interest to you.


    (argh, I havent enough posts to post links on these forums!)

  4. #4
    Thanks for the link, Isda. Reposting link:

    I ran numbers on two of my madness kills, in both cases the Burning Shadowspirit ranks just below 1% (very close to 0.95% both times)
    edit: I didn't account for Echo, so this should be closer to 1.2%

    While two extra PoH for the duration of madness is only 0.4%. That figure will be significantly lower on any other fight, since regen only gains us extra Renews on spine, and every other fight is way shorter.
    Last edited by zakaluka; 2012-02-05 at 01:12 AM.

  5. #5
    The only way to get the best use from the 2% meta is in the unlikely event that you have run completely out of mana and cooldowns you are relying solely on your regen abilities that work with mana pool size to cast your next spell like replenishment for example. One or two extra PoH per fight means nothing if you always have enough mana to cast more then that or even the need to cast more, it's effectively wasted mana.

    Tbh the 2% meta is like a troll gem because the numbers you get from it are so utterly low, I wouldn't be surprised if the tanking stamina meta was worth more then it due to Disc DA shield stacking higher by percentage of HP .

  6. #6
    I've been running Burning for a while no. Don't have any mana problems, so I would rather do more healing. More healing is less mana spent as well in a way.

  7. #7
    For those of us who do Chakra Serenity a lot, I think Ember is way better. We don't really need the extra mana, and direct heals crit often enough to make it work well, imo. When I tank heal, my Gheal crit rate is at ~40%, Fheal is ~35%, and Binding Heal is around ~30%.

  8. #8
    So you actually mean burning is way better, don`t you?

  9. #9
    yes, i think so still in testing phase though.

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