1. #1

    Chat Bubble Borders

    Heya im trying to edit my chat bubble with lua, ive managed to change it to 1px border,custom font and background, and when i write a message after reaload ui, it looks perfect, but once u move the border on left and right, goes away, im not sure if it got something with world scaling or if it is something u can fix with lua?

    Edit: if i write , anything under 8 letters removes the side borders, but anything over 8 letters works :S

    I guess it have something to do with:

    frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame.text, -10, 10 )
    frame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", frame.text, 10, -10)

    edgeFile = settings.bd.texture,
    edgeSize = 2,


    local function FixedScale(len)
    return GetScreenHeight() * len / 768


    Last edited by lawomous; 2012-02-18 at 07:09 PM.

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