Thread: New to Akali!

  1. #1

    New to Akali!

    Hey guys! I'm new to Akali but I'm loving playing with her! What tips do you have to offer?

    and also, what boots should I buy? The +attack speed or +magic penetration?

    Thank you all

  2. #2
    For damage i would suggest sorcers, so magic pen. But Akali is so squishy that you should also consider mercury threads.
    As for tips, i dont really have any good suggestions. Just play safe, farm all the time and always try to be the last one to enter fights. And ye one more tip. Build her tanky. I know you want damage, but it doesnt help you when you're dead. Ryali's is a really good item on her.

  3. #3
    Hai, played like 400 games as her so far so if you get any other questions, hit me!

    Boots are mostly Mercury treads since CC kinda destroys her, if they don't have much or no CC at all I'd go Sorcerer's, some people say Swiftness boots but I couldn't disagree more when you have such an amazing Ult.

    Something that new akali's usually do really wrong is to Ult before your Q actually landed which reduces your burst by a lot, and I've also seen people E after their ult before their auto attack hit, which does the same.

    Also if you're in lane think about not just harassing with Q from ranged, but also put down W and run up to them and hit them once, the proc does tons of damage.

    Juking with your Ult + W getting out of dangerous situations is really fun when you know how to do it properly aswell.

    Anyhow, just farm early, with Q and auto attack out of W to reduce damage taken yourself, and once you hit 6 and get some essence's of shadow you jump on your opponent and rape him, and then start running around snowballing killing everything, amazing champ!

    One really important thing is to have both your passives activated at level one, 3 points in Brute Force (4 points in Blast).

    Best runes imo to get passive and overall would be:


    7 AD
    2 Mpen


    I use Hp/lvl seals, flat hp seals or Armor (If you're solo top and not mid) could work aswell.


    2 flat AP
    7ap /lvl


    Flat AP

    Now you probably wont buy all the runes for her right away, only thing I dislike about her is that she needs a really specific rune page, not having both passives activated at level one is a BIG disadvantage.

    Anyhow, I'm pretty bad at giving advice and maybe you knew all this, but OH WELL.

  4. #4
    Akali is extremely rune and mastery dependent. You want to try and unlock her passive with masteries and runes so you have it from the get-go. This can kinda suck for a newer player because you dont have all the rune slots, or someone who doesn't have alot of IP to spend on runes because you probably will have to buy specific runes for her that you might not take otherwise (see a guide on mobafire for runes/masteries). Take Flash + Ignite. She probably lanes the best as a mid or solo top. Don't be afraid of leaving your lane to ult or 'KICK THE SHIT' out of another lane to start getting fed/snowballing. Notably Akali falls off late game and becomes less effective in team fights then other champions(since she excels at 1v1 combat), unless you get fed. Akali also can be pretty amazing in dominion because its much easier to tower dive.
    Last edited by MOGATRON; 2012-03-02 at 02:42 PM.

  5. #5
    She is so squishy that defensively, you gotta keenly build against what you are facing in game. You just won't survive otherwise. Most of Akali's real damage is late game, early on you are at your tower [cowering] or picking up mostly assists. By mid game you should be heading in the direction of real damage IF you platy safe.

    Merc treads are a must in most games. Sorc shoes work as well, but consider a Spellblade if CC is too much. Akali can't take a hit. Rylai's Scepter, obviously is a good pick up. The rest is obvious- Deathcap, Lichbane, Revolver, etc.

  6. #6
    How I play Akali:

    First off, you'll need a specific rune page for Akali.

    I use:
    1 Ability Power Red
    8 Attack Damage reds *Activates the passive*
    9 Health per level yellows
    9 Ability Power Blues
    3 Ability Power Quints.

    Masteries: In the Offense tree get both the mental force and brute force masteries in the first row, then go down the ability power side, all the way to executioner. Then get 3/3 Hardiness, 1/3 Resistance, and 2/4 Durability in the defense tree.

    For summoners, Either Flash and Ignite or Flash and Teleport. I like teleport in the top lane, for teleporting to wards at dragon.

    For items, I start with boots and 3 pots no matter what lane I go. If I am going top and have a really hard hitting AD guy up there, or a ranged AD, I might get cloth armor and 5 pots. On the first back, pick up a giants belt, that you will build into a Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Then you finish your boots, getting Merc Treads if they have a lot of CC, or Sorc Shoes if they don't. Then you go straight for a Sheen to build into a Lich Bane. After Lich Bane you can either build defensive items, or build up more burst. Besides the passive, Akali is ALL ability power, so don't buy anything with attack damage.

    If they have an AP getting out of control, go with a Banshee's Veil, if their AD is getting out of control, Zonya's Hourglass. If YOU are getting out of control, screw em both and get a Rabadon's Deathcap, then make them beg for mercy.

    For your skill order:
    First four levels go Q>W>Q>E
    After that, prioritize R>Q>E>W

    For the laning phase of the game, harass the crap out of your opponent with Q, but don't neglect your creep farm. If you have to chose between last hitting with Q and harassing, Last hit.
    If your against a melee and they decide to be aggressive, hit them with Q as they are running towards you, shroud, then wait for your Q to come off cooldown, melee strike them, Q again, melee strike. They will run like hell, cause all of a sudden they are missing half of their HP.

    When you get your ultimate, you have to try to time your ult perfectly with your Q. Throw your Q, then when its just about to hit the target, ult him, melee strike, bam, half of his health gone.

    In team fights, focus down their carries. That is your biggest priority, because carries have to have good items to do good damage and carry the game, they should be quite squishy. Blow them the hell up.

  7. #7
    My build for her is to take 7 AD marks, 2 AP marks, 9 Health per level seals, 9 AP per level glyphs, 3 AP quints, going 21/9/0 taking 3AD and 4 AP, 4% CDR, 10% spell pen, AP/level, 5% extra AP and executioner, then 2 in mag resist and armor, 4 in health per level and 30 health. this should give you both parts to passive at level 1, leaving you free to pick any starter items you are comfortable with, but i would suggest boots and 3 pots.
    Start your build with a hextech revolver, as it gives good AP and sustain, next is sheen, followed by level 2 boots, i usually take Sorc shoes, but Merc Treads are an option if the team is CC heavy. Follow up by building your revolver into a gunblade, build a rylais, Rabadons, and then turn your sheen into Lich bane, last item can be something if your own choice, but a zhonya's is a good pick, particularly if you get a bad engagement and get caught out of position.
    For abilities, take q at level 1, e at two if you're comfortable in your laning, if you're in a 2v1 if the enemy doesn't have a jungler and you're solo top, take your w instead. Max your q, then e then w, taking r when it's available. For summoners, Tele-flash if you're top lane, or ignite-flash if you're mid.
    Akali's strength is in her sustainability, using her q's on hit effect to heal herself with the spell vamp from the revolver, and eventually the life steal from the cutlass/gunblade which can be acivated by her e. She is a squishy champion and you shouldn't commit to a fight unless you can ensure a kill, use your q to harass early, last hit, and try to make the most of the on hit effect if you can easily land the auto attack to proc it, Prioritise last hitting. Eventually, if you CS effectively, hold your lane well, you'll become a facestomper and their squishies will get a taste of what balance dictates.

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