Quote Originally Posted by Crookers View Post
But you get a lot of assists and make sure your team keeps getting dragon, plus gp5 items and quints help with money a little and when your carry is away you can farm a little, and once your jungler has hit golems or one of the other camps near bot lane they will respawn in a minute, but the jungler should be off ganking for more than 60 seconds so you can take them and they respawn before your jungler gets back, if you have the enemy lane pushed, do some counterjungling while warding their jungle. You can get quite a lot of gold as a support just not as much as a well fed carry of course
Well if the enemy team isn't totally retarded and you're not totally stomping them (in which case items will barely make a difference anyway) a supports gets how much gold? 8-9k? A Deathcap is already 3600 gold, before that you have to buy Philo and HoG which combined is already around 1600 gold or so. Boots which are around 1000 gold depending on which ones you take. Shitloads of wards for 75 gold or 125 depending on situation. Oracles for destroying them pesky wards which is another 400g and chances are you have to buy it more then once.

I'd rather buy an Aegis (which is what, 1600g?) which benefits my entire team and indirectly makes my carries get more kills, more gold, and more assists for me. A Shurelyas since it has probably THE best on use AoE aura any team can have. Zekes, WotA, ..

All these are a lot cheaper then a single Deathcap and benefit the people who actually need gold to snowball. Sure the AP on a deathcap is nice, but by the time you actually have it you're team has a much higher chance of getting destroyed. Hell, loads of times I end the game and have just a Shurelyas, HoG and my tier2 boots, all the rest is wards, pink wards and an oracle.