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  1. #21
    Field Marshal zealtek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WNYIRISHGUY View Post
    I want to lose 40lbs /50lbs or maybe more and i want to see what is the best way because i was look at vitamin and pills that can help

    but what is the best way for me

    and to prove i gone cold turkey on eggo cereal
    Limit yourself to 40g of carbs per day - eat mostly salad and meat and you will lose weight in no time. Healthiest way to do it.

  2. #22
    "eat less, move more"

    this is the fundamental idea of all weight loss programs.

  3. #23
    A lot of people think the key to losing weight is to eat less. Not true. The key to losing weight and becoming healthier overall is to eat proper portions of healthy food. Eating less will actually cause your body to go into starvation mode where it will try to save calories as fat because it thinks you're starving. Some suggestions:

    - Eat breakfast every day, even if it's just a banana or a small bowl of cereal. Even those meal replacement shake things will work, just have something. This will kick-start your metabolism for the day.
    - Eat less more often! This goes along with eating breakfast - have small snack throughout the day to keep your metabolism going. The little 100 calorie snack packs, some grapes, something little every 2 hours or so will keep your metabolism rolling and burning off fat and excess carbs/calories.
    - Have smaller portions. Don't have a large lunch or dinner. Used to having a full meal from like McDonalds or something? Instead, go for a small salad (or even a hamburger, try to stay away from cheese), apple slices or a parfait or oatmeal, and a bottle (or cup of) water. You could do diet soda if that floats your boat, but I personally don't like it.
    - Cut out the soda! Personally, this is really hard for me. I'm completely and totally addicted to caffeine and I become a raging witch without it. I generally allow myself to indulge in one cup of soda or I get a coffee to avoid the headache, or I'll drink diet Dr. Pepper as it's the only diet soda I'll drink. If you can get past the addiction, drop the soda completely.
    - Drink a lot of water. I don't necessarily enjoy drinking water, but to combat that I get these little individual flavor things that have 10 calories in them. There's a couple companies that make them - Crystal Light is popular. I like the generic ones from Walmart the best (Great Value). They come in lots of flavors and taste just like kool-aid. I call it Adult Kool-Aid without the guilt.
    - I honestly would say don't take a supplement. You seriously don't need them. You could take some multivitamins, but you don't even necessarily need those unless you have a deficiency.
    - If you can, get a gym membership. I go to this great gym called Planet Fitness. They are incredibly awesome and extremely affordable - my membership cost $99 for a year. This includes free sessions with a personal trainer who will write you up your own fitness plan. I don't personally use them (because I'm way too embarrassed about it) but my friend does and she really enjoys it.
    - If you can't afford a membership, definitely pick up walking. Walking is very good for you but make sure you're not just strolling - you want to get your heart rate up if you want to get results. In the majority of the malls where I live, there is a mall-walkers club where people meet (usually early morning, but there are some afternoon groups) and just walk the perimeter of the mall.
    - If you have a Playstation or an Xbox, consider picking up a DanceDance Revolution game. Sounds silly, but I'm completely serious. It's a ton of fun and you don't even notice you're working out. If you have an Xbox with Kinect, get the Dance Central - same concept. If you prefer things like classes, try finding a place that does Zumba or other dancing. Dancing is great at shedding the pounds.
    - Building muscle can be just as important as cardio. The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism will be. I'm not saying go out and be a body builder, but building some upper-body strength, toning your calves, thighs and rear, and working the muscles in your abs, back and chest will help you lose weight faster, plus you'll look and feel great. Assuming you're not a girl from the screen name, but if you happen to be building the muscle in your chest lifts breasts and toning your butt makes it look more shapely
    - Don't kick yourself if you indulge! The guilt can make you very depressed about your weight loss and may even cause you to slip up even more. I am very weak-willed when it comes to food and I love soda and pasta. To combat this, I let myself have a treat every once in awhile. Set yourself small goals and when you reach them, reward yourself with a candy bar, or a small plate of your favorite food. Don't over-do it though!
    - Losing weight isn't just a one time thing - it's a lifestyle change. You need to be prepared to completely change what you're doing right now. You want to be healthy, remember, not just lose weight but keep it off.

    Good luck

    P.S. Just saw your post about being the accident (that's what I get for not reading). Definitely try to walk as much as you feel you can, and if your arms work fine pick up lifting weights. Building muscle in your arms/chest/back will increase your metabolism and use those excess calories and fat. Hopefully the other things I said will be helpful to you, though. Or anyone else looking to get healthy!
    Last edited by Gneisha; 2012-03-25 at 04:25 AM.

  4. #24
    consume less calories than you need to maintain your current weight. you can find out what this is here:

  5. #25
    Bloodsail Admiral Verazh's Avatar
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    The simplest answer: take long walks (at leaset an hour) each day, and consume less carbs.

  6. #26
    Completely cut out sugar from your diet and severely cut down on fatty foods and salt intake.

    Eat smaller portions and drink plenty of water.

    Exercise, even if it's just going for a 30min walk every day.

    Eating better and exercise is all there is to it.

  7. #27
    The best way to lose eight is to eat plenty off healthy food, very little junk food, and exercise lots. It's not hard to know what to do, it's just doing it that's the problem.

    Any thing other than that is a scam.

    Eat right, exercise. It's the only real way to lose weight.

    "It turns out the only signature he needed was my fist! ... But with a pen in it ... that i was signing with."

  8. #28

  9. #29
    Mechagnome shootyadead's Avatar
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    Seriously did only 2 people read the second post the OP made? Everyone is spouting off about exercising more and eating less but not a damn one of you read that he was in an accident and can't hardly walk. For starters I'd recommend quitting smoking. I know people say that you gain weight when you quit but if you control yourself then you'll be just fine. Secondly, just take a look at the things that you are eating and try to cut back on the unhealthy stuff. Even hospital cafeteria food can be semi-healthy if you choose the right foods (at least they can be at the hospital I work for). Stress is a major contributing factor or weight gain and the only real way to get rid of stress is to either change your perspective on what it is that's stressing you out, or completely remove it from you life. I understand that it's a very bad situation but try to look at the postives every day, like you're still alive when you could be dead from the crash, etc., and your stress might just slowly start to go away (if that indeed is what is causing you stress). The exercising thing I'd try to talk with a Dr. and see if there's anything they could recommend that you are capable of doing and start there. Hopefully you'll lose the weight without too much problem and good luck.
    "I am the hope of the universe. I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I am the protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth. Ally to good! Nightmare to you!!!"

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYIRISHGUY View Post
    good advice but got to remember

    I survived a horrific car crash 3 yrs that left me partially paralyzed and other injuries i do take pain killer and blood pressure "my family have a history" and the only reason why i gain is stress,coffee,smoking,hospital food

    i can walk with and assist of a full legs brace and canes but say 7 block at a time on a good day and a bad one is about 3 on a bad day

    before my accident i weight about 230lbs and that why i want to go back down
    Then your diet is all deciding. You need to eat less, and healthy. Salad, fish, lots of fruit and veggies, chicken etc. Walk as much as you can. Talk to a dietist (or whatever they're called, I'm not native to english) or your doctor.

    Do -not- starve yourself! Cut down on what you're eating so you eat the amount of calories that match your lifestyle. You can fairly easily figure that out that yourself with some internet research.

  11. #31
    High Overlord Emokisse's Avatar
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    I lost over 10kg in about 5 weeks by doing a lot of cardio training and high-rep exercises at the gym.

    I used to weigh around 99kg, and I've always told myself to never get to 100kg. So I cut off the sodas, snacks and fast food monday-friday, went to walk and/or run pretty much every day (if I didn't go to the gym). Not drinking and/or eating crap will do miracles to your body by itself. Now, I've been working out regularly since October and weighs about 86Kg, with a MUCH better looking body. Remember that more than 50% is in your head. If your head refuses to workout, your body won't.

    A nice body is not that easy to get as people think.
    "You don't get it by STARING.
    You don't get it by WISHING.
    You don't get it by DROOLING.
    You don't get it by HOPING.
    You don't get it EASY.
    You get it by getting off your ass, WORKING FOR IT.
    Every SECOND, every DAY, for the rest of your LIFE."

  12. #32
    The Patient Abominator's Avatar
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    You will ultimately fail at losing weight if you use the approach of "eat less and exercise" sure this works for some people, out of pure luck.

    List of things to do:
    -Do research on Basal Metabolic rate
    -Start doing cardio 3-5 times a week, it can be HIIT training or steady pace cardio
    -Factor exercise in to your Basal Metabolic rate and subtract 500 to 1000 calories, best to start off with 500
    -This is all quite complex so actually do a good amount of research

    Seeing as you can barely walk here is some advice, you can lose weight without ever lifting a finger, diet is 99% of losing weight. I would recommend eating 1500 to 2000 calories a day if you can't exercise, however try to walk as much as possible if you can.
    Last edited by Abominator; 2012-03-25 at 11:52 AM.

  13. #33

    200g low fat milk 0,5
    60-70g of corn flakes
    150g low fat milk 0,5
    30g of whey

    100g of chicken breast salami
    50g of light cheese 25%


    150g of tuna in olive oil, drained

    150g chicken or turkey meat
    80g of rice, (weigh it before cooking, about 250g when cooked, depending on how long you cook)

    same as first but

    150g of tuna in olive oil, drained

    if you go to gym, on those days eat below, right after training

    100g of spaghetti + some sauce, best only tomato sauce for spaghetti (before cooking, after about 250-300g depending on how long you cook.)
    200 light milk
    30g whey

    salad with olive oil and vinegar

    snack#2 before bed:
    250g cottage cheese light

    200g light milk
    30g whey

    About 1900kcal, depending on what you find in your store and what of these things you eat. You can calculate yourself. Also everything of this should be light. Don't know if you'll find light chicken breast salami, but there it's out there. Also a notice, this is MY PLAN, FOR ME. Might not suite you AT ALL, and I don't mean just taste wise.

    Ride bike for 30 minutes a day for the first week, next week 35 minutes until you get to 45 minutes. After a month or so start riding your bike in the morning when you wake up, before you eat anything, for 20 minutes, then 25 and then 30 minutes. Have 1 day break from any kind of exercise. Drink a lot of water and get yourself some omega 3 capsules and vitamines. Always keep heart rate at 130+

    I would also recommend going to the gym, doing some weight training. On those days only ride bike in the morning if you got that far already. Also you can swap the lunch#2 and dinner. Just make sure you don't eat carbs to close to bed time.
    Last edited by mmoc7751c93762; 2012-03-25 at 12:20 PM.

  14. #34

    the best way to lose weight

    Starvation, abject poverty.

  15. #35
    The Best Way to loose Weight is to completely stop eating Sugar i did this over 3months and lost a total of 30 KG it was quite hard in the beginning but if u hang in there the results were Epic

  16. #36
    And one more thing, best way to loose weight is doing it slow. And DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF. Whoever tells you to starve themselves, ignore them completely. That is no way to lose FAT. And do not give up carbs and fats completely, your body needs them.

  17. #37
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    Old golden rule : eat as much as you spend. Nothing more , you can eat all you want ,But, pls you must burn that food. Want to lose weight? Just burn more . sweating more, aaah , dam with this physical work and exercises .

  18. #38
    Herald of the Titans RaoBurning's Avatar
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    I kid, though it is a fantastic appetite suppressant.

    In my experience - and it's just that, my personal experience - I had the best results with weight lifting and just being a bit more careful about what I ate. Putting on lean muscle increased your base metabolic rate, so you burn more calories just by living. Plus it feels good after a while.

    I didn't change my diet too much, I just ditched the dessert cookie and maybe snacked on lunch meat instead of chips when my insomnia was throwing a fit. Turkey and a bit of Provolone is delicious. The lightest I've ever been was during my semester working out, so I'd start there.

    Running is actually a great way to wake up in the morning but I can't vouch for it's weight loss potential. Felt good after I was done, but I wasn't scale watching at the time. Doesn't have to be far, either. Just a jog around the block or something.

    edit: You know, I didn't read his second post. I kinda jumped the gun. My advice is probably useless at this point, so ignore it. Though, given limited physical mobility, swimming may be an interesting option. It's fun, very low impact, and girls wear bikinis. Win-win-win.
    Last edited by RaoBurning; 2012-03-25 at 01:30 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Wells View Post
    This is America. We always have warm dead bodies.
    if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that.

  19. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by WNYIRISHGUY View Post
    I want to lose 40lbs /50lbs or maybe more and i want to see what is the best way because i was look at vitamin and pills that can help

    but what is the best way for me

    and to prove i gone cold turkey on eggo cereal
    There is no magic pill for that.

    Eat less crap. Drink less pop. Move more.

    Be nice if I could follow those rules too, but that's about the gist of it...

  20. #40
    i doo believe its sex mate

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