1. #4481
    Another team of feeders, ppl who think they dont need flash, dont listen, another support who buys sightstone and thinks thats all the wards he need, and blame me for the loss when I point out where they suck.

    Since I can't just quit I need to force Riot to ban me so I can stop playing.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-07-11 at 01:54 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  2. #4482
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    Another team of feeders, ppl who think they dont need flash, dont listen, another support who buys sightstone and thinks thats all the wards he need, and blame me for the loss when I point out where they suck.

    Since I can't just quit I need to force Riot to ban me so I can stop playing.
    Just because of your inability to handle that people on your team/the other team won't always be good (or people have bad games), doesn't mean you need to intentionally ruin the game experience for others for the sake of getting banned.

    Your attitude sucks and that's the main problem really, focus on yourself and your own faults instead of focusing on others. I'm also very sure that numerous people would've thought the same about you and your incorrect thoughts of what's correct/poor play, however it's how you handle it that matters.

  3. #4483
    Another team of feeders. Darius keeps pushing top without wards, enemy Udyr goes 7/0 in the first 10 mins from neither top or bot warding. Amumu keeps trying to 1v5 the enemy team right after taking blue from me every time it spawned. Team figths start. Everyone either focuses Vlad or Udyr. Thresh keeps face checking bushes before he wards them. Graves does nothing but run from team fights.

    Another team of people who don't know what wards are. More feeding. Another loss. Enemy team collectively had 20 kills by 15 mins.

    Another loss. Sion trolls the entire game. says support, then chooses sion. Spends the entire game counter jungling me. Running to mid and top to take cs and feed the enemy. Darius kept over extending without any wards(yeah another one), and Ahri was on her very first ranked game. Rushes Void Staff then WOTA.
    Last edited by Pandragon; 2013-07-11 at 04:19 AM.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  4. #4484
    My first Zed game, I face a Diamond mid. Who mains Ahri, and plays Ahri.
    That hurt.

    Zed is really complex, moreso than Lee if you ask me. Using his ult effectively and doing enough to actually kill someone is pretty tough, and if you get behind you have a really hard time being useful for your team.

  5. #4485
    More feeders. 10 losses in a row.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  6. #4486
    10+ Year Old Account
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    eh im at 19 losses 1 win in the past 20 game luckily my mmr is so shot i get 2 lp for a loss and 3 lp for a win

  7. #4487
    Quote Originally Posted by Priestlie View Post
    To be honest, I'm getting better games in normals then I do in ranked. As in better teammates and better opponents. (I'm in silver II) For example. In one normal game. There was two delayed penta's. One for my team and one for the opposing team. I've never had such a good game. And these kind of games generally happen more in normals then in ranked. Atleast it does look like that to me
    it's not only you, I noticed this aswell. I got tired of ranked and decided to give normal draft a try and damn, there is quite the difference. I think this is because the people who are in ranked are either out to troll or are too frustrated to play properly. Who would be more affected by trolling, a normal player or a ranked player.

    ranked game: fuck what the support says, fight 1 v 5 all day!
    normal game: support has ult and pinks, follow to victory!

  8. #4488
    Just won a game. Still venting cause of what happened after. Duo bot picks Vi and Fiora, and they feeeeeed. I zone Yorick out of lane (I'm playing Teemo), set up some great ganks with Diana, mid lane is doing ok. Once team fights starts the damage Malz Diana and I put out just wreck the enemy team. Vi and Fiora jungle more then team fight so in the end we lose team fights. I heavy push side lanes. We end up getting an ace when J4 traps him, Yorick, and Nid in his ult with me. I begin to start pumping out shrooms which deal heavy damage. We push down their base. End of the game Malz reports me for verbal abuse, all I said was "I knew this bot was gonna feed" and also says he reported me cause I was trying to surrender at 20 mins when the kill score was 5 - 25.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  9. #4489
    Quote Originally Posted by Hybr1d View Post
    My first Zed game, I face a Diamond mid. Who mains Ahri, and plays Ahri.
    That hurt.

    Zed is really complex, moreso than Lee if you ask me. Using his ult effectively and doing enough to actually kill someone is pretty tough, and if you get behind you have a really hard time being useful for your team.
    Quite the opposite for me. I find Lee Sin more complex than Zed. hehe

  10. #4490
    G - fucking - G! Losing because our elise and caitlyn couldn't stop getting caught by fiddle ulties, even though he would stand on a ward...

  11. #4491
    I have yet to see a Nidalee land her spear reliably.

  12. #4492
    You just know you have to surrender if a Vayne/Leona botlane loses to a Cait. A solo lane Cait. A solo lane Cait with 1 "gank".

    I can't even think how you can actually lose the lane.

  13. #4493
    Quote Originally Posted by Led ++ View Post
    You just know you have to surrender if a Vayne/Leona botlane loses to a Cait. A solo lane Cait. A solo lane Cait with 1 "gank".

    I can't even think how you can actually lose the lane.
    "Look, she's alone! Let's dive!"
    "This time it will work"
    "This time for sure we got her"
    "She's almost dead, let's dive!"

    My guess? ;P

  14. #4494
    Blademaster Coogz's Avatar
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    sigh 0 reasons to do normal games. Dont get the role you want?! Better play the champ anyway in a less than optimal lane!

  15. #4495
    2 more losses. Both games, no one wards and bot feeds like crazy.

    Lol. Funniest thing about losing. People don't believe me when I tell them within the first 5 mins I can tell if a games a loss or not.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  16. #4496
    Quote Originally Posted by Pandragon View Post
    2 more losses. Both games, no one wards and bot feeds like crazy.

    Lol. Funniest thing about losing. People don't believe me when I tell them within the first 5 mins I can tell if a games a loss or not.
    let's destroy every last chance of winning by sabotaging your own team. You got a really good game plan

  17. #4497
    It's Pandragon after all, win a game? Show off in Screenshots of your Best Games. Lose a game? Rant about your useless team in the rage thread. My advice is simply to ignore him.

  18. #4498
    Yeah...supposed to carry people like this?

    Vi, omg this Vi. Turret dives left and right during lane phase, the bitches at the laner for not helping. Rarely did she ping a gank. Top lane she would ping Pantheon, wait until Teemo attacks. Let him die then go in herself. Not only did she only ever kill Pantheon once, but he got her like 4 times.

    Bot lane just fed all game.

    Teemo did his best.

    I died once in lane. Bad timing on my part. I went in for a kill on Lux just as Hec was passing by. I didn't notice my wards were dropping off at that moment. Once team fights started, both Pantheon and Trist jumped on me and killed me every time.

    Vi spent the entire game blaming us for her deaths, and verbally abusing the team.

    Those kills they got in the last 10 mins of the game cause the enemy team was ignoring turrets to kill us.
    If what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Then I should be a god by now.

  19. #4499
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    We did win this game, but it was a very frustrating game.

    Everyone would go off by themselves at times, and they would get caught and die. I tell everyone repeatedly not to go off alone, but they wouldn't do so, and die. The one frustrating part was where a teamfight went 4 for 4 and it was only Ziggs and Yi alive, and I told him to go back to base since bottom wave minions were pushing to our inhib turret, but he decides to get top inhibitor and dies to Yi, and we lose both bot turret and inhib. Apparently he thinks me typing "defend" = go kill an inhib.

    Yes yes, I know I shouldn't whine about a win, but having a team with people who just try to banzai dive alone repeatedly does take a lot out of you.
    Last edited by Thallidomaniac; 2013-07-12 at 08:10 AM.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  20. #4500
    what league is that?

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