1. #7301
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    Yea - plus as a Jungle main I really prefer to play the consistent junglers, but when Riot keeps breaking the jungle meta with broken jungle itemization - my junglers tend to do poorly because they don't take advantage of the new items as effectively.

    Eve kind of works with Runeglaive, Diana kind of works with Sated Devourer - but Vi / Elise / Sejuani / Lee Sin don't really benefit from all this nonsense lately. Sejuani took advantage of Cinderhulk during that fiasco, and that still continues to keep her relevant - but for awhile there that was a goofy item.

    On a related note - I had a Viktor during my last promotional game, mid lane - kept demanding blue buff - kept dying to Varus by trying to walk up and combo him - which of course Varus just harassed back and back, and then pursued with snare/Q once Viktor tried to fall back when he was inevitably poked down: and he kept falling for it. Kept feeding my blue (as Sejuani, who really needs early blues with the build I do on her) to the enemy Varus: if I could have ganked my own midlaner I would have, I was so mad.

    I'm annoyed by entitled mids who think that Blue is always and forever theirs. If you are Febiven, you get my early blues - otherwise you can have it late game once I have a +mana item and some pool gains from leveling, but otherwise feeding every blue to the mid laner: unless they are going to Bjergsen for your team - just means I can't gank for any lane. Once I have a Frozen Heart or a Sheen even, the mid can have every damned blue after that - but not before. Grrr.
    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    If I play junglers that I feel need 2nd blue, I just take it. And save smite incase mid comes over to try to take it, then I just smite it away from them. If the ragefest starts, the ignore button works fantastic if he dosnt stop after a warning. I alway give 3rd though, unless they suck badly.
    I never give out blues, unless I'm duoing with somebody who can use it and not give it away, or the mid proves themselves to me by the third. Otherwise, I keep it. I'm gonna actually use it, no sense in giving the fed enemy mid/jungler a free blue buff.

  2. #7302
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    I never give out blues, unless I'm duoing with somebody who can use it and not give it away, or the mid proves themselves to me by the third. Otherwise, I keep it. I'm gonna actually use it, no sense in giving the fed enemy mid/jungler a free blue buff.
    One of my solo queue theories is about picking champions that can give out blue. My Evelynn build before all this Runeglaive nonsense didn't need Blue after the first one, which meant I could hand it out to mid or the adc or the support - and by doing so ensure they had a stronger lane: without really stepping on my jungle/gank performance. Similarly I've tried the same thing with handing Red to ADC/Tops before - on champions like Sejuani who doesn't need the slow effect (or long ago when I Olaf jungled, after I'd rushed Frozen Mallet, weird times!).

    With that said, yea - I really need to get more selfish about my blues, especially in the early game - because 'giving' that Viktor my early blues meant that not only was he feeding Varus in midlane, but now I couldn't jungle->gank, I either had to jungle->back, or gank->back - and so we were losing a lot of essential early map presence to my having to constantly run back to let my poro drink from the mana pool.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  3. #7303
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    One of my solo queue theories is about picking champions that can give out blue. My Evelynn build before all this Runeglaive nonsense didn't need Blue after the first one, which meant I could hand it out to mid or the adc or the support - and by doing so ensure they had a stronger lane: without really stepping on my jungle/gank performance. Similarly I've tried the same thing with handing Red to ADC/Tops before - on champions like Sejuani who doesn't need the slow effect (or long ago when I Olaf jungled, after I'd rushed Frozen Mallet, weird times!).

    With that said, yea - I really need to get more selfish about my blues, especially in the early game - because 'giving' that Viktor my early blues meant that not only was he feeding Varus in midlane, but now I couldn't jungle->gank, I either had to jungle->back, or gank->back - and so we were losing a lot of essential early map presence to my having to constantly run back to let my poro drink from the mana pool.
    I play stupidly-built, aggressive champions who need blue buffs, so I usually end up keeping the blue buff and/or invading purely to steal the enemy's. I can keep track of timers fairly well, so if I see someone bot and he or his mid doesn't have it, you're damned right I'm heading there ASAP.

    I play stupid stuff that really shouldn't work (Runglaive full AP Udyr, sated Devourer Kayle with every On-hit item built, full AD Triforce Sejuani, etc), so I really need the blues because they're mana-hungry champions.

    General rule I've picked up from experience/solo queue is that you don't hand out blues unless they've stomped their opponent or they're someone you can trust to use it well. Otherwise, be a greedy jungler, keep it and farm that jungle for late game. I find that keeping them, trading objectives, etc, instead of trying a hopeless counter gank is far more successful than trying to go toe-to-toe against the other team with ransoms I don't know.

    God, re-reading that I sound so toxic, but I honestly don't think I can rely on many people at all in soloqueue. Too many bad experiences leading me to believe otherwise.

  4. #7304
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    I play stupidly-built, aggressive champions who need blue buffs, so I usually end up keeping the blue buff and/or invading purely to steal the enemy's. I can keep track of timers fairly well, so if I see someone bot and he or his mid doesn't have it, you're damned right I'm heading there ASAP.

    I play stupid stuff that really shouldn't work (Runglaive full AP Udyr, sated Devourer Kayle with every On-hit item built, full AD Triforce Sejuani, etc), so I really need the blues because they're mana-hungry champions.

    General rule I've picked up from experience/solo queue is that you don't hand out blues unless they've stomped their opponent or they're someone you can trust to use it well. Otherwise, be a greedy jungler, keep it and farm that jungle for late game. I find that keeping them, trading objectives, etc, instead of trying a hopeless counter gank is far more successful than trying to go toe-to-toe against the other team with ransoms I don't know.

    God, re-reading that I sound so toxic, but I honestly don't think I can rely on many people at all in soloqueue. Too many bad experiences leading me to believe otherwise.
    You don't sound toxic at all pops

  5. #7305
    Unless my mid is like 5-0 buy the time the second blue pops, he aint getting it.I'll donate to help someone snowball, but otherwise I'll be using it.

  6. #7306
    Scarab Lord Kaelwryn's Avatar
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    My brain is so confused right now. Playing dominion, our fiddle heads to middle (storm relic) and dies to enemy draven/karthus. Proceeds to call a surrender vote. We have 3 capture points (might've been 4), everyone else is alive and are ahead by 20~ or so points. Not a big lead by any means but we're ok so long as we defend. Which we do. Me: "wtf? why surrender." Fiddle: "we're losing, why waste time." Like wtf?!? How are we losing? We defended our points, and are in a position to do so. I tell him that his misplay at middle is not us losing and by that point we were up 40 pts. But some how I'm the one with twisted logic and "won't go far with that mindset." I don't fucking understand people.

  7. #7307
    The Lightbringer Skayth's Avatar
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    I actually like the new sated-devour enchant. It does give some junglers a nice spike, if they are able to take use of it. It also wants you to gank lanes to take full use of it, in order to make it sated. You can carry from the jungle, but you can also get hard core shut down. As it is, i highly like using Skarner with it, and has made him a far more viable pick.

    As for Runeglaive, it does need to die for Laners. I am sick and tired of seeing Ezriels with it. If they are on my team, they are terrible, if they are on the other team, they are god like with their poke. I have only seen one diana use it, and she was god-like by the end of the match, and on the other team. This was before sated, because I would have shut that down so fast if I was the jungler.

    I had 5 losses yesterday (ranked) all because I was forced to support. While my vision was perfect, my poke/tanking was perfect, my adc was mentally retarded. My other lanes were beyond hope. And the jungler thought sated meant afk jungle, trying to trick2g that shit up. I hate getting roles where I cannot carry from, or if I am forced to become the only cc tank on team, and then get camped hard.

    Once I got into my main role, I carried the games, to the point the other teams told my team if they did have me (well skarner) that they would have lost hard. And the vayne had the guff to say "but i did carry" when she was 6-9-4 =.=

    There are times I absolutely hate ranked. I really wish they would have a queue system, similar to team builder, for ranked. I just want to get back to gold for the eventual free champ skin -.-

  8. #7308
    Fluffy Kitten Yvaelle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow the Edgehog View Post
    God, re-reading that I sound so toxic, but I honestly don't think I can rely on many people at all in soloqueue. Too many bad experiences leading me to believe otherwise.
    Doesn't sound toxic, sounds like wisdom to me - I'm too generous with my buffs - they are meant for the jungler and I need to get greedy

    Quote Originally Posted by Skayth View Post
    I had 5 losses yesterday (ranked) all because I was forced to support. While my vision was perfect, my poke/tanking was perfect, my adc was mentally retarded. My other lanes were beyond hope. And the jungler thought sated meant afk jungle, trying to trick2g that shit up. I hate getting roles where I cannot carry from, or if I am forced to become the only cc tank on team, and then get camped hard.
    This is why I <3 Annie Support Get a Frost Queen's Claim, stun-poke the enemy ADC - when it's fully upgraded you can use the 80% snare to reliably land massive Bearstomps or secure fleeing targets. Even if your ADC is crap, it's still 2:2 in botlane, Annie+Tibbers

    If your ADC is good, then every stunpoke is potentially a kill - if they aren't good then stunpoke secures your lane to let them farm in peace so they might be useful later on: but then you start roaming mid and picking up assists, and suddenly there is a Mage-Annie roaming the field

    Also movement speed is everything as her IMO, Boots of Mobility are even sometimes good. It's all about getting into poke range faster than they can respond. Once you're in, you can poke+AA, then just back away again - and Molten Shield if they try to follow you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelwryn View Post
    We defended our points, and are in a position to do so. I tell him that his misplay at middle is not us losing and by that point we were up 40 pts. But some how I'm the one with twisted logic and "won't go far with that mindset." I don't fucking understand people.
    Had an unranked SR like that awhile ago - mid was like 0:7 and super angry at everyone, kept trying to surrender - but we were way ahead on turrets and 2:0 dragons - and the only reason we weren't ahead on kills too was.... mid feeding ><
    Last edited by Yvaelle; 2015-07-16 at 03:49 PM.
    Youtube ~ Yvaelle ~ Twitter

  9. #7309
    Quote Originally Posted by Skayth View Post
    I actually like the new sated-devour enchant. It does give some junglers a nice spike, if they are able to take use of it. It also wants you to gank lanes to take full use of it, in order to make it sated. You can carry from the jungle, but you can also get hard core shut down. As it is, i highly like using Skarner with it, and has made him a far more viable pick.

    As for Runeglaive, it does need to die for Laners. I am sick and tired of seeing Ezriels with it. If they are on my team, they are terrible, if they are on the other team, they are god like with their poke. I have only seen one diana use it, and she was god-like by the end of the match, and on the other team. This was before sated, because I would have shut that down so fast if I was the jungler.

    I had 5 losses yesterday (ranked) all because I was forced to support. While my vision was perfect, my poke/tanking was perfect, my adc was mentally retarded. My other lanes were beyond hope. And the jungler thought sated meant afk jungle, trying to trick2g that shit up. I hate getting roles where I cannot carry from, or if I am forced to become the only cc tank on team, and then get camped hard.

    Once I got into my main role, I carried the games, to the point the other teams told my team if they did have me (well skarner) that they would have lost hard. And the vayne had the guff to say "but i did carry" when she was 6-9-4 =.=

    There are times I absolutely hate ranked. I really wish they would have a queue system, similar to team builder, for ranked. I just want to get back to gold for the eventual free champ skin -.-
    Hey fam. I was once like you. who only saw the flaw in others. Who praised my play like I was faker. But than It happened. I learned the secret to dominating Silver an gold (Currently in promos for plat)

    I don't talk in chat. At all. all chat is off. an I only respond to pings. I choose off meta champions an build troll as shit. Example? I'm on a seven game win streak playing xin top, first build glory. Come 13min they never expect the surprise rush. An usually our team secures an ace at dragon. Its so dumb

    Or my personal favorite, support Renekton w/ tank sup item. still rush glory. closing games out with this jinx by 25min

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Skayth View Post
    I actually like the new sated-devour enchant. It does give some junglers a nice spike, if they are able to take use of it. It also wants you to gank lanes to take full use of it, in order to make it sated. You can carry from the jungle, but you can also get hard core shut down. As it is, i highly like using Skarner with it, and has made him a far more viable pick.

    As for Runeglaive, it does need to die for Laners. I am sick and tired of seeing Ezriels with it. If they are on my team, they are terrible, if they are on the other team, they are god like with their poke. I have only seen one diana use it, and she was god-like by the end of the match, and on the other team. This was before sated, because I would have shut that down so fast if I was the jungler.

    I had 5 losses yesterday (ranked) all because I was forced to support. While my vision was perfect, my poke/tanking was perfect, my adc was mentally retarded. My other lanes were beyond hope. And the jungler thought sated meant afk jungle, trying to trick2g that shit up. I hate getting roles where I cannot carry from, or if I am forced to become the only cc tank on team, and then get camped hard.

    Once I got into my main role, I carried the games, to the point the other teams told my team if they did have me (well skarner) that they would have lost hard. And the vayne had the guff to say "but i did carry" when she was 6-9-4 =.=

    There are times I absolutely hate ranked. I really wish they would have a queue system, similar to team builder, for ranked. I just want to get back to gold for the eventual free champ skin -.-
    Hey fam. I was once like you. who only saw the flaw in others. Who praised my play like I was faker. But than It happened. I learned the secret to dominating Silver an gold (Currently in promos for plat)

    I don't talk in chat. At all. all chat is off. an I only respond to pings. I choose off meta champions an build troll as shit. Example? I'm on a seven game win streak playing xin top, first build glory. Come 13min they never expect the surprise rush. An usually our team secures an ace at dragon. Its so dumb

    Matter-a-fact glory might just be OP

  10. #7310
    The Lightbringer Skayth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    This is why I <3 Annie Support Get a Frost Queen's Claim, stun-poke the enemy ADC - when it's fully upgraded you can use the 80% snare to reliably land massive Bearstomps or secure fleeing targets. Even if your ADC is crap, it's still 2:2 in botlane, Annie+Tibbers

    If your ADC is good, then every stunpoke is potentially a kill - if they aren't good then stunpoke secures your lane to let them farm in peace so they might be useful later on: but then you start roaming mid and picking up assists, and suddenly there is a Mage-Annie roaming the field

    Also movement speed is everything as her IMO, Boots of Mobility are even sometimes good. It's all about getting into poke range faster than they can respond. Once you're in, you can poke+AA, then just back away again - and Molten Shield if they try to follow you.
    I love annie support. Hell, occasionally I get fed on her. Her stuns are amazing, and if you are the fed one, you are building a tanky AP mage, that just happens to have a sightstone. (roa, rylais, zhonyas and if really fed, a ludens or rabadons.) The problem comes when you realize, being the last pick (or second to last and all thats left is support or adc), that your team is beyond the point of squishy, and you are forced to pick braum or leona to be a naturally tanky support, which has been the most recent week in ranked, at least for me. =(

    Now, I understand, play your best champion and best role... which I fully support, but if the entire team picks a bunch of squishies with no thought of team fights... which is the majority of the time it seems... it just back fires if I pick annie and we dont "dominate" lane, because team fights once mid game/late game start, and grouping happens. I am relied on initiation or counter initiation, with no sense of peel for a squishy back line. I just wish people would pick whats best for the team, and build around that... rather than, whats OP at the time *cough runeglaive ez cough*

    Quote Originally Posted by Dedomoazul
    Hey fam. I was once like you. who only saw the flaw in others. Who praised my play like I was faker. But than It happened. I learned the secret to dominating Silver an gold (Currently in promos for plat)

    I don't talk in chat. At all. all chat is off. an I only respond to pings. I choose off meta champions an build troll as shit. Example? I'm on a seven game win streak playing xin top, first build glory. Come 13min they never expect the surprise rush. An usually our team secures an ace at dragon. Its so dumb

    Matter-a-fact glory might just be OP
    Glory is pretty OP in lower levels, this is true, as long as your team goes with you. But, if they have sivir, you get kited.

    I do not think of myself as faker. I know I have a ton of flaws in my play, like I really should be using pink wards more (as both support and every other role), though my warding is great, in all roles, as I tend to get the Greater Sentry totem in every other role (though, if I am stuck to adc, i might get the blue one). Heck, I think all my roles needs improvement. I know this. I will never be a pro player, as much as I watch lcs. But, if I am a jack of all trades, like I am being forced to in yolo q, I can never be a master of one.

    God, I hate xin top. It pisses me off when I see that I am going against it, and dislike xin as a champion all together. While It could carry me through the ranks, I want to do it on champions I like.

    Off beat supports actually work pretty hard against regular supports, if you choose them correctly into the enemy support. One of my favorite ones is Cho'gath. Hit 6, and if they are not playing safe, that is a dead enemy adc (rupture/silence/CHOMP), and you play it with the tank support item as well, as it helps with your passive. Also impartial to a Viktor Support. Though I may be squishy, like Vel'koz, I bring immense amount of damage, like Vel'koz, I also bring a nice Zone control/large radius stun, unlike vel'koz. Beware mana consumption though.
    Last edited by Skayth; 2015-07-16 at 06:05 PM.

  11. #7311
    I do not agree with the "pick what the team needs and build around it" in lower elo. Always, no matter what the others pick, pick what you are good at. Yes, a tank support can be nice, but not if you are not good enough at it. And it wont do much if you can peel for you carries to doomsday be, if they cant kill anything while you do it.

    Pick OP meta stuff, if you are good at it, abuse the reason they are meta. If not, pick what you are best at. I once got teamed with a Lee Sin support, weird pick I tought (but I only play normal, so w/e), but he was good, very good at Lee Sin. So we crushed bot lane, and he kept on getting good picks and ults with him.

    Tl; dr - pick what you are comfortable with.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  12. #7312
    Quote Originally Posted by Dedomoazul View Post
    You don't sound toxic at all pops
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    Unless my mid is like 5-0 buy the time the second blue pops, he aint getting it.I'll donate to help someone snowball, but otherwise I'll be using it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yvaelle View Post
    Doesn't sound toxic, sounds like wisdom to me - I'm too generous with my buffs - they are meant for the jungler and I need to get greedy
    I try not to be too toxic, I don't like being rude... But no one touches my blue buff. Udyr needs them blues!

    Quote Originally Posted by Feederino Senpai View Post
    I do not agree with the "pick what the team needs and build around it" in lower elo. Always, no matter what the others pick, pick what you are good at. Yes, a tank support can be nice, but not if you are not good enough at it. And it wont do much if you can peel for you carries to doomsday be, if they cant kill anything while you do it.

    Pick OP meta stuff, if you are good at it, abuse the reason they are meta. If not, pick what you are best at. I once got teamed with a Lee Sin support, weird pick I tought (but I only play normal, so w/e), but he was good, very good at Lee Sin. So we crushed bot lane, and he kept on getting good picks and ults with him.

    Tl; dr - pick what you are comfortable with.
    Amen. I've always found that I was shit at FotM champions, but I'm really good with ones I focus on and practice with. Taric is considered a bad pick, for example (it's all I ever hear, at least), but I have almost an 80% win rate with him in ranked over 30 games. Same with Udyr, Kayle, Syndra, etc. If I find I like a champion, what I'll do is going into a custom and just practice their combos, ults, whatever over and over again until I get it down (I do the same thing in games like WoW to get rotations and stuff down). After that, it's just a matter of taking it into normals and remembering it. I used to be a horrible mid, but once I got Syndra down, it became much easier, and all I had to do was learn when to roam, buying and placing wards in that general area, etc. The learning curve for this game is huge, but as long as I take it one step at a time, I feel I can learn every role generally pretty well.

    I'm best at support (my role for all 3 ranked teams I'm on), jungle, and top. My playstyle varies depending on who I'm playing on, with, against, role, etc, but I think that's what I find most fun about this game. I can play pretty much however I want, but I digress.

    Going back to what Feederino Senpai said, you really should play whatever you're most comfortable with. Yeah, this jungle champion does counter the enemy jungler, but if they're much better at their champ then you are on yours, you're in for a bad time.

  13. #7313
    I've been getting the most retarded teammates these last 2 days which costed me 1,5 rank.
    I mainly focus on playing as a support with KDA's of 6+ on Morgana with 200+ games, 5+ with Nautilus, and so forth.
    When my ADC has half a brain, we steamroll the hell over botlane yet all the other lanes are feeding hard, losing everything.
    Or the ADC is braindead and feeds (Tristana with 0/8/3 last match) while I am still going on with something like 2/1/12.

    I'm thinking about switching lanes so I can actually CARRY the game even if everyone feeds..if that is possible at all.

    Here's a match I just played.
    Last edited by Mifuyne; 2015-07-19 at 11:56 AM.

  14. #7314
    Quote Originally Posted by Mifuyne View Post
    I've been getting the most retarded teammates these last 2 days which costed me 1,5 rank.
    I mainly focus on playing as a support with KDA's of 6+ on Morgana with 200+ games, 5+ with Nautilus, and so forth.
    When my ADC has half a brain, we steamroll the hell over botlane yet all the other lanes are feeding hard, losing everything.
    Or the ADC is braindead and feeds (Tristana with 0/8/3 last match) while I am still going on with something like 2/1/12.

    I'm thinking about switching lanes so I can actually CARRY the game even if everyone feeds..if that is possible at all.

    Here's a match I just played.
    Why have you bought an Aegis of the legion against an entirely full AD team. You have essentially itemised wrong and optimised wrong. Instead of blaming everybody else, think about what you could have done better. I have just highlighted one significant issue being your itemisation.
    If for some reason you wanted MR, a mikael's crucible would have done the same job yet provide you with more cd reduction for peel and a cleanse for your adc/team mates which would have allowed the kalista to not build the QSS. Im not sure that would have changed the outcome of the game but these are things you need to be improving on instead of bashing others.
    Last edited by mmocfa5c6e7ca4; 2015-07-19 at 12:24 PM.

  15. #7315
    Quote Originally Posted by Mifuyne View Post
    I've been getting the most retarded teammates these last 2 days which costed me 1,5 rank.
    I mainly focus on playing as a support with KDA's of 6+ on Morgana with 200+ games, 5+ with Nautilus, and so forth.
    When my ADC has half a brain, we steamroll the hell over botlane yet all the other lanes are feeding hard, losing everything.
    Or the ADC is braindead and feeds (Tristana with 0/8/3 last match) while I am still going on with something like 2/1/12.

    I'm thinking about switching lanes so I can actually CARRY the game even if everyone feeds..if that is possible at all.

    Here's a match I just played.
    When I felt I couldn't carry as support anymore, I started to play top, tanky tops. It is kinda the same as a support, only that you can crush your lane opponent before you go and support for your team mid/late.
    Also TP ganks can turn around enemy ganks pretty easy. Perhaps you should try that?

    And as Lekiki said, there is no reason to build Aegis against full AD. So there is always room for improvement, and in this case the improvement is build itemization keep up the good work!
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  16. #7316
    Quote Originally Posted by Lekiki View Post
    Mostly for the on-use shield.
    Certainly my itemization can be done better at times, thanks for pointing that out (same to feederino senpai).

    By the time I bought it they were already spanking on our top and mid inhibitor.
    That however is not a good excuse as to why buy it, noticed and written down (in my head).
    Last edited by Mifuyne; 2015-07-19 at 12:34 PM.

  17. #7317
    There is always a chance for a comeback. Late game death timers are almost one minute. Catch one of their carries in your jungle, and boom it is a 4v5 for one minute, thats when you pressure them. Perhaps you even get another pick, and boom 3v5! Push a turret, go back, never get greedy.

    If they get Baron, turtle it, stay in base and let them dive you (people who are far ahead almost always get cocky), punish them for every mistake they do.

    The game is never over before the Nexus is dead, never. But I do understand that some games seems lost very early, and some are. Thats the way with randoms, sometimes the enemy team got some darn good players while you get the shitty ones. Another game the tides have turned.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  18. #7318
    Been there, seen it happen. That matches turn around faster than Baron can say "B'ron?".

    All that is needed is one good pick, at the right time.
    Quote Originally Posted by atenime45 View Post
    The 10% reward. It's was unspoken rule that you DONT attack other faction so everyone could enjoy the 10% reward. But now no one cares about that anymore

  19. #7319
    this week i've been in promo for gold 3 more than 10 times!

    and every fucking time i get in promo i get some retard troller or someone that leaves

    i just lost yet another promo on my last promo game without even getting a chance because my jungler dc'ed at lvl 2 which ended up in botlane just giving up and dying to end it faster

    before i started this week i would get 25 lp for a win and lose 14 when i lost

    now i only gain 19 and lose 17


    and yet again i get back into promo, win first game, next game we had all their inhibs down, i tell people to group mid and push and our jax tele to a ward in their base and our shen ult him, so they get rekt with a 60+ ress timer, so enemy team just push as hard as they can and win.
    next game i got a rengar top that died 4 times in a row to vlad (they had picked vlad before our rengar had picked his top champ) and our team comp is just horrible.. i'm about to give up i can't carry when people don't wanna even try to win
    Last edited by mmocc06943eaac; 2015-07-21 at 06:00 AM.

  20. #7320
    The Unstoppable Force Super Kami Dende's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    The Lookout
    Lost a 4v5 match. One of the OTHER teams players D/Ced and never came back.

    Figured "Oh 4v5 We'll win this easy"....NOPE, my Teams Bot Lane decided to feed their Vayne for 20mins straight.

    I managed to still end with 14/6/8 but my Bot lane was Ezrael with 0/16/2 and Support (can't even remember what since they spent 95% of the game waiting to respawn) as 0/17/0, Needless to say even with 14 Kills it got to the point where the Vayne was still 2-3 shoting me after Warwick would pin me down.

    Some people.... just... GODDAMN.

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