1. #1361
    Quote Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
    So i was playing akali top vs signed. Stomped the guy like a boss. Then by the time I can get his turret I notice our botlane managed to lose all 3 turrets by the 10th min mark. Yoey. Good fucking game.
    Wait, so enemy duo bot was practically -IN YOUR BASE- by 10 min mark and no one decided a little bit of help there might be in order? Oo C'mon, when you let the enemy sit in that dangerous a place without a worry you don't get to blame anyone for the loss.

  2. #1362
    Decided to play solo a couple of times two days ago. Bad idea. Lost 3 games in a row and I was already so pissed off when the fourth game started. We ended up losing the game and I lost it and started to throw real life threats and shit to my teammates. I was not completely at fault though, as our support provoked me. Anyway I feel like another ban is coming, dont give a single fuck though.

  3. #1363
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kanani View Post
    I was not completely at fault though, as our support provoked me. Anyway I feel like another ban is coming, dont give a single fuck though.
    Excuses. You're the one flinging the threats, you're the one at fault. No matter how bloody stupid the support might've been.

  4. #1364
    Quote Originally Posted by Duilliath View Post
    Excuses. You're the one flinging the threats, you're the one at fault. No matter how bloody stupid the support might've been.
    Whatever. I gladly take what comes for me. Its always worth it for me.

  5. #1365
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanani View Post
    Whatever. I gladly take what comes for me. Its always worth it for me.
    Lets try to keep Finnish player quality up m8 Elä riehu siellä... Let greeks spout out their cancer brainfarts and spanish keep on their JAJAJAJAJAJA spam, which btw for a finn seems like frustrated yeayeayea... Ill never adapt to it being laughter...

  6. #1366
    So I just played a game where I tried to go top as dr. mundo. Champ select starts and insta lock khazix jungle and I pick mundo and go take a piss while the other 3 argue over who gets mid. I come back with about 10 seconds left in champ select to see one of the guys arguing over mid decided he can play malphite and call top when Im already mundo and we have a jungle. The other two duo mid and Im stuck 2v1 against Ez, Ali. I farm with cleavers and do a decent job until their jungle comes down and just takes my tower ignoring me completly while our jungle babysits the braindead mid lane.

  7. #1367
    Unbelievable ><

    Was in a really bad group, but luckily was playing my main (Teemo), and with the help of another good player (Rengar, jungling), got a few early kills (despite having to solo my lane against 2 strong carries). Meanwhile the enemy top and mid were being fed. Then their top lane ganks our bot a few times, but with some blinds and shrooms + Rengar's jungle work, we still hold out and pick up a few more kills in the process.

    Then one of my teammates suddenly leaves... and his friend soon follows, leaving us 5v3. Nevertheless, we are still owning, and I am about 3 levels above their entire team, except for their mid player who is not far behind. We have them on their back foot and can still win, (we took 2 towers).

    Then our 3rd player leaves (with a final score of 1/7/0) leaving us 5v2. Needless to say, we did all we could, but it quickly became hopeless. At one point I took out 2 of their players in a 5v1, but it's almost impossible to score a kill without dying, and they kept together as a group. Then they have the audacity to call us noobs.

    It was 5v3 for about 5 mins, and 5v2 for about 5mins after that, yet my stats were 11-4-10, and Rengar's was 13-8-3 before we surrendered.

    What a waste of time... ><

  8. #1368
    I hate hate hate hate hate HATE! people who leave ingame.

    We had an average 5v5, we were doing well, I was Wukong top lane and I was pretty fed early game 10/0 but Garen left, the game eventually turned into 5v4. Several minutes later our Syndra left, leaving only me, Caitlyn and Morgana on the team. Their team got baron, all lanes were pushed to the final 2 turrets and the nexus. We decided to come up with a plan, me and Caitlyn would backdoor the turrets and nexus due to our attack speed while Morgana defended the push. Funnily enough we pushed so much faster than their Kha'zix and Morgana that we won, killing their Alistair before he could do anything. A 5v3 gone right, what sorcery is this?

  9. #1369
    Yesterdays match;

    Losing Team

    Winning Team


    Me and Jax were playing bottom. He has Jax, I as my main, Leona. At the start, our opponents pushed us far into our lane, up to the tower. This was mainly due to the fact that both Jax and me need at least level 3 to become effective and they had the range. From level 3 on, we completely took the bottom lane, as I tend to do when playing Bot Leona. From level 6, our opponents didn't have a single chance anymore. We kept this up until the teamgame started and me and Jax started grouping up with the other teammembers.

    This is where it all went wrong. I can't grasp what happened just yet, but all my three deaths, were caused by me initiating combat, focussing a single target, that target somehow getting away from all 4 other players and we ended up with 4 dead players, and all players alive on their team with ~20% HP.

    This happened three times.

    I don't like surrendering, so I normally decline it, even though we might still lose (I feel that finishing a match, is actually more honorable than giving up), but this time I just gave up. If they can't follow the big red mark that says "kill this target" and just run around chasing different targets without thinking about the team, we have already lost the match.

    It was terrible. Than again, my performance wasn't bad, the boots were my only true fuckup.

    I'm not naming and shaming like this am I? Not my intention at least. Team cohesion was just bad.

    Yeah, don't name and shame. I'll leave the lolking link but don't post the names here.

    Serious :? There's a spectator mode and there's all sorts of streams, but I can't post public data? hm.
    Last edited by Vespian; 2012-10-09 at 03:45 PM. Reason: yesterdays match = 20 hours ago at this point.

  10. #1370
    Didn't have a bad game, in fact we stomped them. I went 6/0/4 on irelia @ top against a Darius.

    He kept saying to me "1v1 me Irelia i take Darius we see how pro u are"

    Baddies. Baddies everywhere x_x

  11. #1371
    fucking getting tired of played Lol right now.... 3 victory out of 14 games since today and a bit of yesterday and two days ago it was 2 victory out of 11 games... i'm loosing like hell right now.. had 100 games more than defear for months and now it just rapdily dissapears, mostly i get afk'ers feeders in the game or people who like to just lock in and double jungle / double top or play bruiser/tank bot without being supportive.. getting tired of it --'

  12. #1372
    So someone cried about Smite in here before, does that mean I can cry about DotA, too?

  13. #1373
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    *shrug* Fine by me. There's a DotA thread over there *points* though.

  14. #1374
    Well yeah but it's not like this thread is mostly for the discussion, didn't feel like clogging that thread up.

    Pick Axe because screw it, I feel like winning with OP Hunger. 20 seconds later Lycan picks and wants to jungle, I didn't feel like dealing with his bullshit so I just tell him to go lane and instead of just letting Invoker solo, my team decides that Lycan should now solo. *sigh*

    5 or so minutes later, Lycan tells everyone to report me for...whatever reason and goes AFK. He comes back when I run over to fountain because he thinks he can jungle since I'm not there, too bad for him I was buying boots and he had none so we get there the same time anyway. Lasthitting battle, start. With him being 2 levels behind it was pretty easy.

    Fastforward 20 minutes and Viper is 22 when our entire team is around 12, funny thing is we probably would've won really hard if he wasn't capable of 1v3ing us.

  15. #1375
    I laned with a Regrowth Pendant Vayne in ranked (~1200 elo). I really should've dodged or maybe even played ADC myself (which I consider one of my worse roles, but not quite that horrendous) upon seeing her take Teleport/Exhaust... Her build order was Regrowth Pendant > Boots > Berserker's Greaves > Recurve Bow > Recurve Bow > Ionic Spark > Wit's End > Madred's Razor > Madred's Bloodrazor.
    Our Morde that game built a Hextech Gunblade and played even worse though, frequently trying to 1v3 or so. He had the most deaths on our team.

    Well, I got the Elo back later that night when the enemy team had a troll pick Evelynn (with Clairvoyance/Promote) and half the team stopped playing/gave up after 5 min.

  16. #1376
    Trolls. Trolls, trolls, trolls. I really wish you would stay the mothering fuck away from this game. Stick with CoD or DOTA, please. Thanks.

    Intentionally feeding Alistar support, 0/22 by S@20.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  17. #1377
    I hate when people keep saying that if u are in low ello is your problem when u get AD veigar or AP jarvan or AD leblanc aaa i love AD sona then come to me and tell me ello hell don't exist i really start to hate this game

  18. #1378
    Quote Originally Posted by Synners View Post
    I hate when people keep saying that if u are in low ello is your problem when u get AD veigar or AP jarvan or AD leblanc aaa i love AD sona then come to me and tell me ello hell don't exist i really start to hate this game
    I couldn't agree more my friend got lucky as hell and got out of elo hell by winning his last five matches four in a row and was able to come out of his placement matches in 1300+ elo avoiding 1100-1300 all together aka elo hell. Now he thinks he is so much better then me and my other friend just because we can't get out of elo hell : /!

    But as proven a single person can go 20-0 and his team still loses T_T...

  19. #1379
    Vayne: Oom
    Ours not to make reply. Ours not to reason why. Ours but to do and die!

  20. #1380
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverocean View Post
    I couldn't agree more my friend got lucky as hell and got out of elo hell by winning his last five matches four in a row and was able to come out of his placement matches in 1300+ elo avoiding 1100-1300 all together aka elo hell. Now he thinks he is so much better then me and my other friend just because we can't get out of elo hell : /!

    But as proven a single person can go 20-0 and his team still loses T_T...
    I'm playing @1650~ Elo range and still losing game due to trolls. There is no such thing as elo hell, and if there is, it continues all the way to the absolute highest rating. I carried my first 'placement' matches and got to 1600 instantly. You are at the elo you belong to, maybe 100-200 below. Drops do happen in solo queue.

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