1. #1

    BC Blacksmith patterns

    Has anyone heard if they are going to put these patterns back for MoP? I know when they took away the spec's for each of the professions they moved them to a single trainer but several of the spec patterns are missing When I respec'ed back to BS a few months ago I re trained everything and I am still missing a crazy amount of patterns.

    Anyone have any news on these patterns?

  2. #2
    Oh, I thought you wanted to talk about the world drops and sunwell patterns, cause they are crazy hard to get -_-

    Don't think they will bring them back in the way it used to be, but if enough people keep bringing it up during beta and on the official forums, they might rethink it and put them at the trainers.

  3. #3
    well the issue I have is there were trainable patterns not drops........I dont understand why these are not in the game again

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