1. #1

    MOP Transmute Living Elements

    Hi there,

    I wondered if someone in beta may be able to answer this question

    Currently, alchemists can do a daily cooldown that turns 15 volatile life into ~15 of a random volatile, or ~15 of a fixed type of volatile if stood in a corresponding zone (deepholme for volatile earth, for example).

    My question is, at this stage in beta, is there anything similar? And is there a way to guarantee what type of volatile you receive?

    I realise this may not have been implemented yet, but any response is welcome.

  2. #2
    Nope, there's nothing similar in beta yet. There are transmutes for the gems, but there's no "spirit" transmute (volatiles are spirits in MoP). There's a full list in the sticky at the top of the page of the skills that are in the beta files right now.

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