So guys! I'm in the middle of my Diploma Work and I need your help over here!
I need you to answer this Poll/Questionnaire as precise as possible !

The title of my Diploma Work is “Computer Games as a Way of Developing Lexical Proficiency among Secondary School Students”
or in other words... Are computer games good in developing your language skills? such as listening, reading, writing etc.
The age of the people answering... should be around 16-18 but I don't care... it doesn't matter what age you are...

So here it goes... Try to answer it as precise as possible

1) What is your gender?
 Female, Male
2) What is your age?
3) How long have you been learning English? (In years)
4) Do you find computer games interesting? Please justify your answer!
 Yes,  Rather Yes,  Rather No,  No
……………………………………………………………………............ ............
……………………………………………………………………………… ……
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5) What types of games are you interested in? (You can choose more than one!)
 Sport games
 Strategic games
 FPS games (first person shooters)
 Racing games
 RPG (role-playing game)
 Action Adventure games
 Life simulation (fishing, creation of families etc.)
 Vehicle simulation (flight simulator etc.)
 Educational games
Other types: …………………………………………………………………….
……………………………………………………………………………… ….

6) Do you have any favourite computer games?
 Yes,  No
Please write down some of you favourite titles if you checked yes!

7) Do you play English versions of some computer games?
 Always,  Often,  Sometimes,  Rarely,  Never
Justify why?

8) What do you do if you encounter unknown phrase or word in-game?
 I skip it / I do not pay attention to it
 I check it in dictionary
 I try to guess the meaning on my own
 I try to contextualize it to find the meaning
 Other options: ……………………………………………………………

9) Do you think that playing English versions can improve your language skills?
 Yes,  Rather Yes,  Rather No,  No
Justify, why?

10) Did the game broaden your cultural knowledge of English speaking countries?
 Yes,  Rather Yes,  Rather No,  No
Justify, why?

11) Do computer games motivate you to learn English?
 Yes,  Rather Yes,  Rather No,  No

12) Would you encourage other people to start playing English versions of
computer games?
 Yes,  Rather Yes ,  Rather No,  No

13) What do you find interesting in games?

Thanks in advance! !!!!