1. #1

    Setting Up Bartender on a rogue?

    hey guys

    I want to keybind my stealth and shadow dance bar with the same keybinds as I use for me normal attacks in non stealth mode.

    Is this possible in bartender4? At the moment when i try and mind Garrotte to '2' for example it unbinds Hemmorage when not in stealth as they share '2' but dont sit in the same action bar slot. I ask because I dont have all my attacks in the same bar using increasing numbers, '1' is in a bar '2' is in another bar etc etc and all stealth attacks are in an independent bar anyway

    Thanks for any help as I am new to configuring addons

  2. #2
    /bt to open bartender config
    Expand the Bars section on the left
    Go to Bar 1
    Go to the State Configuration Tab
    Set Stealth and Shadow Dance to use the same bar

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