1. #1

    Druid Macro Help :3

    Just hit level 80 on my Druid, and I want to start incorporating some mouseover macros. One of them that is causing me an issue is the Rebirth Announce Macro. I'm trying to do this without any addons. Basically, I want it to:
    -Only Cast if target is dead
    -Can be used as a mouseover or used on my target if I do not have a mouseover target
    -Announce once in /say ">>> Battle Rezzing <target> <<<" (Even if I spam the button, it only shows once.)

    I can do all of these seperately, but together is throwing me off : /

    Thanks In advance

  2. #2
    /use [nocombat] Revive
    /stopmacro [nocombat]
    /use Rebirth
    /ra Rebirth on %t

    this is what i use, it will cast rebirth in combat on a dead target or revive out of combat. It also announce it

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by DZalvi85 View Post
    /use [nocombat] Revive
    /stopmacro [nocombat]
    /use Rebirth
    /ra Rebirth on %t

    this is what i use, it will cast rebirth in combat on a dead target or revive out of combat. It also announce it
    Close, but its missing a few things. I know for sure I need a /script somewhere >_>

  4. #4
    I don't think you can use /script in combat these days, can you?

  5. #5
    /cast [nocombat]Revive
    /stopmacro [nocombat]
    /run if GetSpellCooldown(20484)==0 and UnitInRange("target")then SendChatMessage("Cast "..GetSpellLink(20484).." on "..UnitName("target"),"SAY")end
    /cast [@mouseover,help,dead][]Rebirth

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

  6. #6
    Give this a shot:

    /cast [@mouseover,exists,dead,help][dead,help] Rebirth
    /script local s,d,e = GetSpellCooldown(20484) if s>0 and d>0 then SendChatMessage(">>> Battle Rezzing %t <<<") end
    EDIT: Woops, looks like I was late to the party

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