For anyone who's played the games, you know that the continent has a much richer history than is covered in the two wars Ike takes part in. I think it would be a really cool idea to make a prequel, of which there are two possibilities.
-First idea: Gawain's past. Prolouge/first chapter involves him fighting some random bandits or w/e when he is seen by an army recruiter and recruited. He meets Zelgius, forms a kind of father-son relationship, goes through a war with him, Ashnard, and the Great Riders, then his flight to Crimea with Elena, afterward he meets Caineghis/Volke/Renning. Maybe some kind of secret order seeking Yune's return debuts in the game as a kind of illuminati that helped Ashnard, leader of which Greil kills to end the game. Could have alternating viewpoints with Naesala, in which he is kind of a non-entity in the royal house of a failing country. He starts out loyal, then grudgingly loyal, to the point that he signs the blood pact to become king. During his meeting with the Begnion official he learns of the coming disaster in Serenes, he could meet Greil around that time and they try to stop it. Another alternating viewpoint could maybe even be Raijon, he fights some trespassers to Goldoa so we get the hang of him before he battles his way to Daein against the illuminati group. In Daein he realizes he won't be able to topple Ashnard when confronted by the illuminati leader, who has recovered goddess-blessed armor for Ashnard, as well as Ragnell, the combination of which would make Ashnard unstoppable. He goes ham and despite being hit with the feral drug, willpowers through it long enough to kill the leader (creating a de facto for Greil to fight later) and send Ragnell away at the cost of his own sanity, a sacrifice that would cause people to think he was just a brash youth that threw his life away, but he did it anyway.
-Second idea: Altina. Game centered around war against Yune feat. Dheginsea, Soan, and Lehran.
I think there's enough of a base for a prequel of some sort to be made. Inb4 "no more than 2 games/continent": see FE 1,2, and 3. #fanboy dreams