Thread: Sona trouble...

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  1. #41
    Okay... I didn't read the entire thread as there seems to be a lot of crap (no offense intended to anyone), so i'm just gonna go ahead and give my assessment:

    As it has been stated; You're level 14.

    Being support in lower levels is extreme difficult and i'd suggest you leave it alone for a bit. (Not trying to discourage you, but you're only making it harder on yourself)

    Sona is an interesting support, and most people seem to do it COMPLETELY wrong.

    You are right. Sona eats mana for dinner. But that is just how it is! You can't go building Tear of the Goddes or Catalyst the Protector. They are not cost efficient for you.

    After playing support a while, you will come to realize what you 3 mains tasks are:

    1. Protect your AD carry, during laning and in teamfights.
    2. Ward the map.
    3. Don't feed.

    Now, point 2 and 3 are pretty simple (Though you should consult a warding guide if you are serious about supporting )

    Point 1 however is way more difficult, especially at lower levels where people tend to play aggressive as hell.
    Don't listen too much to people in your games: They don't know what they are talking about, generally.

    In your runes, as sona, you want TANKINESS. yes, tankiness.
    Masteries? Tankiness and the GP10 masteries from utility.

    My setup looks like this (For sona specifically)

    Armor Reds, Armor Yellows, Flat MR blues, GP10 Quints.
    21+ armor, 12+ MR, 3+ Gp10

    Mastery: 0/9/21 or 0/13/16.

    Why? You are simply going to have to conserve your mana and play safe.

    When you start a match consider the lane you are in and ask yourself this one question: "Am i going to heal my carry and let him last under tower, or are we going to harass and push them to their tower?"

    If 1: Max heal, play safe, don't trade too much.
    If 2: Max Q, go aggressive, try to trade EARLY and make them AFRAID, then ZONE. Zoning means you... look threatening, but you don't actually do anything other than going close, UNLESS they come too close; Then you pop a Q to their face along with a Passive Q autoattack.

    You need to conserve mana. All day long.
    This is one of the hardest things about Sona. LEarning how to NOT run oom.

    Since you are low level, try to get to 30 fast, get your rune setup, and then just practice practice and practice. If you got some good friends who are good at the game, let them coach you.
    Lolpro.Com has some of the support guides written by Elementz (A tournament support).

    Happy hunting.

  2. #42
    Love Sona
    a skilled Sona player is really be great for the whole team

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by Firebert View Post
    I get that I have to ward (because I've not seen anyone else do it). I also guess I'm going to have to go make a list of what each champion's type is (AP or AD) so I can guess what boots and counter-items to pick.
    Dunno if anyone replied to this section, but you can just look at the score sheet and see what items people are building to see if they are AD/AP.

  4. #44
    I play Sona fairly often in normals, and do well with her. I'm not some high ELO pro, nor am I the best warder, but that's not really a Sona problem. Note that I am level 30, so YMMV.

    Flash/Clarity. Mana may not be as much an issue lategame, but it can still be useful in team fights or if you ever have to escape from three people chasing you through the jungle while you juggle auras and Power Chord.

    Major runes I go for are gold generating quintessences. I am an odd one and tend to just use spell penetration reds, but I tend to be a bit more aggressive with Power Chords. From there I use flat armor yellows and MR/level blues.

    Faerie Charm, 2 wards, 2 health pots, 2 mana pots at the start. Grab Q, make sure you charge up a free power chord before heading to your lane. Early on you can hit pretty hard with it if you've got a good shot at killing your lane opponents. Get everything by level 3, prioritize your skills R>W>Q>E.

    Next, build Philosopher's Stone, normal boots, and Heart of Gold. Any time you go back, if you've got too little gold to buy any more items, grab a ward or two. I tend to hold on to the GP5 items longer than most do.

    I grab Ionian Boots of Lucidity next, then a Chalice of Harmony. Mana is easy at this point, and will only get better if/when I later upgrade the Chalice.

    At this point, I'll take stock of my team. I almost always build an Aegis of the Legion. It makes you and your team more durable and hit a little harder. If someone else has already built an Aegis, determine if your team will get better mileage out of perhaps Zeke's Herald or Will of the Ancients.

    This is where my warding starts to falter, but in normals it isn't as big of a deal. If my team is performing well, I'll grab a WOTA on top of Aegis. Otherwise, I usually get a Banshee's Veil, grabbing the Negatron Cloak portion first since Catalyst is less useful at this point of the game.

    If the game continues on, I'll drop the gold into upgrading the Chalice into Athene's Unholy Grail, then consider my options on Heart of Gold. Randuin's Omen and Locket of the Iron Solari are both useful, with the former making you even more durable and the latter providing another beneficial aura for your team. I might get flak for this, but if the game still continues on long enough, I'll consider selling Philosopher's for a Lich Bane or a Rabadon's Deathcap.

    Again, this is from someone who just plays normals.

    The main thing to remember is that picking the right Power Chord is essential in any skirmish. I'll use E's power chord to slow a focus target, W's power chord to weaken a carry (i.e., the guy doing the most damage), or Q's if neither E nor W are needed. Try not to get killing blows if your target's death is guaranteed without another attack from you, but you get to be durable enough you might be able to flash behind a turret and drop Q (and/or it's Chord) to secure a kill.
    Now, THIS thing? THIS thing is horrible. It's just awful. It was awful at 60 and it was awful at 58. It's awful at 45. If this dropped off a mob in Wailing Caverns when you were level 17 and being run through by a higher level character, you would equip it ONLY because you don't have trinkets at that level, and it would STILL SUCK.
    -Wowhead user on the Lion Horn of Stormwind, an epic from the era of so-called "EPIC" epics.

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