1. #1

    Clcinfo and Feral Spirit (Enha)

    Heya, so I just started using clcinfo (instead of Weakauras) and was wondering how can I track Feral Spirit Duration and CD.

    Much like this AW command:

    local visible, texture, start, duration, enable, reversed = IconAura("HELPFUL", "player", "Avenging Wrath")

    if not visible then return IconSpell("Avenging Wrath") end

    return visible, texture, start, duration, enable, reversed

    But AW is a buff on the player, and Feral Spirit summons pets (and soon guardians).

  2. #2
    If feral spirit is not a buff but you still got a CD, then according to
    you do
    return IconSpell("Feral Spirit")

    For duration that's tricky. Instead specify the duration of your feral spirits as an ICD:
    return IconICD(51533, 30, 0, 1, 0.3)

    It is 30 sec duration so I put 30. Change if it's different. It's not an ICD obviously but who cares as long as it shows the timer.

  3. #3
    Awesome, thanks!

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