1. #1

    Show / Hide Bartender action bars macro, help !

    Need help with a macro that will show Bartender bars 1, 5, and 6 when clicked once, then hide them when clicked again. Any help would be great, thanks!

  2. #2
    Take a look at this post. Add /run in front if you use it in a macro.

  3. #3
    Ah thanks, works perfectly for one bar at a time. If i was to change the code to toggle bars 4, 5, and 6 rather than just one bar, would the code look something like this:

    Bartender4.Bar.barregistry["1"]["5"]["6"]:SetVisibilityOption("always",not Bartender4.Bar.barregistry["1"]["5"]["6"]:GetVisibilityOption("always"))


    Thanks for the help !

  4. #4
    Duplicate the line for every bar you want to toggle. Alternately use:
    /run local function t(n) Bartender4.Bar.barregistry[n]:SetVisibilityOption("always",not Bartender4.Bar.barregistry[n]:GetVisibilityOption("always")) end t("1") t("5") t("6")

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