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  1. #41
    question is will they offer a return portal in all the faction capitals to pandaria or just w/org?

  2. #42
    Portals back? Nice.

    Though I love how its another CATAfail decision that Bliz is having to reverse. What was it they said? Having no portals was good for the
    And portals to Shatt and Dalaran aswell, now all they need is portals between capital cities and you may get someone in silvermoon/exodar....probably not even that would help Darnassus though!

  3. #43
    Not sure, there will of course have to be a way from SW and Org to Pandaria itself, but if they hold to what they've done before it won't be to the actual capital cities but to the starter areas.

  4. #44
    thats not the case , cata main set was on azeroth, they didnt want us to have fast traveling hubs in the main stage of the expansion, now that "azeroth" isnt the main any more, portals are back.

    such is the case of outland and northrend, we didnt have any fast traveling hubs.
    Be feared, or be fuel

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by tlacoatl View Post
    Portals back? Nice.

    Though I love how its another CATAfail decision that Bliz is having to reverse. What was it they said? Having no portals was good for the
    And portals to Shatt and Dalaran aswell, now all they need is portals between capital cities and you may get someone in silvermoon/exodar....probably not even that would help Darnassus though!

    u know blizz could have fixed the empty if/SM problem in cata iff they added portals to uldum ect tehere also instead of just having them in the capitals

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by KWC3587 View Post
    You use them to fly to places that aren't capital cities and thus don't have portals? If there was a quicker route there then why wouldn't you use it? Would there be a point to seeing the same scenery you've already seen a dozen times or more? I don't get more immersed in the game from getting on a taxi and flying over burning steppes for the god only knows how many times, and have at least a somewhat hard time accepting that many others do either. If you do enjoy it then go for it. It seems to be the fact that anyone else can that's upsetting you, so if it doesn't ruin their immersion then why does that bother you?
    It bothers me because the zeppelins purpose disappears with the portals. So does the ships, and the tram. Why make them in the first place if everyone travels by portal anyways? Your argument that there is no point in seeing something you have already seen seems trivial considering you probably play the same dungeons and battlegrounds over and over, haven't you done that before? You should be sick of them already? I do use the zeppelins myself but oh is it fun to see that I am yet again the only one using it for the hundredth time? I want to see other people using them as well or else I might as well set up my own private server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Korthas View Post
    Except that we are a world filled with high magic. It makes no sense for heroes to have to use archaic modes of transportation to get to major cities.

    You still need your mounts to get to places outside (or even inside most) cities.
    Ok so let's remove mounts and flypaths altogether, our characters are too good for something like that and only the best of the best is good enough for them, in this case portals to wherever we have to go.

  7. #47
    Why do people even try to make points about anything on the official forums?

    Blizzard will either avoid the question, or make some unrelated point that they believe invalidates the original question.

  8. #48
    just shows how out of touch GC is with the raiding community

  9. #49
    Very disappointed about the comment on female Pandaren faces :S

    Pretty sure there's been comments about adding options to them since they were first released for testing - don't understand why it can't be implemented.

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by connectz View Post
    just shows how out of touch GC is with the raiding community
    He seems pretty in touch with it to me. The people whining and screaming at him are entitled babies that want to have something shiney and otherwise-worthless and let no one else have what they've got, even if they eventually put forth the same effort and skill they did but just not at the same timeline.

    Setting up game content so that half of a percent of a game community only gets to experience it or enjoy the rewards of doing it is simply wasting the time of 99.5% of everyone else who pays and plays the same game.
    Quote Originally Posted by dexter44
    There is no patch for human stupidity
    Orihank is displeased.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Keristrasza View Post
    You're right, there was .... and it was because the start of it was TOO. HARD. The only people who need to get off their high horse, are those of the player base who continually cry about wanting the content like it was in Classic and TBC. You want to complain it was better and that the Casual is being greedy wanting it faceroll easy, but you can still SEE the content.

    What the 1% is demanding would make it so only they can see it, which is by far the most selfish and greedy thing I have seen. I played since Classic and I LIKE how it works now, Classic was fun when it was current but all MMOs, not just wow are moving from that game play style. If WoW continued to make things as difficult as it was in TBC almost everyone but that 1% would leave to play games that allowed them to see the content. ALL OF IT.

    Yet reasoning with any one who is demanding the difficulty be returned is like trying to reason with a wall. They care little for anyone but their %1 and thankfully Blizzard is not inclined to listen.
    No one is asking for a difficulty boost to early Cata levels. People want a return to the tried and true models that worked in BC and wotlk, the models that attracted people to the game and KEPT them addicted. Blizzard thought it would be wise to lower the difficulty and increase the accessibility, but with that they took away all incentives to work and strive to be better at the game, and the grinds and motivations to get better gear etc all kept people playing. Lowering the difficulty isn't what will keep people entertained. There is a reason a huge debate regarding the game lately has been about the speed at which people consume content.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Wipeout View Post
    greeeat there goes charging 50 - 150g per portal ... why even bother giving mages teleports and portal skills in the 1st place :/
    Yes, why bother? What other class can make a 150g off a skill?

  13. #53
    nice!! dalaran we meet again

  14. #54
    this is pretty cool

  15. #55
    When you really boil it down, Blizz just wants to squeeze out every cent they can by attracting more players with their "accessible" content. That's their underlying true motive for the accessible (and stupidly easy) content.

    Ofc, it was kinda crazy back in the days of original Naxx. But TBC had the balance nailed down pretty well--there was a set path that each guild had to follow to progress. Going from Kara to BT was a long and rewarding journey through the expansion. If locking players to a set path makes people nauseous, then WotLK did away with it, but at least had a difficulty level that allowed killing new bosses to be rewarding. Cata ripped that out too, and now all we're left with is guilds skipping to the newest tier regardless of when they were formed and knocking over bosses. The main complaint is that kills don't feel rewarding at all anymore, but Activision knows all too well that there are better ways of making money than making a good product, so they just ignore that.

    Bottom line: They keep saying that its better for the game and its what the 'majority' of players want. Bullshit, Blizz just wants more money, and their PR people are doing a terrible job of hiding it.

  16. #56
    If the faction change is 25% off, shouldn't it be 18.75$. Not 22.50$, since that is only 10% off..... Just saying.

  17. #57
    High Overlord seraphbreak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vandalism View Post
    If the faction change is 25% off, shouldn't it be 18.75$. Not 22.50$, since that is only 10% off..... Just saying.
    ^ faction change is $30. server transfer and race change are $25 each

  18. #58
    Player Monkylord - You want everyone to see Deathwing because, for some abstract reason it would be absolutely crippling for a player to finish the expansion but not fight him, but at the same time for those who missed the other 75% of Cataclysm raiding content, it just 'sucks for you'.

    Blizz Blue Poster Draztal - There's no contradiction. The only meaning of "and that sucks" is that not being able to experience it as the current content when it was released is unfortunate.
    I do think is still a better prospect than having to experience it when you're in a new expansion because you were always behind of what, for the other players, was actually "current content".

    Quote Originally Posted by fangless View Post
    Why do people even try to make points about anything on the official forums?

    Blizzard will either avoid the question, or make some unrelated point that they believe invalidates the original question.
    Agreed completely! I don't know if this was one of the posts you meant, but it is one of the prime examples for me. It's not a contradiction just because he says it isn't? His reasoning behind it doesn't change it at all. To me "current content" IS that expansion, not just the newest patch! I hate having to move on to the newest raid because it's easy higher item level loot to get when I haven't gotten a chance to finish off the previous tier with my guild (we're usually just 1-2 bosses from clearing it fully on heroic). The fact that you can get better or comparable gear from new 5-mans and VP every patch than you can from the previous tier is terrible in my opinion as well. I could keep going back and pushing the previous tier with my guild like the blue post suggests, but that doesn't happen! The focus of raids is always the race to finish the newest content and get the newest best gear regardless of how much of the previous tier you've completed. This makes the previous tier instantly worthless in the eyes of raid progression as soon as the newest tier and patch content comes out. Sometimes I don't think Blizz understands the mindset of raiders. For the most part, they pick the path that is most efficient towards getting the newest end-goal, and that does not include going back to finish the previous tier. The bosses I've spent the least amount of time on (and I would guess the average numbers would support me on this) were end bosses for middle of the expansion tiers. Bosses like Kael'thas in BC, Algalon in WotLK, and Sinestra in Cata are probably some of the least seen content in WoW. Is that intentional? Will raid finder fix this in the future? If they're going to have "elite" bosses like Algalon and Sinestra, I would much rather have them at least be part of the very last tier of an expansion which ends up "current content" for the longest amount of time. That might give some incentive for people to keep playing at the end of an expansion.

  19. #59
    As soon as Firelands was released, the only reason to run BWD, BoT, and Tot4W was to do a fun run. When Dragon Soul was released, Firelands became a fun run. It severely limits a dungeon's active run, so I wish Blizzard would take action to make them less obsolete when a new patch is released.

    On the other hand, back in TBC, less than 1% of the player base saw Sunwell Plateau. While this made it bragging rights for those that completed it, Blizzard realized they made this beautiful epic dungeon that so few people actually got to experience. So I do understand their reasoning here. I just wish they would find more of a middle ground.

  20. #60
    Warchief Alayea's Avatar
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    I don't miss TBC at all. Sure, I have some good memories of it but not anywhere near enough to make me want to go back. I very much prefer players being able to catch up to the current tier, as I personally know what it was like to be left behind in an expansion.

    "You want raiding gear? Go do heroics. What's that? No one is doing them? Go PvP then and bash your head against the grinder until you miraculously manage to eek out the required amount of Marks and Honor (and rinse and repeat many times). You got your gear? Great. The latest raid is Sunwell, but you're only good enough for Karazhan, so that's the only raid you'll be doing -- ever -- because no one will be wanting to go back to really old content to farm gear so that little ol' you can catch up. Goodbye, and sucks to be you!"

    No, thanks. I'd rather have tier-skipping than go through that all over again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nadja View Post
    Very disappointed about the comment on female Pandaren faces :S

    Pretty sure there's been comments about adding options to them since they were first released for testing - don't understand why it can't be implemented.
    I don't understand it, either. The last thing a good amount of people want is a repeat of the Female Worgen. (Heck, weren't we telling them that even before Blizzard revealed the Female Pandaren?)

    What is wrong with their "team"? Speaking for myself, I don't want my fem panda to be perpetually perky. Or limited skin options a la Tauren. Be allowed to mix it all up, I say!

    Quote Originally Posted by Amsden View Post
    Awesome now instead of everyone hanging out in the same city again I will get to go back to the beautiful Ironforge
    Or Thunderbluff.

    And I've got to say, I'm actually in agreement with the removal of AH from Pandaria. Shattrath originally didn't, and Dalaran's used to be for proficient engineers only. Why should Pandaria be any different in this regard? Portals are a much better bargain anyway, especially with the removal of the "Have Group, Will Travel" guild perk.
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