1. #1

    Heroic Spine - Yet another quick question :)

    kk, so we're up to about 100 wipes now (yes, with the nerf, we're baddies whatEVAR ) and things have been progressing pretty steadily. We can reach the 3rd plate without any problems now, and with some quick experimentation last night it appears we can zerg a tendon down in 1 phase if we use all CD's heroism and potions.

    So my question to the raiders out there is :

    Should we pop the *first* tendon in one go, or should we pop the *last* tendon in one go? We can reach the armour plate in 2 sets of 2 tendon phases without using pots or heroism, and it could easily be arranged to have all 5 min, 2min etc. CD's available for the '5th' tendon phase if we did so, but would that be easier in terms of rate of blood spawns than just popping the first one super quick?

    Any advice welcome, would really love to finish this bastard off tonight, as its my birthday and it would be a sweet birthday present

    EDIT: If it matters, we raid 25 man (still, woo!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Posting here is primarily a way to strengthen your own viewpoint against common counter-arguments.

  2. #2
    Given that bloods spawn on the timer, rather then plate number, it totally doesnt matter which tendon youll do in one lift.

    But given that first two shouldn't be a big problem(with two lifts both) and only last one might get abit messy id vote for one lifting the third one.

  3. #3
    Last Tendon. The first two are not a problem, I pretty much solo heal it on Heroic (Holy Paladin), you need to use it on the third as that is when your tanks are taking a beating, and the bloods splash damage on death is causing major issues.

    One thing we found since 15% Nerf, don't kite the bloods. Kill them of slowly (Tank only), as it saves time and is easier to heal and manage. Good luck!

  4. #4
    Well on the first tendom u will have the help of both tanks and everyone will be alive(cant say the same for the last one).In addittion if you can oneshot the tendom,maybe you should try to 2man heal and 1shot all of em(worked for us).What we did 1st=cds 2nd =cds that are up+pot 3d bloodlust and all cds.Hope i helped!

  5. #5
    From what I've heard, the bloods initially spawn 8 seconds apart and for every amalgamation you kill the CD on the spawn is decreased by 1 second. This doesn't count additional bloods spawned by the residue reincarnating.

    Regardless, taking out the first plate in one lift seems optimal as then you'd have the bloods spawning slower for the entire fight duration. If you pop the last plate in one lift bloods spawn at the faster rate the entire fight and the only benefit you get is eliminating the last 1/6th of the fight.

  6. #6
    Thanks for the responses I'll assume that things can be transferred as easily to the 25 man format for the suggestions of '2 healing' it etc. Somehow I can't see us 2 healing it 25 man hehe.

    @Hyve if you return to this thread, we attempted a 'killing the bloods' thing but it kinda wasted our raid a bit - would you say this is a result of healing deficiency? (The burst dmg started to cause a few deaths on ppl who had absorbing plasma etc.) I kinda felt it was but our healers do a fine job 99% of the time so usually in situations where we have deaths I look to where the DpS or Tanks aren't 'doinitrite'...
    Quote Originally Posted by Shalcker View Post
    Posting here is primarily a way to strengthen your own viewpoint against common counter-arguments.

  7. #7
    Killing the bloods, has to be a timed thing, i.e. don't ever kill bloods during a roll. We (10 man) have one dps on bloods almost the whole fight keeping them under control unless a tendon is exposed. Once we get the amal to 10% if the 2nd grip hasn't hit yet we all pop some bloods, this gives healers time to recover. During a roll all healers should be blowing their hymn, tranq, SLT to clear the searing plasma. If they are wasting cds on the nuclear blast tell your tanks to use their 4 pc instead.

    Personally I would keep first and 2nd plate under control, the 3rd is a mess, I would zerg that 3rd tendon down, even if you gain a bit of time by doing the first one the 3rd will still be messy. We tried zerging and only got it to 26% but got the kill on the next lift, if you have more dps it will be even easier for you.

    Also on the bloods your amal tank should be sweeping up all the residue pre roll. On our kill, we had 0 residue after the first roll and only 1 after the second. Permanently disposing of bloods makes 3rd plate much easier.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Hyve View Post
    I pretty much solo heal it on Heroic (Holy Paladin)
    Care to back that statement with a wol log ?
    Cause im doubting it...ALOT... :P

  9. #9
    Hero last tendon imo.

    If you can get it in 1 lift, that's great. We hero'd the last half of the 6th amalg and the 6th lift, because it gets out of hand pretty quickly at that stage, and the quicker you can push it through, the better. This was at 10-15% though, so we weren't able to kill a tendon in 1 lift.

  10. #10
    Not read all the replies, but do you have logs?

  11. #11
    I would say 1st tendon,from my experience at least. Since on 1st tendon the pressure on tanks/healers/computers is the lowest(again from my perspective),you can just time it perfect for grip etc and even your tanks/healers will be able to dps. There are no adds to be worried about,no fps drop,"lag" or some other random bs.

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  12. #12
    last. first is easy with no pressure
    Be feared, or be fuel

  13. #13
    You should kill the last Tendon in the first attempt, because there are spawening more Corrupted Bloods on the third scale. So maybe the Tank can't manage it to tank them and that's why a Healer could die.

  14. #14
    I'm agreeing with everyone else here. would make more sense to pop everything you have on the last one and not wast them on the easier ones.

  15. #15
    Another reason to heroism & pot on the 1st lift is that if you fail, you can wipe almost instantly. No need to wait 8 minutes to find out that you didn't have the DPS for it.

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