1. #1

    Is this Game worth it?

    I've been playing World of warcraft for 6 years now I don't plan to stop. Ever since I have been looking for an MMO to to play during raid downtime in wow and so far all other MMOs have failed me. I bought rift, so disappointing in that game. SWTOR came out (which I pre-ordered) and well you know the rest about that game.

    I didn't play the GW2 beta but a lot of people seem to be dick ridiing it and calling in the WOW killer which is a complete ignorant thing to say in the first place. So my question is to you now, even not having played GW1, is this game worth buying for someone like me who likes a good MMO.

  2. #2
    There's plenty of information out there for you to come to your own conclusion. You can start here for example.

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