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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Cernunnos View Post
    Xoroth, home of the dreadsteeds/dreadlords plus assortment of other Nethrazim home worlds
    sounds cool :O

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgash View Post

    There's no more place in Azeroth for any new content (they won't pull another Cata and scatter the zones, I'm sure), which leaves the only option of a totally new place. And that's 99%.

    I would personally like some draenei-demon thing again, of course with tons of naarus... Argus seems a great place for that. Maybe we cleansed Outland, and that would be our main base on the assault, possibly with spaceships instead of portals
    Can someone tell me what the islands is called west of eastern kingdoms, and north of Vashj'ir?

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by dragothica View Post
    Tol Barad?

    Ohh yeah, that's right :3

    In lore, isn't Tol barad in that bay just east of where it is in-game? Or am I confused? :3

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Kantee View Post
    I lol'd irl so loud at this my family looked at me from across the room.

    Blizzard has already deviated from their original leaked white board schedule by shortening the leveling steps from 10 levels per xpac to only 5. If they stick to that newish pattern they may do Azshara/Kul Tiras from 90-95, leaving Sargeras and the Legion for the "finale" from 95-100. I've had the impression from the start that MoP is just a bit of breather between big nasties.
    Why would they make 95-100 be the finale when they aren't going to stop making expansions anytime soon as long as WoW is still profitable.
    I am not Voting Trump because I support him, its about keeping a Career Criminal out of office that mishandles classified information.
    Beta males can cry on how I will not vote for their brood mother.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shinra1 View Post
    Have you even considered the perspective of the 'violent' muslims?

  5. #45
    I dunno what has been said in the few pages, but I suspect it'll move back towards the Legion.

    It was shown a good while ago that RFC now has Fel Orcs in it, and I didn't look into it, but there was some funky weird shit going on down there with them. When you look at that, then look at how Garrosh wanted the "New" Orgrimmar to have lots of Black Steel, so apparently it wouldn't burn again, it reminded me when I first seen it of Hellfire Citadel. If you couple that 2 things together, I think at least the plan is to move back towards the Legion again. I dunno if it's been planned for a while, but remaking Orgrimmar with all that Black Steel that is similar to that of Hellfire Citadel, I suspect Blizz have thought of it for a while, and i think that is the direction it's going.

    I think there was rumblings from different people saying that Garrosh was going to be taken out at the end of MoP in a raid, or at least badly wounded. I think it's going to be revealed he's been corrupted or some shit and has been for some time, probably before he was made Warchief to some extent and he's been used for the purpose of building an army of Fel Orcs and other sorts of nasty's that could devastate Azeroth. Having a Semi Established Army on Azeroth before Kil'jaeden / Sargeras makes some sort of return.

    I'm not lore buff, so I apologize if I have said something that didn't make sense :P

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by Nekosom View Post
    Blizzard has stated on many occasions that Pandaria is a self-contained story culminating in the final raid of this first tier, meaning that any subsequent patches in this expansion will likely NOT be set on Pandaria. It is likely there that will see something like Kul Tiras or the Zandalari, or maybe even N'Zoth or Azshara in the next several raid tiers.
    You're gonna have to quote that because that's not even remotely close to anything they've actually said about it. They've even said specifically that the 5.0 content is an introduction and that in 5.1 "war comes to pandaria" as the alliance and horde both invade the island. There's even a huge mogu palace with an instance portal on the unreachable island north of townlong steppes already.

    As far as actual future expansion locations/concepts (not counting new stuff they can make up) are:

    The return of the legion - almost certainly the next expansion considering the RFC revamp and the Garrosh story, as well as the "lesson" that the Pandaren will teach the alliance and the horde. Would probably take us to such places as Argus (the original eredar/draenei homeworld), Xoroth (well established demon world), wherever Azshara currently resides (though nagas could certainly stand as an expansion on its own), and ultimately to Sargeras himself.

    The emerald dream - the nightmare was contained by the heroes in one of the books, but Ysera has lost her power over the Dream and "anything" could happen.

    Bolvar and the crown of command are an obvious dangling thread for more undead-stomping.

    Not to mention the Titans themselves. They're unlikely to be massively thrilled over mortal heroes powerful enough to defeat one of their own number, and I wouldn't be surprised at all to see an expansion vs the Pantheon after Sargeras is done for.

    And throughout all that will be interspersed various old gods of course.

  7. #47
    Pandaren Monk Slummish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgash View Post

    There's no more place in Azeroth for any new content (they won't pull another Cata and scatter the zones, I'm sure), which leaves the only option of a totally new place. And that's 99%.

    I would personally like some draenei-demon thing again, of course with tons of naarus... Argus seems a great place for that. Maybe we cleansed Outland, and that would be our main base on the assault, possibly with spaceships instead of portals
    Yeah right... When did space, time or consistency make a difference to Blizzard?

    Welcome to the future of Warcraft.

  8. #48
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gorgash View Post

    There's no more place in Azeroth for any new content (they won't pull another Cata and scatter the zones, I'm sure), which leaves the only option of a totally new place. And that's 99%.

    I would personally like some draenei-demon thing again, of course with tons of naarus... Argus seems a great place for that. Maybe we cleansed Outland, and that would be our main base on the assault, possibly with spaceships instead of portals
    That map is horribly innacurate about one thing, the Maelstrom.

    I'm sorry but if we can fit a raid boss on the rim of that thing, no way is it as wide as a continent. Shrink it down to proper size on he map and we've got plenty of room for an expansion on the islands there.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  9. #49
    Arabic-themed return to Argus. Or something.

  10. #50
    More than 3 million people don't care.

  11. #51
    Whatever there will be I want Lemmings in it as mini game. I might consider coming back if they put Lemmings.
    As expansion name I nominate "Camels of Arabia".
    They know how to milk the cow.

  12. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by warcraftmew View Post
    sick of moronic people like you who think wow will end at level 100, why cos its a big rounded off number wow has many years left in it yet many il be still playing wow when im 40 in 11 years time just cos 100 is like the perfect number dnt mean crap, look at runescape levels im sure you can be like a level 200+ on that and other games
    Just make sure you xfer to a populated realm if you aren't on one already. There is mass migrations still happening off low/med pop servers to high pop. More and more realms are becoming deadzones.

  13. #53
    Scarab Lord Sesto's Avatar
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    Azshara and Sargeras/Burning Legion are the major two threats alive, if we ignore the Old Gods.

    However, the Old Gods could be a larger threat than even the Legion, if we remember the fact that they are across the entire universe, not just on Azeroth.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by TheImmortalLordAtlas View Post
    After MOP, there will be BROOM.
    Made my morning

  15. #55
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadiu View Post
    Azshara and Sargeras/Burning Legion are the major two threats alive, if we ignore the Old Gods.

    However, the Old Gods could be a larger threat than even the Legion, if we remember the fact that they are across the entire universe, not just on Azeroth.
    I doubt we'd kill a titan in WoW. There's a point where our power level become lunacy, and killing a god is generally that point.

    More likely if we deal with the legion we'll deal with Kil'jaedan.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by Velophyx View Post
    This came up to me earlier today, I, personally do not know very much about the lore of Warcraft. I really want to start on getting to know it but at the same time can't get myself to it. Anyway, as far as I know, Blizzard can add lore anytime so there would be a lot of possibilities for a "new" expansion. I've not seen many rumors yet about anything like that, as ofcourse, we've not even started with MoP yet. However, I asked myself.. What would the possibilities be of a new expansion bringing us a complete new planet? I mean surely Outland and Azeroth can't be the only planets around. I spoke to a few friends about this and they were thinking that quite possibly a new planet could be the planet Argus, the home of the draenei and, from what I've read on WoWWiki, maybe the place where the Burning Legion could be found. Source: wowwiki

    There would be a large chance that this would be the base of a new expansion, but would it be the next one? Next to that, How many more expansions will there be? As far as I know, the hard level cap would be around level 120. This would mean, when leveling up 10 levels each expansion, there would be three more expansions after Mists of Pandaria. However, I wonder if WoW will even last 8 years longer from now.

    There are a lot of possibilities for a new expansion for WoW. I myself, not based on knowledge, am thinking, or better said, hoping that there will be one more expansion which will increase the levelcap to 120 and give us a gigantic new planet which possibly gives us 30 more levels at once to go through. In this expansion WoW would be knotting all ends together. This expansion would last for the coming 4-6 years, ofcourse with a lot of content patches.
    This would be very unrealistic, but this is the fantasy I have about the progress of WoW. Again, based on nothing really, since I barely have a clue about the lore of Warcraft. (Shame on me.)

    Well, what are your thoughts? Share them here!
    I'm pretty sure there will be new planets or realms to explore in future expansion, however I don't think Blizzard will stop creating expansions when they hit the 'hard' cap... They will probly just increase it or maybe they already did!

    About the gaint expansion... That would take to much time for the game creators and expansions create the possibility to have different styles in the game like MoP brings the asian style.

    However, I hope that there will be more content patches then there are now. I mean... I'm still waiting for the Gundrak raid!

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by warcraftmew View Post
    sick of moronic people like you who think wow will end at level 100, why cos its a big rounded off number wow has many years left in it yet many il be still playing wow when im 40 in 11 years time just cos 100 is like the perfect number dnt mean crap, look at runescape levels im sure you can be like a level 200+ on that and other games

    Keep it civil
    How can you have that kind of grammar at 29 years of age? o.o

  18. #58
    The problem I see with the next expansion to be Legion based, is the HOW it would happen.
    Right now we have absolutely no reason to start an otherworldly campaign against the Burning Legion, which hasn't really been such a huge threat to Azeroth itself in the last couple of years. Sure, it is a huge threat, but as of now, we have to cope with the enemies who lie in wait on our own planet. And I can't imagine that the Fall of Garrosh will somehow be connected to it (even if some claim that he will use fel energies, he hasn't the resources to open up a portal to bring the Legion into Azeroth -- unless he has access to the Sunwell or the new Well of Eternity, which he hasn't; and the enchanted waters of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in Pandaria won't have such an effect, either!)

    Azshara is still out there, being the greatest magician of all time (on Azeroth) and N'Zoth behind her (he is the one who transformed her and her Highborne into Naga in the first place!)

    So the next expansion will be a South Seas one with Azshara and N'Zoth as the main antagonists. At the end of that expansion my bet is on Azshara setting up another Legion invasion like she did during the War of the Ancients, and although we are able to put an end to her, we aren't able to close-off the portal, so we have to deal with the second invasion of the Legion.

    After this pre-event we are then going to Argus ourselves, led by Velen, Anduin (yep, he is about to become one of the biggest influential priests, taught by Velen himself) and some other major lore figures to put an end to Kil'jaeden, the Nathrezim, and finally Sargeras himself.
    Here we are also encountering Turalyon and Alleria, who will stand next to us while we storm the Legion's cathedrals and slay their leaders.
    Last edited by mmoc51c778c914; 2012-09-07 at 06:35 PM.

  19. #59
    Well we have certain leads to what it could be from here onwards, but you can never be sure.

    1. Chris Metzen stated at Blizzcon 2011 that Illidan would make a comeback. Illidan is a STRONG enemy of the Burning Legion and has worked his whole life to eradicate them in any way possible.

    2. Wrathion, the uncorrupted son of Deathwing is concerned with what is happening in Azeroth, mainly the war between the Alliance and the Horde, and reminds us, as players, that there are BIGGER enemies and shows a Comet hit Azeroth in the meantime.

    But even though a Naga expansion wouldn't be that far-fetched, and it actually would enable us to see some new mechanics (for example underwater-fighting).

  20. #60
    The next expansion.

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