Title says it all.

This is part of the Core.lua

local CreateAuras = function(self, unit)
	local u = unit:match('[^%d]+')
    if multicheck(u, "target","focus", "pet", "boss") then
		local Auras = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		Auras.gap = true
		Auras.disableCooldown = true
		Auras.showStealableBuffs = true
		Auras.size = (cfg.width+4)/cfg.auraperrow-4
		Auras.spacing = 4
		Auras.PostCreateIcon = PostCreateIcon
		Auras.PostUpdateIcon = PostUpdateIcon
		Auras.PostUpdateGapIcon = PostUpdateGapIcon
		if unit == "target" or unit == "focus" then
			Auras:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0, 8)
			Auras.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
			Auras["growth-x"] = "RIGHT"
			Auras["growth-y"] = "UP"
			Auras.numDebuffs = cfg.auraperrow
			Auras.numBuffs = cfg.auraperrow
			if cfg.AuraFilter.ignoreBuff or cfg.AuraFilter.ignoreDebuff then
				Auras.CustomFilter = CustomFilter
		elseif unit == "pet" then
			Auras:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 5, 0)
			Auras.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLFET"
			Auras["growth-x"] = "RIGHT"
			Auras["growth-y"] = "DOWN"
			Auras.numDebuffs = 5
			Auras.numBuffs = 0
		else -- boss 1-5
			Auras:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", self, "TOPLEFT", 0, 5)
			Auras.initialAnchor = "BOTTOMLEFT"
			Auras["growth-x"] = "RIGHT"
			Auras["growth-y"] = "UP"	
			Auras.numDebuffs = 0
			Auras.numBuffs = 0
			Auras.CustomFilter = BossAuraFilter
		self.Auras = Auras
What I was able to do:
-hide the default player buff frame and insert player as a "unit" into the above string. ( i deleted it before posting the code, this is the original)

- i am not able to control buffs and debuffs separately

to clarify:
- i am not trying to change anything for target, pet or focus units.
I just want to implement my own player buffs and debuffs, which i can handle separately from each other.

since my lua knowledge is limited i cant get it to work, Ive tried to insert "local CreateDebuffs" and "Buffs" but it doesnt work at all

Maybe someone knows how to do it. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks!

(PS: Its Ouf_Mlight taken out of Quse UI. Since Qupe wanted to add this functionality as well, but didnt have the time to take a closer look - I hope he doesnt mind me asking here.)