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  1. #121
    It's not your loot until it's in your bag. Anything else is hope. Having those hopes dashed makes you rage.....but it doesn't change the fact that it isn't yours yet.

  2. #122
    The Undying Cthulhu 2020's Avatar
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    I'm not really sure people are truly aware of how you "ninja" things in an MMO.
    2014 Gamergate: "If you want games without hyper sexualized female characters and representation, then learn to code!"
    2023: "What's with all these massively successful games with ugly (realistic) women? How could this have happened?!"

  3. #123
    I'm playing a blood DK (tank!). I like hit, expertise, haste and mastery. Most of the plate stuff is good for me even if you call it "dps gear". So if it drops, I roll need if It's an upgrade.
    A few days ago a warrior called me ninja because I win "his" hit/expertise 2h swords... I dont give a shit. Great stats for me so I rolled need. Period.
    If I'm just able to roll on parry dodge shit I'm screwed. I'm reforging every parry dodge on hit expertise till capped and mastery. So fuck this warrior and "his" piece of gear. I need it too. Get informed on others class/spec needs and Dont bitch if the dice decide to give me the loot.

  4. #124
    As a ele / resto shaman I play each spec almost equally in raids. Some bosses I may be resto and others I might be ele depending on how many healers a particular boss needs in 10 man.

    Am I supposed to queue heroics as healer to gear up then switch to dps and be forced to run the heroics a million more times for my dps set? Since duel spec most people have 2 "main specs" and need gear for both so it is really not a big deal.

    Even when I roll on valid upgrades people still get mad. I had a healer raging and trying to wipe us because I rolled on a ring that had spirit on it as ele (despite the fact its the pre raid bis ring).
    Last edited by Jacob6875; 2012-10-11 at 03:18 PM. <=== Check out my Youtube Channel !!

  5. #125
    TBH when I was main spec shadow I'd join dungeons as a healer knowing I could roll on DPS gear.

    The alternative was to queue as shadow with a longer queue for everybody. In terms of gear/hour it's faster for everyone unless you were going specifically for that dungeon / item in which case you should have just gone with a premade anyway.

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Frostburn View Post
    Because Blizzard doesn't want to take the extra step to prevent it from happening is why.
    Wrong. Because there is no easy solution where whiny shitasses won't stink up their forums all day because they didn't get their fucking loot RIGHT NOW in a game.

    There is no "extra step", they certainly have multiple solutions for a loot system, but they choose to go with the one that creates the least amount of whining.

    And why the fuck shouldn't I be able to roll on a DPS trinket if I que into a dungeon opn my priest as a healer? I healed raids for 7 years, healing is ridiculously easy to me, but I had switched to shadow as my main spec. I que as a healer for less of a wait time, and it's not like I'm a lazy slouch, I push the tank and DPS as fast as they're willing to go, in a manner they find most comfortable. So you're God Damn skippy I'm going to fucking roll on some DPS gear I can use if it drops. It's like going to a family picnic and only being able to eat the food you made: Who the fuck would go to THAT sort of arrangement? What retard thinks that's acceptable?

    ---------- Post added 2012-10-11 at 11:25 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Liliannan View Post
    No its not. I was able to select 'need' on a mail agility item multiple times today as a rogue. Of course, I didn't, because I can't even wear it, but just thought it was super strange that I even have the option to need on it. Definitely a bug that needs fixing.

    You can Need on anything that is BoE. Else, it IS a bug, and you should be sure to report it, be part of the solution.
    Quote Originally Posted by Komie View Post
    They still say Cata needs a lot of work, and this expansion (edit for reference: MoP) is in the final stages.
    Quoted for... truth? on 11/30/2011.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Ebbikenezer View Post
    Wrong. Because there is no easy solution where whiny shitasses won't stink up their forums all day because they didn't get their fucking loot RIGHT NOW in a game.

    There is no "extra step", they certainly have multiple solutions for a loot system, but they choose to go with the one that creates the least amount of whining.

    And why the fuck shouldn't I be able to roll on a DPS trinket if I que into a dungeon opn my priest as a healer? I healed raids for 7 years, healing is ridiculously easy to me, but I had switched to shadow as my main spec. I que as a healer for less of a wait time, and it's not like I'm a lazy slouch, I push the tank and DPS as fast as they're willing to go, in a manner they find most comfortable. So you're God Damn skippy I'm going to fucking roll on some DPS gear I can use if it drops. It's like going to a family picnic and only being able to eat the food you made: Who the fuck would go to THAT sort of arrangement? What retard thinks that's acceptable?[COLOR="red"]
    I read this entire post in an Australian accent. Not sure why.

  8. #128
    Personally, I que for dungeons as a healer. Although my mainspec may actually be heals, your DPS gear is fair game to me. I may have to actively dps in our raid group and having a viable set is more important to me. Call it greedy, but being able to perform as necessary for my raid group superceeds what some random guy in a dungeon may need.

    As a suggestion, you could always politely explain to them why you need the item, how long you've been trying for it etc. As an alternative you can compete on items against them aswell, take their healing gear, and offer a trade off. It may not always work, but its better than nothing. You should also, to not so nicely put it, keep your mouth shut in dungeons. When you rage you draw attention obviously and will probably get kicked if you spurt out a "ALL UR LOOT IS BELONG 2 ME NAO BCUZ HE TAKE DPS L00T" May not have happened this time, but it will. People don't take too kindly to speaking at all in dungeons, thats forbidden. :P

    Edit: When i am not feeling lazy, I actually dps dungeons as holy and some times do better than most pug DPS. Because lolhealing as a holy paladin is ridiculously easy.

    Adding that yes, there is a problem that as a holy paladin I can jack your cloth gear if im feeling like it. I think this is not intended and will probably be fixed, as it worked the opposite for quite some time. you can expect that to change
    Last edited by Rorillane; 2012-10-11 at 03:44 PM.

  9. #129
    Mechagnome jd812's Avatar
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    to the guy who doesn't seem to understand the meaning of ninja glordf or whatever i refer u to number 10 and 11

  10. #130
    Quote Originally Posted by jd812 View Post
    to the guy who doesn't seem to understand the meaning of ninja glordf or whatever i refer u to number 10 and 11
    I suggest you read Blizzard's FAQ on the subject. It is explains the problem with the term and how it has evolved into something different and players use it differently. If someone states the loot rules are X and takes the items against the states loot rules, then Blizzard considers this a scam. Not a ninja. If the loots rules are followed (hitting need when able), you might not like the rules, but it is not a ninja.

  11. #131
    I didn't read all the responses, but Blizzard has openly stated that they expect people to use dungeons to gear up their off-specs. So they would not restrict a dps trinket from being rolled on by a healer. Or how will the healer ever get the gear to walk in and DPS? Or the Spriest get the gear to go in and heal?

  12. #132
    The Lightbringer Tzalix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilian View Post
    Yes and then he killed everyone who was against him. People didn't vote for his genocide and war against the rest of the world. People didn't have a choice he was a dictator.

    Get your history straight.
    Yeah... That was kinda my point. Demonstrating the big flaw of, so called, "democracy".

    You're probably the first person to tell me to "get my history straight" though. Kudos to that.
    "In life, I was raised to hate the undead. Trained to destroy them. When I became Forsaken, I hated myself most of all. But now I see it is the Alliance that fosters this malice. The human kingdoms shun their former brothers and sisters because we remind them what's lurking beneath the facade of flesh. It's time to end their cycle of hatred. The Alliance deserves to fall." - Lilian Voss

  13. #133
    OP, that's why I don't run 5-men with pugs at all. As you can see even from this thread, morale of current playerbase has gone very low. Loot system is flawed since beginning of WoW, but at least players had higher morale. Nowadays, there are a lot of people who deny their 5-men companions of upgrades even simply because they want to sell this loot (which in many cases they can't even equip) to vendor for some pathetic amount of gold.

    LFD with pugs is like big stinking hole, which keeps stinking more and more, normal people left that place long time ago, as developers don't look like fixing groundbreaking issues with LFD. All kinds of people with serious issues and psychic deviations are plaguing this tool now.

  14. #134
    Sadly, for two basic reasons, OP:

    1) They can do it, so they will inevitably do it.


    2) They are anonymous. They don't value other people's enjoyment online or treat them with appropriate respect because they'll probably never see them again.

    In short, anonymity brings out the worst in people. Yep, for a species that prides itself on its superior intellect, we really do have the capability to be extremely selfish and perhaps even dimwitted - if granted the circumstances.

    anonymity on the internet is one of such circumstances.

    Thanks for the awesome sig, Lady Amuno.

  15. #135
    Herald of the Titans velde046's Avatar
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    To be honest, at the moment I'm beginning to wonder if I play a whole different game than a lot of the people here...the number of 'ninja's' I encounter in a month(!) can be counted with the fingers of one hand. Of course I run into th eoccasional one, but if you were to believe some of the stories here it would be more a rule than an exception and that totally is untrue from my point of view... Therefore I get the feeling that a lot of the aforementioned people actually are venting their frustration because it happened but it all gets blown out of proportion really....
    Haven't done a lot of instances this expansion yet, but all in all over the last few year and the last few weeks I would say it's not worse than it was in the past and the looting system has actually improved over time as it is.... Blizzard will fix it, but to be honest I'm starting to believe that the fix won't be coming fast because there is no real issue, otherwise Blizzard would hav estepped in a long long time ago....

    Besides one could discuss the meaning of needing, but it would seem that Blizzard says that needing for offspec should be possible and that's what's happening. And to be honest I'm fine with it. I don't mind the tank needing on DPS or healer items for OS, as long as that means he keeps running the heroics and we don't get tank shortages....
    Last edited by velde046; 2012-10-15 at 11:28 AM.

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