1. #2101
    I like how they are making FPS combat have actual depth and thought put into it's mechanics, rather than simply giving you a gun and a reload system.

  2. #2102
    True. A lot of people are saying it reminds them of Arma 3. Can't wait to try out the fps module. Too bad it has been delayed while CIG rewrites the multiplayer back-end after the problems found with Arena Commander 1.0.

  3. #2103
    So in the new Around the 'Verse, they had devs on talking about deving the subscriber flair items. If I subbed, would I get all that stuff? Or is that legacy - for people who've been subbed from the start (as in, would I get all the flair made before? Or only the flair from now one from when I subbed?)

    Ofcourse I'm not thinking about subbing just for virtual boxes, but I am wondering: if they put so much time and effort into making little, quality details for subscribers, what will non-subscribers get? Nothing right now for non-subscribers matches the immense detail they've put into those little flair items.

  4. #2104
    I haven't the slightest Valyrian.

    Anyways, the new MISC Hull series container ship concepts are out for sale now with LTI. Five ships in total ranging from the tiny Hull A to the truely massive Hull E.

    Cargo capacity comparison (in SCU):
    -Hull A - 75
    -Hull B - 600 (=8 Hull As)
    -Hull C - 4,800 (=64 Hull As)
    -Hull D - 21,600 (=288 Hull As)
    -Hull E - 153,600 (=2,048 Hull As)

    PLEASE NOTE: The Hull series measures carrying capacity in Standard Cargo Units, or SCU. The SCU value for previously released ships can be determined by dividing the total capacity by four. The stats page will be updated with proper SCU data shortly. For more information in cargo interaction in Star Citizen, check out today’s design post about cargo interaction: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/c...go-Interaction

    For reference cargo capacity:
    -Cutlass Black - 37.5 SCU (<1 Hull A)
    -Freelancer Max - 70 SCU (<1 Hull A)
    -Idris-M - 215 SCU
    -Starfarer - 225 SCU
    -890 Jump - 400 SCU
    -Idris-P - 430 SCU
    -Constellation Taurus - 475 SCU
    -Reclaimer - 625 SCU
    -Caterpillar - 800 SCU
    -Javelin - 1,350 SCU
    -Banu Merchantman - 1,500 SCU
    -Orion - 4,222 SCU

    Last edited by carnifex2005; 2015-04-25 at 11:55 AM.

  5. #2105
    The new 1.1.2 patch is on the Public Test Universe and it now includes a flight tutorial which probably will be similar to the one used in Squadron 42. Here's a vid...

    Last edited by carnifex2005; 2015-04-30 at 03:28 AM.

  6. #2106
    I completed the tutorial yesterday. It's the first time I've played AC and felt like the game is finally coming together. It was amazingly fun and I would suggest everyone to copy a character to the PTU and test it out!

  7. #2107
    Quote Originally Posted by Byronyk View Post
    I completed the tutorial yesterday. It's the first time I've played AC and felt like the game is finally coming together. It was amazingly fun and I would suggest everyone to copy a character to the PTU and test it out!
    Ugh; downloading three hours of PTU, then spending 10 minutes booting up the game to the hangar, and another ten minutes getting into the level for what is going to be a 10 minute tutorial is too much effort.

  8. #2108
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyrian Stormclaw View Post
    Ugh; downloading three hours of PTU, then spending 10 minutes booting up the game to the hangar, and another ten minutes getting into the level for what is going to be a 10 minute tutorial is too much effort.
    My live client was up to date and the PTU took an hour to download (I just worked on my new level 100 mage while I waited). Booting into the hangar/tutorial does take a long time, and while I could say "understandably so because the game isn't close to being optimized", I agree it's a pain.

    Regardless, if you're already pledged to the game you've entered a very long waiting simulator. I don't see the harm in giving it a shot

  9. #2109
    Tales of Citizens #27

    I was watching the chat a noticed that they hadn't covered "A Human Perspective" yet... even though they were supposed to have covered it, what? Two, three, four weeks ago? Did I miss it? Will they cover it next week?

  10. #2110
    They said in the post show chat they'll be covering it for next show. Also, for the PTU and 1.1.2, they've improved loading times immensely after a patch...

  11. #2111
    Quote Originally Posted by carnifex2005 View Post
    They said in the post show chat they'll be covering it for next show
    That is what they said the last time, and the show before that one!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Bridger is cheating on my story time!

  12. #2112
    The whole segment in the Tales video about the item interaction is pretty amazing as well. (45mins mark about)
    I just hope this type of inventory management/transport doesn't become really tedious over time. I mean, sure the vague idea could sound nice, but imagine having to manually load a couple hundred crates...

    I would assume when piloting say, a MISC, you could mass target a bunch of containers and hit "tractor to cargo" and it would do it all automatically.

  13. #2113
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    America's Hat
    I am sure my group will have at least one or two MISC Hull E's in our fleet.

  14. #2114
    Quote Originally Posted by stellvia View Post
    The whole segment in the Tales video about the item interaction is pretty amazing as well. (45mins mark about)
    I just hope this type of inventory management/transport doesn't become really tedious over time. I mean, sure the vague idea could sound nice, but imagine having to manually load a couple hundred crates...

    I would assume when piloting say, a MISC, you could mass target a bunch of containers and hit "tractor to cargo" and it would do it all automatically.
    In the design document about Cargo Interaction (a really great read), they did touch upon that point and have some mock-ups of the cargo manifest UI...

    "As noted above, pallets are used to move more cargo in fewer trips. Loading fifty individual containers of ore would be no fun (and ultimately wouldn’t be realistic) and so a system must be put into place to allow bulk loading of same cargo. The player will interact with very large containers and pallets, often so large that they will obscure visibility. To counter this issue, the cargo jack includes a UI interface depicting the local area to the player, much like the landing assist UI recently premiered in Arena Commander. This ultimately allows for precise and intentional manipulation of cargo."

  15. #2115
    I'm now imagining calling together like-cargo or whatnot and having it remotely firing thrusters to move into position. Reminds me of the Mojos in Dennou Coil heh...

  16. #2116
    After just watching Firefly + Serenity, I'm so hyped about this game right now that you can't imagine. And now after seeing these Hull type ships, + cargo interaction..omg yes!!.
    I haven't actually entered in the game since they released that racing map, because there's nothing to do, aside from 3 confined maps in which you can shoot lasers or fly through circles.
    My only fear is that this game will never be ready, playable as I originally thought it would be...meaning a whole lot of planets, cities, flora, fauna, thousands of worlds to visit, land, interact, no limits. Basically a Space GTA

    I'm so hyped about this, but at the same time so cynical about it.

    It's like the Warcraft movie, I was so hyped in 2008-2010, and now after so much time, I lost it.

  17. #2117
    Quote Originally Posted by fakaroonie View Post
    After just watching Firefly + Serenity, I'm so hyped about this game right now that you can't imagine. And now after seeing these Hull type ships, + cargo interaction..omg yes!!.
    I haven't actually entered in the game since they released that racing map, because there's nothing to do, aside from 3 confined maps in which you can shoot lasers or fly through circles.
    My only fear is that this game will never be ready, playable as I originally thought it would be...meaning a whole lot of planets, cities, flora, fauna, thousands of worlds to visit, land, interact, no limits. Basically a Space GTA

    I'm so hyped about this, but at the same time so cynical about it.

    It's like the Warcraft movie, I was so hyped in 2008-2010, and now after so much time, I lost it.
    Yea, they are pretty much promising the world with this game, and people can see how slow development is going currently. Add to that they will spend resources just to make your body rebirth into a new one when you die, and before dying you might lose a limb or whatev... something I think is completely useless compared to just having a permanent character, and development resources could be better spent elsewhere.
    Anyway, in order to launch this game to make it relevant it most likely will be a watered down version from what they promise, and question is if that will be good enough

  18. #2118
    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    Yea, they are pretty much promising the world with this game, and people can see how slow development is going currently. Add to that they will spend resources just to make your body rebirth into a new one when you die, and before dying you might lose a limb or whatev... something I think is completely useless compared to just having a permanent character, and development resources could be better spent elsewhere.
    Anyway, in order to launch this game to make it relevant it most likely will be a watered down version from what they promise, and question is if that will be good enough

    Precisely, nonsense like that + FPS + body breathing + more FPS reality nonsense, is eating almost half the time it takes to come up with a Persistent Universe.
    Afterall everyone was looking for a good space game, that involved shiny ships, shiny planets, awesome graphics and effects; in space. Cruising immersed through a very well looking space simulation game. That's all I ever wanted. Now to wait another 3 more years ( at this rate), because resources are spent in areas that shouldn't be prioritized before the fraking space game itself.

  19. #2119
    Quote Originally Posted by Tea View Post
    development resources could be better spent elsewhere.
    This stuff WE, the backers who actually paid wanted. WE wanted to lose limbs and have killlable characters. If you think that's a waste of resources, maybe you should've spoken up while this was all in the design process years ago.

    Quote Originally Posted by fakaroonie View Post
    Precisely, nonsense like that + FPS + body breathing + more FPS reality nonsense, is eating almost half the time it takes to come up with a Persistent Universe.
    Afterall everyone was looking for a good space game, that involved shiny ships, shiny planets, awesome graphics and effects; in space. Cruising immersed through a very well looking space simulation game. That's all I ever wanted. Now to wait another 3 more years ( at this rate), because resources are spent in areas that shouldn't be prioritized before the fraking space game itself.
    If you want a space sim right now with shiny spaceships, shiny planets, and awesome graphics and effects; in space, go play Elite Dangerous. Complain all you want; this isn't a space flight sim; it's a space life sim with real cargo manipulation that isn't handled in a UI; real characters that actually die, insurance policies, cooking, the works. If you don't have the patience to wait for that, I'm afraid your looking at the wrong game.

  20. #2120
    Quote Originally Posted by Valyrian Stormclaw View Post
    This stuff WE, the backers who actually paid wanted. WE wanted to lose limbs and have killlable characters. If you think that's a waste of resources, maybe you should've spoken up while this was all in the design process years ago.
    And question is what we won't be given when given that crap. Also, I didn't know about this game years ago, I don't know who did... perhaps not enough to stop the insanity :P I don't know if people just said what they wanted and the devs made a list that will take a decade to develop, and perhaps more. If people want to see the game launch anywhere "soon" at all, some things won't be done or will be half-done and question is what, for example will "people" rather lose a limb and transfer into another body or are there other features that could be of greater importance? Perhaps the devs should update the list, ask the people again and slim it down a bit, to make things promised actually good.

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