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  1. #1

    How does one play Tryndamere?

    Right. So I think I have the basics down. I normally play Leona, occasionally Orianna. Yesterday I did some matches against NPC's to get the feel for him and here's what I find;

    I get killed immensely easy at low level. On the bright side, you seem to really break bodies in end game. Any Champions that manage to push me to my tower, effectively break my early game. I buy boots + 3pots at the start and it's still not enough to survive any ranged or aggressive push. Or it means not getting any minion kills.

    So, I figured I'd go and do some jungling, but I end up with low hp just the same and an early Q is not nearly enough to feed it all back.

    Basically, I feel useless at the start. I might pick out really dumb people and somehow kill them, but that would be more by accident than skill. I know for a fact that my Leona would completely obliterate me in seconds on her own, not to mention with a lane partner. The bright side is, that it didn't really seem to matter all that much how often I got killed, but than again, they were NPC's.

    From ~ level 6/mid game I can run around jungling, in terms of me vs the mobs, but I doubt I'll be able to counter any champs.

    So how do you guys play him?


    they're still in there for a few (6-7)hours.
    Last edited by Vespian; 2012-10-11 at 09:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Pandaren Monk Kurdiern's Avatar
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    Honestly can't commentate on anything about playing vs bots. The difference between a real player and a bot is too much. Enough that I would say Bot's is only good for learning what skills do.

    Jungling with Trynd is risky. First you need runes for him, he's one of the more rune/mastery dependent junglers in the game. He's one of the hardest carries from the jungle, but he either falls on his face or shoves other people faces down. Usually your first buy would be a PD, you get enough innate AD and Crit from Q.

    For teamfighting use your mobility with Spin to get to Soft targets and then bow them up/take their attention. Don't pop ult early.

    Also if a Leona is beating a Trynd at all straight up 1v1, then something is incredibly fucking wrong, no question about it.

  3. #3
    Trynn is an okay champion, and like almost every melee ad carry out there, he is not exactly very suitable for almost every lane matchup or even the jungle.

    I think Trynn is a really good champion, but his early game is just shit if your lane enemy pokes you or just want to get a hit on you. I mean he isn't that bad early game when trading hits, but most bruisers can just screw him really well in early game.

    From mid to late that's when he starts to do damage and should be feared, he has a lot of mobility and let's not forget that he has a 5 seconds god like ult.

    Late game, that's when he's really good, he has a lot of damage that will probably surpass the one from your ad carry's.

    Also, you can fail at a game with Trynn if you don't buy the right items, I don't know.

    I enjoy playing Trynn a lot, he's fun and he does a lot of dmg very quickly and can get out of a fight very easily with his E, people just don't play them because he can get countered really well, Taric(yes taric), Malphite, Jax(if played smart) and a lot more of champions can just screw Trynn over, it's not impossible to lane against them, but it's hard.

  4. #4
    Seeing your stats and your levels, don't take it the wrong way, but your problem doesn't lie with the champion in particular (although tryndamere ain't REALLY worth it anymore, too much CC nowadays and he has the same problem with many other melee champions (like master yi for example) that they get shut down really easy).
    First thing you have to do, is focus on your creep score. Don't aim for the kills until you are certain that at the same time you will:
    1)Hit every creep
    2)Harass dealing more damage than you take or that they heal.

    Getting one gold item or two, then upgrading them immediately won't make you any gold. You gain profits from your gold items at mid to late game. When you play with a support like leona, try to leave them on for a while, unless you get tones of assists and thus you can affort to.

    Spend some time getting familiar with the items. Lich bane is good, but not something you rush in every ap caster (for example). It takes some AP to make it worthwhile.

    Getting pushed to your tower? No problem! Your jungler with make sort work of them and even if he doesn't, who cares? You can cs under the tower most of the time without missing a lot of cs. Just remember the rule. Melee creeps=let the tower hit them twice then you last hit. Ranged creeps= hit them once, then the tower, then you again. Depending on ad/ap it might be a little different on the ranged minions.

    That is just general tips. Now tips on trynd... Having a 1 vs 2 lane with trynd will (in my opinion) always result in you dying or missing cs, unless they push you to the tower and your jungler comes to help. 1vs1, ward up so that you can keep the lane slightly pushed in order to keep your rage full. If it is a ranged champion, they tend to be more squishy, so bully them. Against a melee, if you can't beat him, don't engange without need and focus on cs. Always, ALWAYS ward up. Even if it means you start with one less potion.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by JoErVoL View Post
    Seeing your stats and your levels, don't take it the wrong way, but your problem doesn't lie with the champion in particular (although tryndamere ain't REALLY worth it anymore, too much CC nowadays and he has the same problem with many other melee champions (like master yi for example) that they get shut down really easy).
    First thing you have to do, is focus on your creep score. Don't aim for the kills until you are certain that at the same time you will:
    1)Hit every creep
    2)Harass dealing more damage than you take or that they heal.

    Getting one gold item or two, then upgrading them immediately won't make you any gold. You gain profits from your gold items at mid to late game. When you play with a support like leona, try to leave them on for a while, unless you get tones of assists and thus you can affort to.

    Spend some time getting familiar with the items. Lich bane is good, but not something you rush in every ap caster (for example). It takes some AP to make it worthwhile.

    Getting pushed to your tower? No problem! Your jungler with make sort work of them and even if he doesn't, who cares? You can cs under the tower most of the time without missing a lot of cs. Just remember the rule. Melee creeps=let the tower hit them twice then you last hit. Ranged creeps= hit them once, then the tower, then you again. Depending on ad/ap it might be a little different on the ranged minions.

    That is just general tips. Now tips on trynd... Having a 1 vs 2 lane with trynd will (in my opinion) always result in you dying or missing cs, unless they push you to the tower and your jungler comes to help. 1vs1, ward up so that you can keep the lane slightly pushed in order to keep your rage full. If it is a ranged champion, they tend to be more squishy, so bully them. Against a melee, if you can't beat him, don't engange without need and focus on cs. Always, ALWAYS ward up. Even if it means you start with one less potion.
    Seeing my stats? My Leona stats pretty much rock. 5/0/12, 3/1/14 and the list goes on. My Orianna is just experience from a few matches, but I'm godlike on Leona, so far. So I don't really see why my stats are that bad, if you want you can elaborate on that, since you just said "lolz look at those stats" without adding anything substantial.

    I don't need general advice. As you can see, my first two attempts with Pantheon went a lot smoother, although I agree I need to get better at last-hitting, something I try to avoid on Leona. My Leona game is almost spot perfect. I hardly miss any skill shots, including the cross ones and I only rarely have such a bad day that my lane gets pushed. It's usually all other lanes that lose us the game. Bottom lane, I own it.

    I can't comment on the items just yet. I basically took a mobafire guide with high rating and played to match it.

    I'll take the tips I can use, but you're basing a lot of your answers on assumptions that mismatch the facts.
    Last edited by Vespian; 2012-10-11 at 10:17 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Vespian View Post
    Seeing my stats? My Leona stats pretty much rock. 5/0/12, 3/1/14 and the list goes on. My Orianna is just experience from a few matches, but I'm godlike on Leona, so far. So I don't really see why my stats are that bad, if you want you can elaborate on that, since you just said "lolz look at those stats" without adding anything substantial..
    My apologies if you took it that i bashed your stats or went "loz". I saw a level 13 summoner who could use a few tips (in my opinion). For example your orianna had 110? cs in 41 minutes of game play. You should aim to double that. Your immediate goal should be to double your cs in the laning phase. Your other game with ori, you had 55 cs? in a 25 minute game, which should have been 100.
    Farming after the lane phase requires different things.
    1)It requires map awareness: You mustn't go farm a minion wave, when you will get ganked by the other team.
    2)Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm AND at the same not miss important fights
    3)Securing dragon/baron.

    Essentially, by "your stats", i meant basically creep score. You can go 40/0/10 in a low elo game, it doesn't mean that you should enter a tournament. Do a 40/0/10 with 350 cs in 2000 elo and we'll be watching you next year at the tournaments! Again, i'm NOT bashing.

    You "smashed" faces with leona, but in reality, you should have left those kills go to the carry. The assists + gold items should be enough. Granted, in <30 games, you should really get all the kills and carry the team, but you should keep in mind not to take too many kills as a support when you hit 30.

    Lastly, i commented on the pvp games and not versus ai. Play enough ai and you will learn to defeat them while using a naked champion :P

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by JoErVoL View Post
    My apologies if you took it that i bashed your stats or went "loz". I saw a level 13 summoner who could use a few tips (in my opinion). For example your orianna had 110? cs in 41 minutes of game play. You should aim to double that. Your immediate goal should be to double your cs in the laning phase. Your other game with ori, you had 55 cs? in a 25 minute game, which should have been 100.
    Farming after the lane phase requires different things.
    1)It requires map awareness: You mustn't go farm a minion wave, when you will get ganked by the other team.
    2)Farm farm farm farm farm farm farm farm AND at the same not miss important fights
    3)Securing dragon/baron.

    Essentially, by "your stats", i meant basically creep score. You can go 40/0/10 in a low elo game, it doesn't mean that you should enter a tournament. Do a 40/0/10 with 350 cs in 2000 elo and we'll be watching you next year at the tournaments! Again, i'm NOT bashing.

    You "smashed" faces with leona, but in reality, you should have left those kills go to the carry. The assists + gold items should be enough. Granted, in <30 games, you should really get all the kills and carry the team, but you should keep in mind not to take too many kills as a support when you hit 30.

    Lastly, i commented on the pvp games and not versus ai. Play enough ai and you will learn to defeat them while using a naked champion :P
    In reality, I only make kills when I feel that the target will get away, due to my lane partner and or the jungler being nowhere near or retreating. Occasionally I accidentially killsteal, due to the pure burst on Leona. Other than that, I know what my task is, which is why I'm saying that you should stick to facts and forget about assumptions.

    I do not facemelt people as Leona, I own the lane, because I control the lane. I own means to own it, possess it, have ownership of, not to kill everything in it.

    I do not refer to my AI games, besides the total of 6 matches I had against them, which is what I do when I play a champion for the first time. They don't count towards my stats, which is fine. I just noticed that Trynn is like really weak compared to a pantheon, with the exact same setup.

    The Ori matches I completely agree with. I find the count way too low as well and cannot fathom how anyone would get more by playing with the item guide I've been using. Her AP simply needs to get as high as possible as soon as possible to make those QW shots and you still need to get your mana up in case you do get snuck up on. I got killed quite a bit here and there, so perhaps that affected it.

    That said, I was wondering how you play Trynn.

    Edit: P.S.
    Excuse my tone of voice, but I'm confronted with a "there we go again, someone just has to be the father or mother and tell baby kid how to tie his shoelaces" feeling and I don't respond well to it. When I say GW2 dungeons are bad design, someone calls me a baddie. When I say that I have issues playing a single champion, people want to tell me that the problem really is me.

    I'm not oblivious to the fact that I'm fairly new to the game and that I'll have to get to 30 and experience that first, without playing all that much PvE, but let's get it for the record again then. You do not have to tell me this, at every turn. I make mistakes, I also learn from them. If I ever start streaming, you can say about my games what you want, if you watched, because you know what went down, what I did wrong and where I can improve, but right now, all you have is the result of a pre-30 match that's heavily affected by both my own and partymember skills.

    I don't have a team, although we do have a few people that are lvl 30 for a while, so all I can do is play solo queue mostly. And on Leona, I do that pretty well.
    Last edited by Vespian; 2012-10-11 at 11:13 AM.

  8. #8
    Alright, here is the thing in your post that I'm concerned about.

    First off: this is NOT a knock on you at all, but you aren't 30; this means worse runes, masteries, and less games played- Trynd (many melee AD and junglers) require VERY SPECIFIC runes and mastiers to even be usable, nevermind good.

    Even when you are 30, the difference between 200 wins and 1,000 wins is HUGE. Also the difference between 800 ELO and 1400 ELO I would equate to 8th grade math vs. college math. I know you are probably steaming mad at me by now, but there is a point to my rambling:

    1.) in an average 20 minute span of lane phase, if you have less then 100 CS as a mid, ADC, or top (there are certain situations on invades and constant ganks that we can excuse) you really need to play easy bots and focus SOLELY ON LAST HITTING. One kill is between 200-400 gold (FB, ending streaks ETC) ... think about that; 200 gold is between 9-12 minions - farming IS REALLY FUCKING IMPORTANT, especially on Trynd. 100 CS is also a very low bar, but just start there for now.

    2.) You compare Panth to Trynd.. besides both being jacked dudes, who can top/jungle, and are AD - they share almost no qualities. Panth is the ultimate early game champion- intended to bully a lane pre 6 and then gank other lanes. He falls off pretty hard by 30 minutes and becomes another stun. Also Panth's Q early game has insanely good range- Trynd has no ranged moves whatsoever. Panth gains map control @ 6, but his ult doesnt really help him 1v1.

    3.) I'm sitting @ 1370 ELO right now, nothing impressive- but even at this low level Trynd is countered easily with exhausts/slows and you proceed to lawls him to death. He is a hard carry, like Fiora and Yi. If you allow him to farm early, or give him a kill or two- he will snowball with a PD/IE/BT/FM/LW (some combo of those depending on opponents team comp and your runes) and down towers and your carries FAST. Otherwise like all melee ADC, he can be kited and in the current meta, is really tough to fit in.

    How would I play him? I wouldn't- I would pick Jax, Irelia, Jayce, hell even Darius before him.
    But if you do want to play him- start with AD reds/Armor Y/MR B/ AD Quints. (@ summoner level 20- runes before then are worthless)
    Don't be afraid to start cloth armor/ 5 pots for sustain - especially against say, a panth. It will help keep you in lane.

    Thats not optimal, nor is it his best page, and it certainly won't help you @ 30 trying to gain ELO in solo Q. What it will do is help you with last hitting (AD gives you a higher last hit window since you hit harder) and you can work from there. Get a point in spin by 3 for escapes, otherwise max Q and try to get to late game and destroy their time with your ult. Good luck my dude.
    Last edited by Boomcats; 2012-10-11 at 03:37 PM.

  9. #9
    Well....I guess you don't? He is pretty easily countered.

  10. #10
    Cloth and 5 on a Trynd without optimal rune/mastery setup. Without the runes required he is far too easily countered, and even when he is setup properly it takes a great amount of synergy with your jungler/lane partner to be effective. Personally when I played him at lower levels at top lane, I built him very tanky. You may not be dealing uber dups, but you can stay in lane much longer and still get the required CS. When it comes to teamfights you become a bit of a wrecking ball if your team is even remotely good at focusing a target.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Boomcats View Post
    Nice! Now this is what I'm talking about. A motivational. Thanks for that, I'm looking for champions to get, play and perfect. I'm not really an AI gamer, I enjoy playing games such as these against other players, but I usually use the AI games to get used to the abilities and basically not be a burden to anyone else.

    I fully understand what you're saying about runes. I get that and it makes sense. Thing is, I'm looking for champs that fit my taste and there's only very few of those. I don't want to play tank/support on every champ I have, so I'm currently looking for an AD Carry, already having Annie and Orianna (which I rarely play due to everyone picking solo mid or top :P) as AP/Burst/CC.

    I just finished a match with too many kills on Leona again, but with 2 liabilities in the group, I decided to take each and every kill I could get as soon as the team fights ensued. After some serious setbacks, we finally managed to win, ending my score with 10/6/23. I don't really care about ELO ranking, not now not in the future (not solo at least), but I do very much care about my own performance. I took too many fatals and a few killsteals. One of them was basically initiating and immediately harassing the Lux, who I managed to pay back for the last teamfight. She killed me right before I ulted the entire team, which would have won us that fight. So I wanted her dead. Which she did..die..

    Also grabbed boots of mobility instead of mercury to do a bit of testing. I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll pick up speed to test those a bit, but I might just go back to mercury, unless the opponents have no CC whatsoever.

    But you have basically answered my question with a "not entirely viable", which is fine. I now know I should at least stay clear for the moment.

    P.S. I don't get steaming mad when you talk to me like I'm a normal human being and not your student
    Last edited by Vespian; 2012-10-11 at 05:04 PM.

  12. #12
    I will say Tryndamere is pretty awesome in 3v3 and not too bad in Dominion. I know it's not ideal but if you can grab bottom lane with a support/tank in 3v3 who can reposition an enemy (blitz/alistar sort of thing) you will be able to destroy any fleeing enemies. It's maybe worth grabbing something tanky with a little bit of AD like Frozen Mallet for such an occasion, but I feel in the current game Trynd is just too slow to ramp up as it were.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  13. #13
    Yeah, he did feel really slow the first 10 levels and with such a low amount of survival, he just felt out of place with the other champs I played.

  14. #14
    Mechagnome nachoo's Avatar
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    Go play some 3's with with him and roll your face on the keyborad no but seriously... go play Tryndamere in 3s, hes OP
    "BC was a hot chick that took alot of work but was rewarding in the end, Cata is the drunk chick that supplied similar results with less effort." -couldnt have said it better.

    Quote Originally Posted by TEHPALLYTANK View Post
    Give up trying to understand her, women tend to handle problems with emotion rather than logic.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by coolkingler1 View Post
    Well....I guess you don't? He is pretty easily countered.
    Pretty much. Anytime I get a Trynd on my team and the enemy follows with a Teemo pick I laugh, then dodge.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by nbm02ss View Post
    Pretty much. Anytime I get a Trynd on my team and the enemy follows with a Teemo pick I laugh, then dodge.
    So, if someone in your team picks tryn and the other team picks Jax, will you dodge?

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    So, if someone in your team picks tryn and the other team picks Jax, will you dodge?
    If somebody on my team picked Trynd I would dodge anyway

  18. #18
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    I really don't advise jungling tryndamere until you have runes and full masteries. There are some junglers that can do perfectly well without them, but Tryndamere kinda needs the extra boost.

    If you find yourself getting beaten around in top lane, try starting with cloth 5 instead. It gives you two more health potions, and the extra armor. The boots aren't as crucial on tryndamere since you have your mocking shout to slow people with, and you have your spin to either chase with or escape with.

    Also, since tryndamere is a melee carry, he gets dominated by cc. If you exhaust him in a team fight then force his ult while he is exhausted he basically can't do anything. Though at low elo and low level games he can easily steam roll the competition if he gets a little bit ahead, because people don't know how to deal with him.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    I really don't advise jungling tryndamere until you have runes and full masteries. There are some junglers that can do perfectly well without them, but Tryndamere kinda needs the extra boost.

    If you find yourself getting beaten around in top lane, try starting with cloth 5 instead. It gives you two more health potions, and the extra armor. The boots aren't as crucial on tryndamere since you have your mocking shout to slow people with, and you have your spin to either chase with or escape with.

    Also, since tryndamere is a melee carry, he gets dominated by cc. If you exhaust him in a team fight then force his ult while he is exhausted he basically can't do anything. Though at low elo and low level games he can easily steam roll the competition if he gets a little bit ahead, because people don't know how to deal with him.
    Nah, I wasn't really planning on making him a full jungler, although from mid on, he can really make short work of them and come out with full hp, but I was just going through my options. You reaffirmed my conclusion that I might pick him up once my planned 5 mastered champs require some subbing :P

  20. #20
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vespian View Post
    Nice! Now this is what I'm talking about. A motivational. Thanks for that, I'm looking for champions to get, play and perfect. I'm not really an AI gamer, I enjoy playing games such as these against other players, but I usually use the AI games to get used to the abilities and basically not be a burden to anyone else.

    I fully understand what you're saying about runes. I get that and it makes sense. Thing is, I'm looking for champs that fit my taste and there's only very few of those. I don't want to play tank/support on every champ I have, so I'm currently looking for an AD Carry, already having Annie and Orianna (which I rarely play due to everyone picking solo mid or top :P) as AP/Burst/CC.

    I just finished a match with too many kills on Leona again, but with 2 liabilities in the group, I decided to take each and every kill I could get as soon as the team fights ensued. After some serious setbacks, we finally managed to win, ending my score with 10/6/23. I don't really care about ELO ranking, not now not in the future (not solo at least), but I do very much care about my own performance. I took too many fatals and a few killsteals. One of them was basically initiating and immediately harassing the Lux, who I managed to pay back for the last teamfight. She killed me right before I ulted the entire team, which would have won us that fight. So I wanted her dead. Which she did..die..

    Also grabbed boots of mobility instead of mercury to do a bit of testing. I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll pick up speed to test those a bit, but I might just go back to mercury, unless the opponents have no CC whatsoever.

    But you have basically answered my question with a "not entirely viable", which is fine. I now know I should at least stay clear for the moment.

    P.S. I don't get steaming mad when you talk to me like I'm a normal human being and not your student
    I love Leona and I'm just sitting here going "Why would you do that ever!?!?" Never ever by boots of swiftness (which I assume you meant by speed) on any champ. They are useless. Leona needs Merc treads because she will be right in the fight trying to eat some damage and soak up CC. The only other boots I would suggest for her are Ninja Tabi, but I would still sell them later for merc treads in team fights. Mobility is really only good on ganking junglers and roaming mids.

    Now if your looking for an ADC, Graves and Ezreal are fantastic. If you want melee your kinda out of luck because they are all countered hardcore by CC, so the next best thing would be Darius, Riven, Pantheon, or Renekton.

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