1. #1

    Current state of the Election (Opinion)

    Feel free to comment and discuss, but don't turn this into a flame war or get the thread locked, thank you.

    I've posted this in a few other places and since these forums are always bursting at the seams with incite (good and horribly bad), I'd figure that I'd give it a go.(placing in quotes to make it cleaner, and cleared up the language.)

    Neither candidate is up to par, raging about it on Facebook and other places of social media about how your candidate is right will totally get the country turned around though, seriously.. I PROMISE YOU IT'LL WORK AND IN TEN DAYS YOUR CRUSH WILL F--- LOVE YOU. In regards to the election, you deal with it and try and make things work like the little worker bees we are no matter how fucked up the hive is, you choose to live here so make it work or get the f out. Mitt Romney will do the same thing that Obama has done and so on, and to simplify that for you ranting troglodytes that means nothing. That is the problem with the two party system, the electoral college, and the idiots that -YOU VOTE INTO CONGRESSIONAL OFFICE-.

    Romney is a no talent toolbag and Obama is right in that same satchel with him, HOWEVER, Obama didn't directly tell a bunch of rich assholes that he didn't give a damn about 50% of the country. I collect WIC and Food Stamps, do I care? No. Do I care if you care? Nope. Why do I collect it? Because this country is in such a state of disrepair that it's like a house so run down even ghosts wouldn't want to haunt it. I work my ass off, go to school, have two kids and a wife that is also going to school. I don't drink, don't do drugs, and would willing piss in a cup to get my assistance while I grind 40-50 hours a week at work and another 20 at school while using the fraction of my time left to be the family man I want to be.

    Romney has this great tax plan to get us outta debt? AWESOME.. so does that crazy f---- that does the Mad Money tv show and smashes shit, but here is a quick thinking cap question for you. ONE OF THEM ACTUALLY KNOWS HOW TO COUNT WITHOUT AIDES ASSISTING HIM. You people, yes I mean you people (the ones that think that changing out the oil in the nation's car is truly going to make it run better when the problem is the damn tires are blown out), need to educate yourselves.

    Without GOOGLING the answer I could ask any of you red or blue painted "patriots" that keep babbling politics how your knight in shining armor stands on something liiiiike.. the state of the prison system and how privatizing it could truly be more harmful than just letting out a bunch of rapists and murderers? and you Romneyites will tell me how you've got a plan.. without showing it or talking about it and you Obamanites will tell me Bush did it and there is change coming. Screw both of you. Seriously.

    Lemme give a super fast rundown on three -great friggin' guys- from the past.

    Warren G Harding - Republicantdoshit - This guy was a compulsive gambler that never had anything to do besides gamble, drink, and hire his friends to royally screw this country over. NICE JOB BUDDY.

    John Tyler - Demo/Repub then primarily Whigidiot (also defended slavery and as soon as he got elected.. flipflopped. In this case good but how come he couldn't tell the truth to get the position eh? This is how I would've done it, "Slavery is bullshit, don't vote for me..it's fine, you'd probably have your House Attendant do it for you and they'd put their "X" next to my name anyways.. screw you racism, we win." POW, DONE.)

    Andrew Johnson - Democrybaby (opposed rights to African Americans, ya know.. same party Obama is part of, man what an ace in the hole amirite?)

    See that? Three candidates, one of which couldn't make up his damn mind (sound familiar Romneyites?) on all sides of the spectrum that were abyssmal Presidents of this United States of America. Don't like the government in place? Don't get a government job. The President however is still a figurehead of the Congressional Mass of Fkery that -you- as a people elect, get over yourselves and either work together on something or shut the hell up. OH, and before we get on the subject that Warren Harding hired friends like Obama.. well so did Bush and every other administration out there.. it's how the crap keeps rising to the top of the swimming pool that is our government.

    Learn what these people you are randomly pressing buttons for -actually- believe. Learn which ones are -actually- doing something and follow these people through their careers like you would a damn college football star. I realize that they aren't as exciting as RG3, but c'mon.. they are directing our future. Find an Alderman in your city that has some like-minded goals and put your support behind them, it's those people we need in office. Not a muppet or the rich puppet.

    End of my rant. I'm going to bed now. God, Allah, Buddah, Shiva.. everything and everyone bless America, because during Election time everyone just points out what is wrong with her.
    End of Line.

  2. #2
    Don't want flames? That message is one big flame.

    I really don't see how 3rd parties promising to usher in a new utopia is any different than the democrats and republicans doing the same. Do you honestly believe that if one of them got elected, the realities of running one of the most powerful countries in the world wouldn't catch up with them?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Bayhas View Post
    Feel free to comment and discuss, but don't turn this into a flame war or get the thread locked, thank you.

    I've posted this in a few other places
    You should stop doing that and start feeling ashamed for posting bs like this even once

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