Has anyone ever pondered the idea of a Lotso spin-off? I think it could make a great story.

There are two movie ideas I have in mind, one being a more interesting plot, but another being more suitable for the genre.

I'll start with the more interesting one. The movie could tell the tale of Lotso's life before Sunnyside and during Sunnyside. It could start with him being among Daisy's toys, being played with Daisy, etc. It could then show how he was lost, and how he found his way to Sunnyside. Then, the interesting part. How he rigged the system and took control of Sunnyside. A good ending to the movie could be when Woody and the gang arrive at Sunnyside and the jack-in-the box says "Oh boy! New Toys!".

Now, even though I believe that plot would be awesome (mainly seeing all the steps in his process to seize control of Sunnyside), I don't think it's possible because of one thing. There's no happy ending. Really, there's not much happiness at all. It starts out fun but then leads to sadness, and then the plot gets sinister as Lotso does bad things to rig the system at the daycare. Even though I think more teens+ watch these movies, they still need to be directed towards children, and therefore there needs to be a lot of happiness and the movie needs to end on a good note.

So, here's the less awesome but still full of potential plot:

The movie starts after the events of Toy Story 3. We see Lotso strapped onto the front of the garbage truck with the other toys, still just as bad as he was before. But this movie could develop his character further and by the end, change him and make him good again. A possible ending to this version could be he eventually finds his way to Bonnie's house and joins Woody and the gang.