1. #1

    Arena - Realm limitations

    I think after 12 seasons of Arenas, the time has come to expand.

    With BattleTags not being personal, as everyone can send you an invite at any time, Blizzard could perhaps even follow this idea through.

    How many times have you been stuck on a realm with shitty population ratios and you being on the worst side?

    How many times have you been stuck on a realm for whatever reason be that money/guild/RLfriends/etc?

    Why go look for 3rd party websites, half of which want to charges you 5$ to help you find a teammate?

    Why pay transfers to the "top realms" and wait in queues on new expansions just to be able to get a team going off trade chat? (Yes, this is a particular issue in the US as top realm is usually "selected" on location and people are forced to move to cope with latency, but this issue doesn't really exist in Europe AND most of the cream of the crop of the US is centered.)

    I believe it is time to make arena team invites based on BattleTags, not player characters, or something like this:

    - Remove Battlegroups for arenas and RBGs, we do not need this anymore. This will achieve couple things:

    1. Increase competition for the 0.05% as you will have a LOT more people in the same pool.
    2. Removes boost teams as they will eventually be passed by high ranked players
    3. Makes Rank 1s a real achievement, hell maybe even make it a realm first rewarded at the end of the season. If WoW players have proven anything, that is that when they are offered elitist awards, they go for them balls to the wall. (And I mean only legitimate contestants, seeing how Blizzard is actually taking action against carries/sells).
    4. For people who played in s2-4, they know what it took to get to 2400 and beyond. With such a huge pool of players, ratings will set themselves in. Yes, you might get the usually FOTM comps on the ladder, but there will be a lot of opportunity for other people willing to play different comps and verse the FOTM.
    5. Queues will be nearly instantaneous at any times as you will have literally your whole REGION queuing in to the same pool.

    How it will work -

    Bob1234-Neptulon(warrior) invites John5678-Outland(druid) to his team. Team is at 0 just like now. Keep MMR character based.

    Then they LOCK-IN their composition, to prevent being able to log any of their alts and cheesing/boosting their stats on different characters and realms via the BattleTag.

    And then they play their comp since they know each other since vanilla.

    Changing their BattleTags won't do anything, as they have already locked in their team comp and no rating will be linked to the BattleTag except the current team ranking.

    Just take a look at each BG - the realms where teams come from are incredibly inflated, giving no chance for other realms to even take a shot and compete.

    This is not a done-deal idea - clearly there will probably be some angle of exploiting or anything that I don't see, but this is where the community comes into play.

    If you want the game you love to play to improve, chip in, tell your 0.02 cents, give positive or negative feedback, this is how things improve!

  2. #2
    Seems like a really cool idea, it's been thrown around a lot in the past and I think Blizzard shot it down for some reason, not that I remember what it is.

    A lot of people (myself included), have to swap factions / realm just to get a team to play Arena with, I guess it works out as more $$$ for Blizzard though. I like the idea of having a regional (US / EU, etc) ladder, although only having one rank 1 team per region would be a little unfair, maybe awarding it to the top 15 teams on the regional ladder. It obviously couldn't be realm based, because some teams would have people from different realms PLUS people wanting R1 would just transfer to an extremely low-pop realm.

  3. #3
    For rank 1 titles I was thinking about them being realm based and require 2600 or higher according to how things turn out. No 2600+ on the realm? No Rank 1 title. This way you will have a LOT of activity on all realms and people won't be transferring.

    Yes, it will perhaps hurt Blizzard to some extent since people would look for people over Battletags instead of transferring, but it will go a HUGE way for EVERYONE on the realm - new players, casual players, pve players, pvp players, etc.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by klaps_05 View Post
    - Remove Battlegroups for arenas and RBGs, we do not need this anymore. This will achieve couple things:
    No, I dont agree with this. There needs to be cross-realm arena'ing such as you said in your post, but in your battlegroup only. I would also not mind horde/ally arena team combos, but that kinda violates the whole "loreish" side of the game. A flooded arena system where anyone could play with anyone would only promote boosting, not hinder it. Plus it would make titles harder to earn, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but with mmr so fucked up it would be bad im thinking.

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