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  1. #1

    Well rounded champ pool

    So, I am getting prepared to be TOTALLY flexible for S3 rank que's... So I need 2-3 of each role...
    Junglers = Amumu / Trundle /Skarner
    Adc = Twitch / Graves /Tristana(not as confident)
    Support = Blitz / Taric / (not sure, gunna play around a bit with support gragas)
    Solo Top = Nasus / Yorick /????
    APC = Gragas / Ryze / Fizz / Vlad /... (I have ALOT of APC, and favorite role)

    Is there any advice / tips u guys would recommend as to champ selection?
    I have over 90 champs. (definitely need to get sona though)
    All advice / comments welcome

  2. #2
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    seems decent. If those are the champions you are comfortable playing with, then go for it, but i'll add some that I think you should know.

    Junglers: Lee sin / Maoki / Dr. Mundo
    ADC: Graves / Ezreal / corki. As much as I don't like recommending the trinity of ranged ads to people they are probably the best for solo Q since they have the most room for error and are the best at escaping sticky situations. Personally I go for Draven / MF / Graves, but that's because I like their playstyles better than corki and ez. Though it would be good to learn Ezreal since he is still very strong and very slippery even after his nerfs.

    Support: Sona / Janna / Zyra / Leona. I don't mention blitz since he is banned about 90% of games. He is however a really good support and if you are competent with him, I would take when he is available.
    Solo Top: Irelia / Jayce / Rumble / Lee Sin
    Middle: Ryze / Ahri / Katarina

    I would add these champions, or at least consider some of them, to your list and see how it goes. I would shy away from support gragas as most people in solo Q are not going to know how to play with it. If you duo with the adc then play support gragas if you like, but I wouldn't recommend it with randoms.

  3. #3
    I have all those champs but sona, Lee, MF, and ahri.
    I don't have the correct runes for kat, nor do I like her "interrupt ult = u llse) game play.
    Gragas is my main champ, but DEF not solo with support gragas looks like I need to find a more confident support / adc list.
    Don't kat and fizz kind of accomplish the same thing?
    Burst someone down... GTFO, repeat process?
    Just recently started frequenting the LoL MMO-C forums, ur 1 of the more active / knowledgeable of the posters I've seen, Ty for taking the time.
    Would u refrain from twitch as well? He is by far best ADC... But I always get the" UHG... NOT TWITCH "... Is he too easily countered?
    Ended this season with 1350ish ELO... Don't know of that helps in this discussion or not

  4. #4
    Bloodsail Admiral Samyaaza's Avatar
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    Same country as Radek Zelenka
    Jungle: Fiddle (favorite), Lee Sin, Xin Zhao.
    ADC: Vayne (favorite), Ez, Trist
    MID: Veigar (I totally love his Q scale), Cassio.
    TOP: WW, Cho, Singed.
    Support: <insert support heroes here>

    Mod edit: No need for that.
    Last edited by Isrozzis; 2012-11-12 at 10:28 PM.

    "Dude, why are you dead again?" "Because I'm raid-leading, doh..."
    Mess with the best, die like the rest...
    >>>Goes by name Samyaza<<<

  5. #5
    Forgot about top cho, Def need to use him more. As to veigar, I have found u REALLY need a team to wreck with him. The game "protect the veigar" doesn't appeal to me.

  6. #6
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    I have all those champs but sona, Lee, MF, and ahri.
    I don't have the correct runes for kat, nor do I like her "interrupt ult = u llse) game play.
    Gragas is my main champ, but DEF not solo with support gragas looks like I need to find a more confident support / adc list.
    Don't kat and fizz kind of accomplish the same thing?
    Burst someone down... GTFO, repeat process?
    Just recently started frequenting the LoL MMO-C forums, ur 1 of the more active / knowledgeable of the posters I've seen, Ty for taking the time.
    Would u refrain from twitch as well? He is by far best ADC... But I always get the" UHG... NOT TWITCH "... Is he too easily countered?
    Ended this season with 1350ish ELO... Don't know of that helps in this discussion or not
    I would say not to bother with Lee at all then, unless you want to play a bunch of games to figure him out. He has a really high skill cap and a bit of a learning curve. He is a very powerful champion once you figure him out though.

    I prefer kat to fizz since she can burst one target, and get a reset and keep going. She is also a much safer laner imo and can last hit and shove lanes better. Fizz can become an absolute monster when he gets fed, so he's a good choice if you are comfortable with him. Since Gragas is your main, I would try to play him mid as much as possible. It is very easy to get ahead on him, and it's very easy to carry games with the fatman. So he is definitely a strong pick.

    As for twitch, I don't play him, so I can't comment too much on him. I dislike fighting him since he has stealth. He also happens to have arguably the strongest ad steroid in the game. If you watch Aphromoo's stream he plays some of the more uncommon ad carries a lot, so you'll commonly see him playing twitch and draven, or mf. And ya, you will get a lot of "zomg why you no pick corki/ez/graves stuff when you pick twitch. He is considered weak by most people. Imo he's underrated, but I don't play him at all so take my opinion on him with a grain of salt.

    And since you mentioned you are relatively low elo, try to master 1-2 champions for each role before you start expanding your pool too much. It's more important to play something that you are comfortable with, than something that is considered FotM or a hard counter. If you happen to be good at someone's hard counter, then good for you, but try to stick with what you know.

    Also, Cho'gath like Mortisia said. Cho'gath is amazing.

  7. #7
    ADC: Corki, Ez, Cog, Vayne
    Support: Leona, Sona, Zyra, Blitz
    AP: Karthus, Galio, Kat, Morg
    Top: Jayce, Singed, Irelia, Shen
    Jungle: Maokai, Rengar, Nocturne, Dr. Mundo

  8. #8
    Thx guys for the food examples and explanations for champs.
    Reason I mentioned gragas other than mid is cause I don't think I can go farther with him at mid. I'm very proficient with him in mid, knowing his limits and what he can do. Just don't lane me vs a damn fizz with gragas and k can hold my own again any apc's. Diana kinda iffy. Need a jungler gank once or twice way vs Diana or she gets scary. But again, that's why I want to do other things with gragas, know the ins and outs of his entire spectrum. Fav champ and all.
    I don't see many Nasus in ranked. Is it cause of the kite problem? I normally get cornhole into Yorick or darius if I go top.

  9. #9
    ADC: Ez (such a safe pick in solo q), Corki, Vayne, Kog (less in solo q due to his dependency on your team)
    Support: Leona, Sona, Blitz, Nunu (i really like nunu support especially if i'm duo q'ing with a friend who runs Vayne/Kog)
    APC: Orianna, Karthus, Morgana, Ahri
    Top: Irelia, Shen, Jayce, Olaf
    Jungle: Lee Sin, Maokai, Skarner, Cho'Gath

    I know you said 2-3 but I included 4 of each role for good measure.

  10. #10
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    Thx guys for the food examples and explanations for champs.
    Reason I mentioned gragas other than mid is cause I don't think I can go farther with him at mid. I'm very proficient with him in mid, knowing his limits and what he can do. Just don't lane me vs a damn fizz with gragas and k can hold my own again any apc's. Diana kinda iffy. Need a jungler gank once or twice way vs Diana or she gets scary. But again, that's why I want to do other things with gragas, know the ins and outs of his entire spectrum. Fav champ and all.
    I don't see many Nasus in ranked. Is it cause of the kite problem? I normally get cornhole into Yorick or darius if I go top.
    Nasus has a terrible early game. When left alone to farm for 30min he becomes a beast, but most players don't let that happen, with good reason.

    For solo top I'd pick up Jayce, Irelia, Shen, Olaf, Rumble, or Malphite. All really strong right now.

    As for Twitch, I don't like him. His ult is fantastic, but whenever it's down I feel kind of useless when playing him. He's a bit odd for an ADC, but certainly viable. However, the Holy Trinity for ADs (Ez, Corki, Graves) will give you more consistent games. I personally love Draven though so I would recommend giving him a try.

    Support, get Sona and Leona and you are set. Soraka I find boring and I hate playing both with and against one. Ignore her.

    Jungle: You should be good with those 3. All of them are looking fairly strong going into the new jungle. Still, a few more you could pick up are Cho, Nunu, Shyvana, and Mundo.

    AP: If you haven't already, pick up Cass, Diana, Orianna, and Morgana. All are great picks right now and should be part of any AP player's kit.

  11. #11
    Top lane :

    the Defender of Tomorrow

    Jayce is an extremely potent top laner, able to harras at long range, and beat down on weaker top laners(teemo) in his hammer form, he also is one of the hardest counters to Darius, able to completely shut down almost any darius

    The Hand of Noxus

    Darius is a Bruiser, banned in 90% of games, and with good reason, his damage is absurd, and has a massive Tru damage ultimate, gettign to 600 at level 1 with enough hemorrhage stacks. Take him, if not against Jayce or Yorick.

    The Butcher of the sands
    Renekton has an escape move, a stun, and an AOE heal/sustain. His ult also makes him a tank in fighting, and very useful for blocking the last ticks of ignite, where healing would be inefficient, heavily underated, Renekton is the "safe choice" not being countered by Jayce OR darius, is his strongest point.


    The Minotaur
    Heavily underrated champion for support, seeing more use in the top lane or jungle, he has sustain, a knock up and a push away/ gap closer. heavy utility, and great burst. All round support (also free )

    The Radiant dawn.
    Leona, has one of the heaviest CC skill sets, only matched with Blitzcrank, she has a maximum of ~0.5 second rout, followed with a 1.5 second stun, her ultimate, Solar Flare, also stuns in the best of situations, and slows in the worst.

    The Gem Knight
    One of THE best supports in the game at the moment, providing sustain, free armor to allies, anti armor-debuff to enemies and a stun. his stun is amazingly potent, especially when combined with a bursty AD carry. His 3 amazing skills, out weigh a bad ult, and a very bad passive. Easy to play, hard to master. Fabulous.
    Last edited by mmocc49146a575; 2012-11-12 at 11:57 PM.

  12. #12
    For support you can get Nunu, amazing for Vayne or Kog on your team.
    And oh yes, Leona, crazy set of skills, AMAZING passive and quite tanky.

    For top I'd recommend Jayce, overall strong top lately.
    Or Singed, maybe not the best, but crazy annoying for melee champs and great farmer.

    For AP Mid, I recommend the almighty Karthus. Beast late game, tons of damage in team fight, ultimate, just insane. (Also, decent farm range with Q)
    And lovely Orianna, amazing mid as well, decent farm with passive and great utility with her ball.

    With AD Carries you're fine, Graves and Tristana are beastly. For jungle try Lee Sin, he's popular for a reason.
    All I can say is, good luck and have fun
    Last edited by StNimrod; 2012-11-13 at 12:21 AM.

  13. #13
    Jungle: Nunu, Alistar, Amumu, Lee Sin, Maokai, Evelynn (if you can get good with her and time ganks well), Olaf (although I prefer him top lane), Mundo, Malphite (again, prefer top lane), Skarner, Shyvana (incredibly fast clear)

    Mid: Morgana, Malzahar (excellent interrupt vs Katarina), Gragas, Akali (if you're good with her), Karthus, Ahri, Diana, Cassiopeia, Lux (her shield is v. useful), Anivia, Kassadin

    Top: Irelia, Jayce, Jax if you're able to get fed, Olaf, Malphite, Darius, Kayle can be extremely strong, Singed, Pantheon, Shen, Vladimir, Yorick, Garen

    Support: Alistar, Blitz (as much as I hate him), Soraka (her silence can be a massive pain), Sona, Leona, Lux (better at mid imo), Zyra if you can master her, Nidalee

    All of these champs are strong picks in their own right and, while I wouldn't advise trying to learn them all, they are definitely worth looking into as they can be annoying as hell to lane against and stop your opponent from farming whilst having decent sustain and providing massive damage in teamfights.

    Haven't listed ADC as it's a role I don't play often enough to be of much use, but the trinity of ADC are probably your best bet.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  14. #14
    For top lane add irelia or jax as well. Get sona or ali for support as well, both are so good in solo queue. Lastly for ADC i'd suggest corki or EZ, both are safe and strong picks.

    And seeing that this has turned into a thread where everyone is posting there I might as well post mine.

    For mid Diana,Eve and Gragas
    For top Malphite, Shen and pretty much any bruiser
    For support Sona, Alistar and morgana if solo queues let me play it
    For jungle amumu, Udry and alistar
    For ADC , well this is my weakest but my corki is good.

  15. #15
    Tbh I would wait until the season changes are in. I have a good feeling that things are gonna get hectically changed up.
    But I'll see what you can add

    Jungle - Maokai carries games like mad, Shyvana is good too. I have found Skarner a very safe pick myself
    ADC - Try getting a Vayne or MF. Vayne just IMPOSSIBRU rapes late game where MF is insanely strong during early aswell as she fits well with AOE comps
    Mid - You are prety sorted, Diana is also good for solo queue because she molests a lot of mages in lane
    Solo Top - Jayce is insanely powerful once you got his kit sorted, Can't really be counterpicked. Shen is good too.
    Support - Try adding a sustain support aswell like Soraka/Sona for flexibility and Janna is always great if you can play her well.

    The champs I suggested might not be the best option but they are reasonably safe picks. Except Vayne, be careful with when to pick Vayne. Taric + Graves combo shits on you

  16. #16
    So sad that now janna is out of the top choices, but yes probably atm I would say Leona, Taric, Sona are the best 3 supports

    So my list could be
    Top: Riven, Jayce, Vlad
    Jungle: Naut, Amumu, Skarner
    Mid: Kata, Ahri, Gragas when I learn it
    AD: Vayne, Ez and I would like to buy and learn Draven
    Support: Leona, Taric, Sona

    ---------- Post added 2012-11-13 at 02:58 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by SargorVirm View Post
    So, I am getting prepared to be TOTALLY flexible for S3 rank que's... So I need 2-3 of each role...
    Junglers = Amumu / Trundle /Skarner
    Adc = Twitch / Graves /Tristana(not as confident)
    Support = Blitz / Taric / (not sure, gunna play around a bit with support gragas)
    Solo Top = Nasus / Yorick /????
    APC = Gragas / Ryze / Fizz / Vlad /... (I have ALOT of APC, and favorite role)

    Is there any advice / tips u guys would recommend as to champ selection?
    I have over 90 champs. (definitely need to get sona though)
    All advice / comments welcome
    Really Trundle?

    Don't u think that u should do this list after u know the changes to masteries and summoner spells, IMHO the champion tiers are gonna change after that.
    Last edited by mmocbdf271dc9e; 2012-11-13 at 01:55 PM.

  17. #17
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Trundle is most likely going to be even better than he is already.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by bennyrosso View Post
    So sad that now janna is out of the top choices, but yes probably atm I would say Leona, Taric, Sona are the best 3 supports
    Janna isn't Fotm anymore but is still an incredibly strong support. My friend mains supports well one of the few times I do go adc I feel incredibly safe in her hands. She just isn't OP as fuck like she used to be. I would say she is balanced.

    And Trundle is up for some animation tweaks which would make him beastly.
    As for Irelia I have been hearing rumours about her getting some tweak for S3(No, not another better nerf Irelia joke). So will have to see how things play out

  19. #19
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bennyrosso View Post
    Really Trundle?

    Don't u think that u should do this list after u know the changes to masteries and summoner spells, IMHO the champion tiers are gonna change after that.
    Trundle is shaping up to be a god tier jungler in the new jungle. Buffs to gold gain and single target clearing means he can farm and counter-jungle all day for some big items for team fights. Since any tanky junglers will also be buying bigger items, this is an indirect buff to Trundle since his ult will be that much more powerful.

  20. #20
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    His sustain is great, more focus on single target camps is awesome, flash getting nerfed is fantastic. He recently got fixed a bit (cheaper Q, no animation lockout on his W), which would help a bit as well. He will most likely be one of the top counter jungling picks.

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