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  1. #101
    Quote Originally Posted by yyil View Post
    What kind of world pvp were you doing? It was random bullshit and getting raped by PVEers. It was a lot of fun but what did the mounts have to do with it?? You still pvp the same amount while questing. In vanilla I wouldn't grind quests because it was hard. I would look for people to kill and grief. You can do that today and kill even more people because you can fly. Resilience is what turned world pvp around. You've forgotten how broken PVE epics were back then. Unstoppable Force was enough to kill almost any player; unless they had it too lol.

    Almost everyone doing quests in vanilla was new to the game. They were easy kills.
    I will explain this in as much detail as possible since so many people seem to not understand me.

    When everyone is on the ground, you see people more often because you're on the same level and moving relatively slowly.

    When everyone is in the air, you see people only in passing as you zip around at 410% speed at any space within hundreds of feet. When you do see someone, you cannot attack them because you are both in the air.
    By Blood and Honor We Serve!

  2. #102
    They put them in so we can gank people like you, so you can come here and post about how it makes the game so horrible for you.

    Just a guess. 7/7 Mythic EN / 3/3 Mythic ToV / 10/10 Mythic NH / 9/9 Mythic ToS some old school CM fun
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  3. #103
    Brewmaster Outofmana's Avatar
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    I actually loved being on my normal mount again while leveling in Pandaria. Feels so much better somehow. Not just dropping in for the questitem and really caring about not running into too many mobs for the daze dismount. That and autoflying while being 2000 yards up in the air is a bit boring.

  4. #104
    i wonder how many of the people who "hate" flying mounts actually went and immediately purchased "Wisdom of the Four Winds" at L90 hmmm, cause if they dont like flying surely they dont need that.

  5. #105
    Quote Originally Posted by b0sanac View Post
    I think it's meant to be "flying mounts stopped me killing lowbies, wah wah wah"
    You are an idiot lol.
    They make it even easier to kill low lvl chars, because they can't fly...and the ganker just flys away the moment there are other lvl90 and he could actually die.
    That destroyed world PvP! Now it's just killing people while leveling, because everyone else is flying away like a pussy...

    Flying and that stupid queue for everything shit destroyed the mmo aspect of the game and got rid of all the immersion.

    Keep it civil
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  6. #106
    Quote Originally Posted by strongyp View Post
    i wonder how many of the people who "hate" flying mounts actually went and immediately purchased "Wisdom of the Four Winds" at L90 hmmm, cause if they dont like flying surely they dont need that.
    I wonder how many people use this tired argument every day, hmmm.

    "lol bro if u dont like it just move at 210% less speed than everyone else lol"
    By Blood and Honor We Serve!

  7. #107
    Elemental Lord sam86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shedi View Post
    Because everyone wanted it.
    I'm one of the people who loved it, honestly I regret how much did it damage world pvp, but I won't lie and say "I didn't want it"
    Yes I wanted it, and don't think I can play wow without it anymore
    The beginning of wisdom is the statement 'I do not know.' The person who cannot make that statement is one who will never learn anything. And I have prided myself on my ability to learn
    Thrall 7:20+ "Alliance remaining super power", clearly blizz favor horde too much, that they made alliance the super power

  8. #108
    World PVP was really fun in Vanilla, when the world itself was still mysterious and unknown. After the whole of it had been explored to the last nook, the excitement to do random stuff, like forming warbands, withered. Devs thought to add an additional layer to exploration through verticality = enter places only reachable with flying. Also, I remember people talking about how annoying it was that flight paths often took the scenic route rather than straight line, and that's when the demand for player-controlled flying was born.

    It wasn't so much the game changing, but its populace and their needs. World PVP took a serious backseat and eventually faded into irrelevancy.

  9. #109
    The Lightbringer Arganis's Avatar
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    Because half the game was devoted to traveling before.
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  10. #110
    Quote Originally Posted by Zuben View Post
    It wasn't so much the game changing, but its populace and their needs. World PVP took a serious backseat and eventually faded into irrelevancy.
    As has been said so many times: This happened when battlegrounds were introduced, long before flying was added.
    "You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."
    Friedrich Nietzsche

  11. #111
    Flying didnt ruin the game, it actually made it so they can do sooo much more in the world.

    Also if this ruined the game for you, unsub and make a statement.
    I play many games. WoW, Rift, D3, PoE, SC2 I will not criticize your game choice if you don't mine.

  12. #112
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninaran View Post
    People got annoyed by Dazed. I got annoyed by Dazed. Flying Mounts prevent that. I like Flying Mounts.
    I hated that in Vanilla, going from light's hope chapel to Stratholme was a bloody chore, riding through the mob-infested plaguelands, getting dazed/dismounted by plaguehounds or if i took the road i would get that scarlet crusade questmob (And 6 or so guards) blocking the way, flying mounts make that things can happen on the ground without messing up people just trying to get from A to B...

    Really, OP wants to do dailies in Dread wastes without a flying mount? i found wading hip-deep in mobs there getting to 90 annoying enough TBH.

  13. #113
    Flying mounts didn't ruin World PVP. It stopped World GANKING.

    If you want to world PvP, find more players with the same attitude, arrange a place to meet and, erm, start PvP'ing.

  14. #114
    Go home ganker!
    Stop whining just because you have a hard time getting others to whine.

  15. #115
    Quote Originally Posted by quikbunny View Post
    Flying mounts didn't ruin World PVP. It stopped World GANKING.

    If you want to world PvP, find more players with the same attitude, arrange a place to meet and, erm, start PvP'ing.

    Also, join a bg, join arena, join a rbg, they were specifically made for PvP. The world wasn't.
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  16. #116
    Quote Originally Posted by quikbunny View Post

    If you want to world PvP, find more players with the same attitude, arrange a place to meet and, erm, start PvP'ing.
    No, man, that would present actual challenge as I'm fighting skilled and geared opponents, and not some pve-ers or undergeared scrubs, hell maybe even lowbies. Also, you can't get people to make QQ threads on the realm forum, if it was all arranged.


  17. #117
    becasuse it seamed "cool".

    Unfortunatly it was not thought through. It has a very negative impact on the game, sure its more convenient to get places, but it trivialises distance and takes the player out of the world, you dont make journeys anymore, you skip content to dropdown on objectives, and removes any sembalance of "balanced" w-pvp, and just encourages ganking by hihger levels.

    Another issue is WoW has never really made effective use of flying, its just used as a gate to some content, not as an interesting mechanic in and of itself. I was quite disappointed in Outland where the promise of flying never really had any real impact other than negative. And its not got better since.

    The only real positive is you get some nice views. But all in all its not worth it. Which is why I am strongly against flying in ohter MMOs unless its done much better, but its too late for WoW, we are stuck with it.

  18. #118
    Pandaren Monk Huntermyth's Avatar
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    this statement is coming from a recent gank victim i suppose.

    in the earlier days of my game time, i used to get furious when i get ganked as well. later on, i learned to fight back and game became much more fun. don't get me wrong, i got corpse-camped and whatnot, which is not fun, but i have to thank all the alliance that ganked me at stv. that's why i learned how to avoid roads, how to run away, how to counter gank when i was very new at the game.

    long story short, the sole purpose of PvP server is this: gank whoever you want whenever you want. either learn to deal with it or roll on a PvE server.
    war does not determine who is right, only who is left.

  19. #119
    Remember having lots of fun world PVP with flying mounts in TBC. Especialy on them towers in the wastes south terokkar
    I beliave what mostly killed world PVP was the removal of world tressure things to grind for.
    There is no "tyrs hand" where people gather to grind outside town for example.

    MoP has introduced a lot of new interesting world stuff worth being out for tho, sadly the faction balance on my realm makes it no World PvP. Hope they enable cross realm zones for pandaria soon so there will at least be som horde trying to gank me while I fight rare spawns.

  20. #120
    I actually do think that it damaged the game. World PvP aside, as it has been discussed a few times, it dramatically alters the way you perceive the world around you. And no, "duh, you can just use your ground mount if you want to!" is not a valid argument because i know exactly that i'm just restraining myself, as oppsoed to being restrained by the game. After playing GW2 for a while i suddenly came to the conclusion that having flying mounts implemented in the way it is done in WoW does nothing else then hurt the game, imo. It may be more convenient, yes, but on the other hand, so is getting your epics for free. The more effort you put in something, the more rewarding it feels. They could do some much more to the landscape if they didn't have to check that everythings suitable for flying mounts. I mean, there's not even a clear advantage to them; theres nothing to explore while flying around in the air, everything interesting is down on the ground.

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