1. #1

    Spirit Shell Weak Aura

    Does anyone have a working weak aura to show the amount absorbed by Spirit Shell? I'm using a custom function at the moment but can't get it to work. It will show the amount absorbed- but only after the buff that allows me to create the shield subsides and I'd like to see it as it's building up as well. If anyone has has a working weak aura I'd hugely appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Try tracking the spell id 114908 instead of the name. They might have changed the spellid with the most recent patch, let me know if that works otherwise I'll get the new one.

  3. #3
    Yes, the SpellID is 114908. I put together a little demo aura:

    %i %n absorbs %s on your current target (lasts %p sec).


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