Thread: Searing Totem

  1. #1

    Searing Totem


    I was wondering if someone knows if it's possible to use TellMeWhen whenever I dont have Searing Totem poped?
    Also if I miss the shaman weapon enchants?

    thanks for any advice.

  2. #2
    Yes it is, import:

    ^1^T^N1^T ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPLEFT ^SrelativePoint^STOPLEFT ^t^N2^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^STOPRIGHT ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SStringName^SBinding/Label ^SSkinAs^SHotKey ^t^N2^T ^SDefaultText^S[Stacks:Hide(0)] ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^SBOTTOMRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^SBOTTOMRIGHT ^t^t^SStringName^SStacks ^SSkinAs^SCount ^t^SGUID^Sicon1 ^Sn^N2 ^SName^SIcon~`Layout~`1 ^SNoEdit^B ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Stextlayout^Sicon1 ^^

    Note that under conditions I've got a check for meta button u can delete that condition.
    I use it to check if Fire Elemental icon is up.

    For the weapen enchant, import the following string;

    ^1^T^N1^T ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPLEFT ^SrelativePoint^STOPLEFT ^t^N2^T ^Sy^N-2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^STOPRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^STOPRIGHT ^t^Sn^N2 ^t^SStringName^SBinding/Label ^SSkinAs^SHotKey ^t^N2^T ^SDefaultText^S[Stacks:Hide(0)] ^SAnchors^T ^N1^T ^Sy^N2 ^Sx^N-2 ^Spoint^SBOTTOMRIGHT ^SrelativePoint^SBOTTOMRIGHT ^t^t^SStringName^SStacks ^SSkinAs^SCount ^t^SGUID^Sicon1 ^Sn^N2 ^SName^SIcon~`Layout~`1 ^SNoEdit^B ^t^N61501^S~`~| ^Stextlayout^Sicon1 ^^

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