1. #1

    [TRINKET] Shock - Static Caster's Medallion

    Exactly why is this looked over so much? Is it that bad because of the lack of static INT? I really like the idea of casting it every minute. How much better is the Relic of Yu'lon compared to this DPS-wise? Miles better or just a tad? You'd think with the ilevel that the Medallion would be right in the ballpark, if not better. What gives?

  2. #2
    A: its worse dps than any raid trinket + Yu'lon
    B: it needs reputation
    C: it costs valor and valor atm is better spent on your unreplacable gear
    D: its on use trinket

  3. #3
    It's much worse than any trinket you can get from raids AND worse than Yu'lon.

    Yu'lon is ~1K static Intellect and ~950 Intellect gained from proc uptime (maths based).

    This is 1.1K static Haste and ~950 Intellect gained from 100% uptime.
    For the valor cost and rep farming, the trinket is junk.

  4. #4
    Ouch, tough crowd.

    Right now I'm considering buying Yu'lon but it's still hella pricey so idk. Plus it's debatable if it'll still be BiS for 5.2 or not. If I knew it would be I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

  5. #5
    It probably won't be BiS in 5.2 but it will be significantly more BiS in 5.2 than a trinket that isn't BiS in 5.1
    You should be pursuing what makes you do most damage now, not a BiS list you have no guarantee of ever hitting

  6. #6
    True Imnick, but they're going for 14k at the moment on my server. If I spent 14k on every gear slot I'd be a very, very broke mage. Just trying to gauge the overall value of here. And time is definitely relevant.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by PriestLuna View Post
    True Imnick, but they're going for 14k at the moment on my server. If I spent 14k on every gear slot I'd be a very, very broke mage. Just trying to gauge the overall value of here. And time is definitely relevant.
    It might be a little late with the faire coming up in a few days, but you could try buying the cards individually and build the deck. It can be considerably cheaper. I did this one month into the expansion, when the trinket was going for 30~40k on my realm's AH. I spent under 15k on the cards then.

  8. #8
    I would also like to know how much better relic or essence is versus this. If it's only a couple hundred dps or even 1k, i'll pass on the 11k expenditure.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by PriestLuna View Post
    True Imnick, but they're going for 14k at the moment on my server. If I spent 14k on every gear slot I'd be a very, very broke mage. Just trying to gauge the overall value of here. And time is definitely relevant.
    try gathering cards from 1-8 they usually goes cheap, oh and DMF this week!! (i think??)
    http://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=dw+soul+roc in oceanic now Lol

    5172-1206-0622 pokemon FC Lets Battle!!

  10. #10
    For the Shock/Static Caster's medallion, it can be pretty good for Frost because of his 1 minute on-Use. So it can be macro with Frozen orb fr giving it an optimal use every time.
    But as it was tell before:
    On-use trinket is always less powerful than on-proc and Essence of terror (LFR) is easy to loot.

  11. #11
    Why exactly is an on-use trinket less powerful than a proc one? The proc can simply happen when you don't need it, leaving you naked for when you need it most. An on-use trinket can be activated when you need in most(like heroism, or a dps phase like pillars at Elegon or sparks), while the proc can simply happen before heroism. You can see for yourself which trinket is going to be a bigger dps gain.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinitar View Post
    Why exactly is an on-use trinket less powerful than a proc one? The proc can simply happen when you don't need it, leaving you naked for when you need it most. An on-use trinket can be activated when you need in most(like heroism, or a dps phase like pillars at Elegon or sparks), while the proc can simply happen before heroism. You can see for yourself which trinket is going to be a bigger dps gain.
    On proc buff has more stats than on use to compensate for what you just said. You cant forget to use it, There is rarely a point where you wont be needing a dps proc. And mostly heroism just happens to be at the same time as your usual proc, if it doesn't someone clearly didnt track their procs and that is something for your raid to improve on. Plus the ICD's mostly seem to line up with at least some some cd or proc.

  13. #13
    This seems like a very strong trinket, specially for engies, using it in combination with glove 'enchant'. However, there are several better one available. But if u're unlucky on light of the cosmos dropping and Yu'lon seems expensive, give it a whirl.

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    This seems like a very strong trinket, specially for engies, using it in combination with glove 'enchant'.
    You can't use trinkets in conjunction with the gloves, activating Synapse Springs starts a mini-cooldown on all on-use trinkets for the duration of the buff.

  15. #15
    At the moment I use the Static Casters Medallion to boost my combustions (yeah I know, still playing fire...), as the cooldown lines up pretty good with combustion 1.min and 20 sec CD (with 4-set). In addition I use Essence of Terror (raid finder).

    BUT, relic of isn`t more than 8-9k on my server, can someone just confirm it will be a DPS increase so I can buy it with good concience?

  16. #16
    I hope you're using it before Combustion rather than as you cast it :V
    I don't think it double dips from trinkets, you want to make the ignite larger rather than the little direct damage it does. It sounds obvious but I've had to explain this to three separate mages before...

  17. #17
    Yeah, crit once + inferno blast + the trinket + fireballs until heating up (another crit) + PoM + Alter Time then let loose the pyros and then, combustion.

    Works good but got the gold to buy the relic so yeah, thanks.

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