1. #1

    Strongest champions (from this list)

    Ok guys, I would like to know your opnions on which champion you think is the strongest in each category. These options are what I consider to be the best in each lane/category. If you think there is someone else I forgot, please feel free to say so and tell us the reason.

    Now the question is what do I mean when I say strongest. Strongest in the sense that you can bully your opponent, not letting him farm well, can put alot of pressure, and SPECIALLY, would win in a 1v1 in similar farm, gear, frag, etc. So basically if so and so started fighting, who would win? Try to be direct plz. I know each game is different, but in a best of 5 fights, who would win? That's what I mean the strongest, ok?

    So let's get to it. Again, these are the champions I consider to be the best, from my experience. If you think some other champion deserve the title of strongest in that specific lane/position, just say so.


    1. Darius
    2. Jayce
    3. Jax
    4. Olaf
    5. Fiora


    1. Hecarim
    2. Xin
    3. Master Yi
    4. Lee Sin
    5. Skarner

    AP MID

    1. Swain
    2. Kat
    3. Ahri
    4. Lux
    5. Fizz


    1. Alistar
    2. Sona
    3. Janna
    4. Leona
    5. Taric


    1. Ezreal
    2. Draven
    3. Vayne
    4. Caitlyn
    5. Varus

    And I will create a category here for TANKS, because I think it's important here, and since tanks can pretty much go anywhere, it's only fair.


    1. Malphite
    2. Amumu
    3. Volibear
    4. Cho'gath
    5. Maokai

  2. #2
    Herald of the Titans
    10+ Year Old Account
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Calgary, Alberta
    Top lane: out of that list I like Jayce or Jax the most. Jax wins the super carry late game battle but Jayce is a super safe pick and only really loses badly to Irelia. Olaf has a very strong mid game but falls off a bit late. Can dive carry's with ult and be ultra tanky. Fiora is too squishy for my liking. Jayce, being ranged has the ability to bully most champions who don't have gap closes and with the speed gate + knock back is very tough to kill in a gank. Darius does an insane amount of damage and can build very tanky or just pure damage. I don't exactly know what you're trying to gain from this because all the champs you listed there, are really good picks. Fiora is weak against many common picks. Lee Sin, Singed, Pantheon, Xin Zao, and Malphite could be added to your list but of your selected champs, I say Jax. Not a terrible early game, once 6 has incredible dueling potential. He is a hyper carry and has one of the strongest late game of any champ. The picks that counter him aren't too too common so you have a pretty good chance of dominating your lane in blind pick.

    Jungle: Amumu (not listed) or Lee Sin are the best junglers in the game right now imo. Quick clears, good ganks. Maokai (not listed) and Cho'gath (not listed) are very good as well, they don't clear too slow and have good ganks too. Lee Sin is different because he scales with skill more so than any champion in the game I'd say. He's almost always banned at high elo's because he always dominates and goes like 10-0. Amumu is by far the best jungler because he's very easy to play, has a good clear speed, godlike ganks once you're 6 and most importantly he has amazing initiate for when you're team fighting.

    AP Mid: Evelynn hands down right now. The only true in lane counter to her is Mordekaiser or Zyra and even then, you can win if you get kills via roaming. You gain advantage over your opponents by roaming to other lanes because of perma stealth, getting kills and returning to do amazing damage to them. Ryze makes a case because he doesn't lose to many champions just because of how he works and is built. Strong wave clear ability and you can just smartcast his skills and spam rwqeq to do ridiculous damage. He's also quite tanky for an ap mid and for the amount of damage he does. Rod of Ages, Frozen Heart, Archangel's Staff, Banshees Veil, Void Staff provides you with insane damage, MR and magic shield, Seraph's upgrade shield on Archangel's, and armor for physicals.

    Support: Zyra, Taric, Lulu, Sona, Nunu - I mean take you're pick. They're all quite good and do well in lane. Nunu provides your ad carry with basically another PD (AS/MS wise). Zyra brings root/knockup. Sona AoE stun. Lulu knockup and Taric single stun. There is really no weak support in the game right now other than Karma and she is a pretty random champ that severly needs a rework.

    AD Carry: Same thing goes for supports but most depend on your team comp and the other teams. Ez, Cait, Corki, Graves, Vayne, Tristana all have their respective escape abilities while Varus, Draven, Ashe, MF, Sivir, Kog'maw, Twitch don't have one but bring other stuff to the team/game to make up for it. Strongest? Ezrael probably. He decent ranged abilities, built in flash, AoE damaging ult for when you escape out of the fight from a bruiser. Vayne has the highest late game dmg (imo) out of any AD Carry but her escape isn't very good and is easily just focused down. If you have a team with amazing peels, Kog'maw could be considered the best. He is also amazing 1v1 but that rarely happens for an AD Carry.

    Tanks: Malphite or Amumu or Maokai even because they all have great initiate. Singed could make a case but most champions get to a ridiculous status of tanky that it's pretty hard to say who is strongest. Shen and Nautalis are pretty good too.

    Not really sure what you're looking for since it's pretty hard to just judge a certain champ as the strongest. There are so many factors that contribute such as team comp, enemy team comp, enemy lane opponent, enemy jungle, playstyle of you and your opponent. It doesn't really matter because there isn't really any champ that is so strong that you lose to that individual champ. Player skill will determine whether you win your lane 4/5 games if its strictly 1v1.
    Last edited by Zeoni; 2013-01-09 at 08:22 AM.

  3. #3
    There is a thread about which champion to buy but I would I give you my 2 cents.

    There are no best champion for each lane, as most can be countered by another champion. Also, when you take a champion you should take in consideration your team composition. For example: Is there an ADC on mid? You should take AP top. Do you have an initiator on your team? Do you have enough CC?

    Keeping that in mind before choosing what to play.

    Now about each lane


    1. Darius
    2. Jayce
    3. Jax
    4. Olaf
    5. Fiora
    I would say Olaf is the most versatile of all. True Damage abilities and perma-slow. Darius can be a bully but he's easy counter. Pick up Jayce for easy farm/strong poke.


    1. Hecarim
    2. Xin
    3. Master Yi
    4. Lee Sin
    5. Skarner
    Lee Sin is right now the strongest jungler IMHO. That doesn't mean that he can't be counter. He has mobilty and counterjungling potent. Another great pick is Skarner for his hard CC and better ganks. If you trust your abilities, get a jungler that turns to a second Assassin/ADC in late game. Lee Sin, Olaf, Nocturne for example. Need CC/Initiator? Amumu, Nautilus are great.

    AP MID

    1. Swain
    2. Kat
    3. Ahri
    4. Lux
    5. Fizz
    Play what you want and fits your playstyle. Swain counters most melee that are on mid, Ahri/LB are amazing on roaming. Need CC? Master Orianna. Want to troll both your team and opponents? Insta-buy Syndra.


    1. Alistar
    2. Sona
    3. Janna
    4. Leona
    5. Taric
    Blitzcrank. Most annoying champion right now. Want to counter BC? Team up Taric/Graves and rofl stomp like a bawss :P. Sona for hard CC, Leona for initiator. I would also recommend Lulu. Heavy poke and amazing for counter the enemy jungler if he camps your lane.


    1. Ezreal
    2. Draven
    3. Vayne
    4. Caitlyn
    5. Varus
    Depends on your playstyle. Get what you want. I would suggest getting MF first and then Graves/Caitlyn/Vayne. Ezreal is great but has a higher skillcap IMHO.

    And I will create a category here for TANKS, because I think it's important here, and since tanks can pretty much go anywhere, it's only fair.


    1. Malphite
    2. Amumu
    3. Volibear
    4. Cho'gath
    5. Maokai
    Actually, heavy armored champion don't go where they please (unless it's Mundo). Tanks have two roles at end game. Initiating a fight and peel for their ADC/APC. All five are great, I would also add Shen and Rammus to your list.

    Hope that helped

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by obao98 View Post
    Ok guys, I would like to know your opnions on which champion you think is the strongest in each category. These options are what I consider to be the best in each lane/category. If you think there is someone else I forgot, please feel free to say so and tell us the reason.

    Now the question is what do I mean when I say strongest. Strongest in the sense that you can bully your opponent, not letting him farm well, can put alot of pressure, and SPECIALLY, would win in a 1v1 in similar farm, gear, frag, etc. So basically if so and so started fighting, who would win? Try to be direct plz. I know each game is different, but in a best of 5 fights, who would win? That's what I mean the strongest, ok?

    So let's get to it. Again, these are the champions I consider to be the best, from my experience. If you think some other champion deserve the title of strongest in that specific lane/position, just say so.


    1. Darius
    2. Jayce
    3. Jax
    4. Olaf
    5. Fiora


    1. Hecarim
    2. Xin
    3. Master Yi
    4. Lee Sin
    5. Skarner

    AP MID

    1. Swain
    2. Kat
    3. Ahri
    4. Lux
    5. Fizz


    1. Alistar
    2. Sona
    3. Janna
    4. Leona
    5. Taric


    1. Ezreal
    2. Draven
    3. Vayne
    4. Caitlyn
    5. Varus

    And I will create a category here for TANKS, because I think it's important here, and since tanks can pretty much go anywhere, it's only fair.


    1. Malphite
    2. Amumu
    3. Volibear
    4. Cho'gath
    5. Maokai
    played a lot:
    darius, jayce, jax

    lee, hec

    kat, ahri, lux

    supports you really have to go with the type of lane you're going to play. kill lane with leona, sustain/harass lane with sona and so forth.

    vayne is one of the two hyper ad carries (tryndamere being the second), but for popularity:
    ezreal, caitlyn, draven

    there are no real tanks in this game. if by tank you mean initiator then
    amumu, malphite

    all in all there are no "best" champions in this game. what champion is considered good is based entirely on what champions your enemy plays. fizz would do horrible in a lane vs ahri but excel vs kassadin. pantheon would get crushed vs malphite but malphite would get crushed vs vladimir.

    it's a complicated game

  5. #5
    Top lane:
    Elise / Yorick / Cho
    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe Rumble, not entirely sure on this one though

    Bold - Phenomenal top laners with very few (or if any) hard counters
    Chose not to include Darius because he is shut down HARD by the said champs above)

    TF (absolute monster, check out Misaya's guide on TF)



    Lee sin
    Last edited by Creatinebrah; 2013-01-10 at 01:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Top: Darius. Dominates 1v1. Hated for the ulti (for good reasons) and harass with the Q. Pure bruiser, quite tanky with nice damage.
    Much easier than Jayce so I'll go with this one.

    Jungle: I suck at it so can't help ya on this one. (Amumu is crazy these days)

    AP Mid: Fizz, getting him myself as well. Awesome hit and run skillset, jumping on a stick can save you from plenty of things and ulti is just plain fun. (Also, try AP Yi mid, you'll love this guy)

    Supp Bot: Leona. Just too strong now to miss out on it. Stun, dash, brilliant passive and ultimate for fights. Tanky as well, which is quite nice.

    ADC Bot: Ezreal. E is free flash and Q pretty much infinite poke. Ulti can clear the whole lane from minions. Need I say more?

    TANK: Amumu. Q and Ulti are such a powerful combo that it's not even funny.

  7. #7
    If you want something like ban-material list, here you are -
    AD Assassins/Fighters - while nearly all are insane, Talon/Pantheon/Kha'zix are completely retarded, while Lee Sin and Zed are also extremely strong
    AP Fighters - Rumble is pretty much OP
    Junglers - Shaco is annoying and requires teamplay to counter, you don't get that in solo, free wins. Better ban it.
    AP Tanks - Amumu - flash ult then Q, no matter how behind still gamechanging. Malphite and Blitzcrank are both gamechanging as well. Ban them if you feel they'll make trouble to your team.
    AP Mages - Twisted Fate, easily turns ganks, too much roaming potential. Pretty safe pick as well.
    AP Assassins - EVELYNN, free win :<, don't make the mistake and just ban or pick it. You don't need to outplay, just roll with sheer numbers ...
    Supports - Janna/Soraka can both do a lot in situations where they are great picks, but not really ban worthy. Nunu on other hand is pretty gay, has some very good synergy without ever being challenging or having too many downsides.
    AD carries - Miss Fortune - too good output for being pretty easy. Twitch and Draven are strong too, but much harder to use. I can imagine only MF as ban material unless you're wanting to get rid of some nasty lanes.
    Last edited by mmoc064457dc87; 2013-01-10 at 03:53 AM.

  8. #8
    3. Jax

    1. Hecarim

    AP MID
    4. Lux

    5. Taric

    1. Ezreal

    And I will create a category here for TANKS, because I think it's important here, and since tanks can pretty much go anywhere, it's only fair.

    4. Cho'gath
    5. Maokai
    These picks are based off of how well they can also carry into late game. If you pick something like Yorick who does well in lane but is bad late, you will probably get mad at your team when a 0/4 out of laning phase jayce ends up winning.

    This is just off of what is listed, not "strong champions I think everyone should know"
    Jax- Played well does insane damage late while still building pretty tanky. Comes with natural tankiness from his abilities, he can still kill the things that "counter" him in lane. Honestly, anything can be played top though.
    Hecarim- He can gank extremely well, even into warded lanes. He does ok damage late game, decent clear time, isn't super dependent on buffs for ganking. Lee Sin isn't as good late game but still strong, lee is probably better at ganking mid than Hecarim though.
    Lux- This is tough between her and Kat. She does a lot of damage in team fights, her shield is great, long range ult, great skill set all around. Kat does more damage, less for her team.
    Taric- Pretty easy to play, great skillset (heal, ad/ap aura, armor/armor shred, stun) and is one of the strongest solo/duo supports.
    Ezreal- Good ult for team fighting, getting cs across the map, attack speed increase for your team, and an escape. Skill shot dependent, but most champions are.
    Tank- Can't decide between Cho'gath and Maokai, both are strong, Maokai is generally jungled and Cho is played in just about any role right now.

    Amumu/Lee are usually banned below like 1900.
    Last edited by Obsession; 2013-01-10 at 09:39 AM.

  9. #9
    Above 1900 too, at least in Europe.

  10. #10
    I'm curious, who do they ban above 1900? Surely there's a certain pattern there too.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Grading View Post
    I'm curious, who do they ban above 1900? Surely there's a certain pattern there too.
    mumu, malph, shen, tf, eve, khazix...
    all the op champs are banned no matter the elo range really tf really only banned at high elo due to the pressure he puts out by just being in the game.

  12. #12
    Don't know bout you guys, but Ezreal is the bane of my existence. And Amumu.

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