I recently bought an Atari 2600 jr. (yeah, I like to collect old consoles :b). The seller said he didn't know if it was working since he had never used it, but Ataris are tough so I took the chance and hooked it up to the Coaxial input in my old 90's television. However when I found the channel it showed some black static screen and sometimes it even made a hum. I haven't had an Atari before so I was wondering what could cause this? I tried checking the powersupply if it was getting warm and making a blue flash when I plugged it in - which it did, so I assume it's working as it's supposed to. I read somewhere that a broken cartridge also shows these signs but I can't really test that since I only have the 32 in 1 game cartridge which came with the system :/. Anyone who can help me out ?