1. #1

    LoL training system

    I was thinking about the tutorial and how useless it is. Well, I'm assuming it's useless because the amount of unskilled players I see is horrifying. So I came up with an idea. I don't know if I'm the first one, but here it is:

    The training system. Every player has an option to select another player as a trainer. In order to become a trainer one must meet some kind of requirements like over 1000 wins or have a win % in ranked above 60. (numbers are just examples) The apprentice is bound to his trainer for X amount of days (30? 60?), his performance affecting the trainer too. There could be a new rating system, best trainers, competition etc. Every game won by the apprentice gives the trainer some rating or maybe some IP. How the trainer will train his student is up to him. (playing with the bots, 1v1 in the Proving Grounds to teach him how to play solo lane etc)

    When the X amount of days has passed, the trainer can pass or fail the apprentice. This could be a visible thing when you go to someone's profile or on the forums, like the Summoner's Code agreement. If the apprentice passes the training, he receives some kind of bigger reward, like 950 RP / 6300 IP. The trainer would receive stuff that he can use, like additional rune pages, 20+ mastery pages, big RP or IP or special skins.

    Let me know what do you think and if you would like something like this in the game.

  2. #2
    Sounds a bit easy to abuse, and not everyone is cut out for teaching other people how to play. Or how to anything for that matter :P

  3. #3
    You overestimate what the tutorial is meant to teach you. It isn't meant ot teach you to be an awesome good player, it's meant to teach you what a champion is, what a minion is, what a lane is, what a tower is, victory and defeat criteria etc.

    That said, a mentoring scheme isn't bad, but I don't think it needs to be handled by Riot. There is nothing stopping a community effort on this matter. People would probably do it because they are decent people and wish to improve the community as a whole. Rewards bar being known to be a good person aren't really needed.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Dundebuns View Post
    You overestimate what the tutorial is meant to teach you. It isn't meant ot teach you to be an awesome good player, it's meant to teach you what a champion is, what a minion is, what a lane is, what a tower is, victory and defeat criteria etc.
    This. You are proposing a completely unnecessary, flawed and easily exploitable system when what tutorial is meant to teach is at most on the level of "You don't get more gold for dealing more damage to a minion, so don't auto attack it.". Why in the world would it be the developers' responsibility to introduce players into the deeper aspects of the game as well as the metagame standards? Oo

  5. #5
    There are actually a few threads on the official forums about mentor programs, there are chat rooms you can join and ask for a mentor and get a lot of help from people who are doing it to actually help people - and not because of some IP reward they want to pick up.

  6. #6
    The idea is nice, but I'd imagine it's probably better handled solely by the community, and not incentivized in game. In the iteration you have currently put forward, it's a way for veteran players to supplement their IP income by creating alt accounts and "mentoring" themselves. Especially considering some folks already create new accounts to pub-stomp for fun on weekends and the like.

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