1. #1

    Help to locate a death addon


    So..I used to have an addon which when someone died in my chat box I would get a text warning

    DPS Sepha has died!

    and an audible warning, it would obviously say tank or healer if it were those roles

    does anyone know what addon this is? I dont think I specifically had an addon installed to track deaths, I think it was a functionality within a larger addon


  2. #2
    the addon called Death Note may have what your looking for, it is a huge multifunction addon

  3. #3
    Fatality does that.

  4. #4
    RaidBuffStatus also does this with chat messages and an audible warnings.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by stevietv View Post
    RaidBuffStatus also does this with chat messages and an audible warnings.
    I used to have this addon, I imagine it is that

    thanks a million, and thank you to the other guys who replied I will check out those addons too


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