1. #9081
    Quote Originally Posted by Muzual View Post
    damn you really have been gone from LoL a while haven't you?
    Haven't played since January this year because I went to HotS and then 3 months after I stopped playing mobas all together...

    And now with work, I just play TF2 and assassin's creed franchise.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zelgius View Post
    A summoner spell that can be used to deal true damage to minions/monsters
    Oh. rofl. I thought you were talking about a champion. XDDDD

  2. #9082
    So leveling my smurf, I decided to buy Diana because my only mid lane champion on that account was Morgana (who I mainly play support). I tried her in 2 custom games, first one was just to get used to hear abilities and the 2nd one was for doing a correct build with runeglaive. I had a lot of fun with her and look forward to playing her in an actual game. Any tips for Diana specifically?

  3. #9083
    Quote Originally Posted by Majad View Post
    Oh. rofl. I thought you were talking about a champion. XDDDD
    Naw just the summoner spell.
    We already saw smite orianna mid with Nashor's Tooth and top teleport/smite gangplank in LCS, it can't get much crazier than this...
    Quote Originally Posted by 4KhazModan View Post
    So leveling my smurf, I decided to buy Diana because my only mid lane champion on that account was Morgana (who I mainly play support). I tried her in 2 custom games, first one was just to get used to hear abilities and the 2nd one was for doing a correct build with runeglaive. I had a lot of fun with her and look forward to playing her in an actual game. Any tips for Diana specifically?
    You can start with Flask in lane and start raptors for an early lvl 2, start shield and get a second point in it by lvl 3, then level q afterwards. If you keep moving back to raptors when it's up, you can hit lvl 6 earlier and all in them if you want to.

    Build is usually: Runeglaive > Ludens > Rabadons/Zhonya's > Rabadons/Zhonyas > Void Staff.

    If you go for the Ludens/Zhonya's route, you want to chunk a person with your ludens q, then go ham and delete them, pull everyone in and zhonyas so your team can follow up on your initiation.

    You could alternatively go for a build with Nashors after Runeglaive, followed by Abyssal/Zhonya's/Void Staff. Which gives you both MR and Armor, and insane dueling potential. I'd go for this build if you want to splitpush and be annoying in general.

  4. #9084
    One of my best games in a while. Our jungle troll/seriously picked Vayne, because Sated OP (ye, problem is getting there), and I was constantly pushed to my towers. Eventually, Garen started leaving me alone - big mistake.

    LDA (my buddy) and I started carrying teamfights, their team wasn't all there, they kept splitting and allowed up to pick them off. Ashe kept chasing me, for some reason, so that was fun. Sona kept going melee form, Fizz wasn't using his troll pole as much as he could've. We should've lost, in all honesty.

    We lost first dragon early, but I had LDA keep a ward in the pit thereafter, and when Renagar and Ashe started going for it again, I immediately TP'd down and we ended up getting it. That was the real big turnaround, they lost it and Fizz died, we lost Heimer and Jinx and retreated into the jungle. They followed, I baited at blue and killed Rengar, Sona, and Ashe there, was great. Pushed, farmed, stacked, we just got really lucky with how things went.

    Never really looked, but Jinx wasn't big until later in the game, but Garen and Rengar kept diving her, so Heimer and I just peeled and pewpew'd while LDA kept the rest off us. Really great game all around for my team, everyone contributed greatly and it was a huge throw for the other team. I think the morale was kept up seeing me constantly chunk them for 1/2, 1/3 of their health bars, except Garen of course, but Wither + Heimer + Jinx was enough to whittle him down as he dove the backline.

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