1. #1

    Raid assignments addon

    Hello, I am looking for an addon that would allow me to create a list of assignments for folks in the raid that I could then announce the list to the /raid channel; as a bonus it could whisper each person on the list with their assignment too.

    In a sense like Surgeon General or GettingThingsHealed, but for non healing specific assignments. Maybe a list of kiters and their order for Garalon, CC assignments, etc.

    I've searched through google, curse and these forums and not found anything. Wondering if anyone had such an addon that would fit my needs or could point me in the right direction to create my own. Currently I am using some macro's, but thinking an addon may be simplier and easier to manage.



  2. #2
    I've recently come across myAutoMacro which allows you to pull this off with macros with a bit more ease. Basically it creates 5 macros into your macro book and changes them upon seeing a certain NPC or zone. Still not entirely ideal for this purpose though, but I've found it to work pretty well. I've relegated the first of the 5 to be a "boss specific" type thing like targeting a certain add or for example a macro to CC on windlord. Then the rest are for "assignment" macros.

    I used this a long time ago but as you can see it hasn't been updated in a long while.

  3. #3
    Bit of a necro, but I found something for this finally.


    I haven't tried it yet so hopefully it isn't crippled by being slightly out of date, but if not, this should be perfect!

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