1. #1

    Thoughts on Diana..

    Just started playing; she looks like allot of fun to play. Can anyone who has played her post some good builds and best lanes to play her in?

    Thanks! ^_^

  2. #2
    Generally you want hourglass or abysall first. She needs to be able to stay up as she plays in a dangourse area.

    My builds are generally

    Boots/flask + 3 pots - 0-2 dorans rings (more if you are not doing so good, none if you are snowballing) - Hourglass/abyssal scepter depending on their main damage source , then the other one next - DFG or Death cap.

    I feel Diana is a champion with no real best build atm. She does a lot of sustain damage so don't be afraid to build some survivability as you will still be able to dive the ADC perfectly fine.

    Her best lanes are top or mid, her mid is safer, but her top can be very good assuming you don't get a very hard match up. Her jungle is okay but I think she needs to many items to really jungle

  3. #3
    Okay cool thanks. So what stats are you focusing on getting? Is she more AP or AD?

  4. #4
    Diana is definitely an AP champion.

    Once you get to know the game better, you'll be able to tell by looking at the items that Fiif posted. They're all heavy AP items.

    You can also look up guides on lolpro.com or solomid.net.. They're a good indicator of which type a champion is.
    Quote Originally Posted by Boubouille View Post
    AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU'RE FUCKED. (Yes, it's my forums, I'm allowed to do that)

  5. #5
    As Fiif said, no real best build for her at the moment. A lot of people like building some some AS/AP items on her, whereas others like to go all out nuke.

    Generally an Abyssal Scepter is always picked up and Hourglass is a nice grab too. Rylai's for a little extra health and the sticking power from it's passive. Iceborn Gauntlet is a great item for her now, but I still prefer to go with Lich Bane.

    She is definitely best mid imo, but she does work very well top, much like Akali. Her jungle is okay but if she's denied her first blue for any reason she could be in a lot of trouble, like a lot champs really.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  6. #6
    O sorry I didn't no you were that inexperienced with her. She is without question an AP champion. Attack speed builds however work fairly well, but the only item with AD I can suggest is Rage Blade. (Which with some CDR and smart Shield use, ie not only for damage, can be one hell of a good item for her.)

    Anyway a good way to find out if a champion is ap or ad if you are not at the point where you can tell yourself (I wont explain as the while it is easy to explain, the words ill use will be double dutch to you atm) is to just look up guides on either lolpro or solomid.net .

    So ya your aiming at AP damage, and AP items that like hourglass and Sepetar to stay alive. With a Rylia's thrown in there if you feel the need for HP and a slow (but if you don't need the slow and you have decent damage a warmogs works to). Lastly Stay away from Attack speed builds until you understand the champion better, while I am start to think they are better, they are without question harder to take advantage of and you need to be good with Diana to use them right I feel.

  7. #7
    Diana is a great jungler and mid champion, generally you want to go rod of ages (Or any other AP item with HP as an early item, i just find rod to be better) since she is a melee AP assassin with low sustain and pretty long cooldowns you will want to be usefull and not just die immediatly.

    Zhonya is pretty neat as a late game item, but i usually go something like this.

    Sorc boots, Rod of ages, Lich bane, Possibly a (The item with AP, Health and slow on spell damage. Dont remember the name :|) or Liandras torment. If im fed i just go deathcap.

    Your mission in teamfights are to locate MVP targets (ADC and AP carry) and burst them down as fast as you can.

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