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  1. #21
    Has anyone else tried building ionian boots and 5x bloodthirster on him? His scalings are amazing and with that attackspeed boost you can instakill any champion or tower.

  2. #22
    I think everything that scales amazingly well with AD could actually work with a build like that but it's sub-optimal.

    For example, building a Black Cleaver instead of one of the the BTs gives you armor pen, cdr and a armor debuff that works with everyone else in the team; building a manamune gives you a hefty chunk of mana, mana regen and a deadly active; Last Whisper gives you armor reduction (which might or not be more damage than a full stacked BT depending on who you are attacking); etc etc etc.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Vespian View Post
    But building Jayce as a pure ADC can be fatal for your team. It depends on your setup. Assuming both your jungler and support build tanky and aggressive (aka not Taric) you can pull off some nice engages and get the enemy team to focus them instead. If Jayce is built as a glass cannon and your jungler builds damage and your support is a squishy, you won't be in melee range or you will be dead. So in general, I tend to build him like a Bruiser rather than a squishy. Since I never know what I get in randoms.

    Plus, Ranged W + Melee Q hurts like hell. And I still prefer ranged Q + E poke rather than E + Q.
    Just don't pick Jayce when you need a bruiser
    Why pick him and build him like a bruiser instead of picking a "real" bruiser who will do this job far better?

    Does it really matter if you press E -> Q or Q -> E? I usually press Q first but either way both are smartcasted right away which makes the difference neglectable.

  4. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by meteo View Post
    Just don't pick Jayce when you need a bruiser
    Why pick him and build him like a bruiser instead of picking a "real" bruiser who will do this job far better?

    Does it really matter if you press E -> Q or Q -> E? I usually press Q first but either way both are smartcasted right away which makes the difference neglectable.
    The difference is actually quite big. Smart-cast or no, if you cast E first, they'll have a splitsecond more time to respond. If you press Q first, the shot wil lalready be underway long before they even see your gate.

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