1. #1

    Tips for durumu 25m?

    Tried this on 10 this not so many attempts. Very fun, i like it a lot but I can already tell its gonna be a bitch fest for 25 people. Any tips to you guildies that are of say....top 100-300 us rankings. It would be great if everyone was like our core and could actually think on their own and not need their hands held but you know gotta account for that.

  2. #2
    At least on normal you can just run around the outside as its much easier to see. On heroic I'm sure we'll have to stack in melee

  3. #3
    Once I turned my graphics setting down to low and put the camera directly above my head I found the maze pretty easy (most attempts I used the middle of the 3 safe zones (lock here) but my understanding is that melee can hit him from here as well). As for the colors, we had our tanks mark where the 3 red guys were and just prayed blue didnt go full tard as all they have to do is stand still the entire phase.

  4. #4
    We did Melee on Red beam, range in Yellow, healers in Blue. Blue runs to a set location each time as long as the blue add isnt hidden there and it never moves. Red beam runs around in a circle finding the mobs and yellow simply keeps up with their beam as its constantly moving.

    If your problems are the Disintegration beam phase what you do is this. Once the beam happens everybody stacks under it (Im not trolling it does no damage at the start). You sit there and wait till you see the initial line of eye sores being formed on either side, once you do everybody run beside it in melee range so that you are just edging it. Wait in that area until a small path starts to open up to your left. Lemme repeat. WAIT. You will be tempted to move because the beam will be getting closer and closer but don't until you see that path open or you will die. A lot of times it will open as the beam is only a few yards from you but it will be safe. The hardest part is getting 25 people to realize they have to wait for the path to open up rather than going early and dying.

  5. #5
    Biggest help I can give is have everyone stack for the maze and blow any damage reduction cooldowns possible. A lot of your early wipes are going to be from people figuring out the maze, so getting people to live longer to see more of it will help you the most on a per wipe basis.

  6. #6
    go 10 man!

    seriously the best advice that can be given. we wiped on this one whole night with 25 man; that maze phase was fuckng riddiculous! one biggg tip if you wanna do it on 25; have EVERYONE do it on range path. it's like 10 times easier.. melee is quite frustrating.

    but seriously go 10 man; and you'll 2 shot it.

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