1. #1

    Main class to target in arenas?

    Just wondering what are the main targets that need to be targeted in arena this season?
    I'm doing 3v3 Lock, DK, resto sham.
    Havn't done arenas properly since cata and i know that every class has change a substantial amount.

  2. #2
    You should learn to arena first, DKLS is based on spread pressure. You will basically focus people based on their cooldown usage and sometime you will end up killing healers based on the fear pathing. lets say you have dots on everything and everyone is around 65% hp.. which will happen alot. The DK will be mostly sitting on dps while maintaining presure on everyone to peel of your resto sham while the lock will do his job of multi dotting and fearing. If you can fear the healer or a dps, in a really bad spot, you can try to burst him down or forcing cds. If you are a dk and you want to know what you should be sitting on, I just have to say that you stay on the target you have the most uptime.

  3. #3
    always target the pets first, hunters get mad when their pet dies. pet is hunter adventure companion. hunter take adventure companion with them in their adventures thru the world. if adventure companion dead, hunter sad.
    warlocks get free pie from their pets. warlocks love pie. warlock demon dead, no pie. warlock sad.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by xindralol View Post
    always target the pets first, hunters get mad when their pet dies. pet is hunter adventure companion. hunter take adventure companion with them in their adventures thru the world. if adventure companion dead, hunter sad.
    warlocks get free pie from their pets. warlocks love pie. warlock demon dead, no pie. warlock sad.
    You really made me laugh so hard I pissed my pants.

  5. #5
    Find out for yourselves. Shadowcleave is all about swapping around with pressure on everyone. Shadowcleave isn't like 'train comps' which have 1 target which they will just sit on from start to finish, you'll be swapping and pressuring different targets depending on CDs, positioning, arena map, their teams health, your teams health, etc.

    Don't let your DK chase people round pillars, they'll just swap onto him and kill him. Pressure targets when they are in your LoS, if they pull back then try and grip them out of LoS - don't force your shaman into a bad position because you want to tunnel damage.

  6. #6
    Obviously shamans you will never fail to pressure them.

  7. #7
    Also, have your dk gripping healer in so you can get double and triple fears to help generate pressure.

    Usually you grip in, mass fear, asphyxiate, blanket silence. With dots rolling everywhere, the other team begins to fall behind.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by xindralol View Post
    always target the pets first, hunters get mad when their pet dies. pet is hunter adventure companion. hunter take adventure companion with them in their adventures thru the world. if adventure companion dead, hunter sad.
    warlocks get free pie from their pets. warlocks love pie. warlock demon dead, no pie. warlock sad.
    <3 you

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